Chapter 123- something old, something new
She flits from one pair of arms to another, dancing with each and every one of us, eyes burning and gazes heated as we look at her, commit the sight of her beautiful, laughing radiant face to memory. She feels perfect, fitting in our arms with an inherent ease, with a naturalness that makes my body sing with the rightness of it, bond shining bright and strong because this is it, this is what centuries of wait brought me to.
And she's pleasantly flushed when Kookie and her walk back, hands intertwined as he leads her to the centre sofa, his arm rising to wrap around her waist, smiling when it elicits a surprised yelp when he doesn't lead her to sit onto the padded cushioning of the sofa but rather onto his lap, hands bracketing her waist. I see the way her chest rises and falls with her steady, slightly fast, breathing, cheeks pink and lips rosy and swollen from stolen kisses, from lingering mouths atop her own sweet one- unable to resist the urge to tug her close and bring our faces together, lips meeting in the middle as we held each other.
"Koo stop! Everyone's watching!" she hisses, trying to bat at his hands that have tightened their secure hold on her as he presses from the curve of her shoulder, trailing to up her neck, a breathy gasp slipping out and her head tilting to allow him access- eyes flickering red.
"Darling, everyone's eyes would be on you regardless. Not only are you stunning but this is your mating ceremony, and in that dress- you're just inviting people silently." Hobi says, voice dropping low and reddening eyes raking over her slowly, at the way she's torn between the urge to arch her neck to invite Kookie to place more kisses on her, or the way her hands are still tugging at his hands, breath quickening and blush deepening.
He lets go.
"You're being a tease. First you dress like this, then you expect me not to appreciate your lovely skin that's right there!" he complains, voice taking on a slight whine, pouting petulantly at her. She pecks him quickly, the pout melting to be replaced with a widening adorable smile.
"Stop that. This cuteness is only for me to gush over." She says seriously, turning to smoosh his cheeks between her hands and cooing over him and within that moment I spot the other two maknaes huff and shift closer, sliding off the laps they'd made themselves at home at, to sidle close and sandwich the babies from either end.
"Now don't go hogging each other, you'll make the rest of us feel lonely." Jiminie says, laughing when it causes (Y/N) to stop fussing over Kookie, who in turn glares at Jiminie for the loss of coddling.
On the other side Tae's hands slyly reach out to pluck (Y/N) from Kookie's lap, stealing away our baby mate whilst the two playfully bicker and tease and flirt, Jiminie drawing Kookie's face towards his for a lingering kiss.
"The boys are menaces." Yoongi laughs from beside me, his hand that had been resting on my thigh giving a cursory squeeze, eyes flickering with appreciation.
"You wouldn't have them any other way." I retort.
He huffs and nods, leaning in to press a kiss to the edge of my jaw.
"Never." He agrees.
But it's within the same moment that Tae plucks (Y/N) successfully off Kookie's lap, a surprised laughing giggle escaping her- even as Tae's hands are secure and firm around her, tugged into a firm chest.
"Tae stop!" she laughs, hands flailing for purchase that Joon and Hobi lean forward regardless, hands hovering.
But their hands never get to land, not really.
Because within that moment, there's the sound of a soft voice speaking out. Curious and confused and slightly hostile.
"What do you think you're doing to unnie?" the voice asks, our heads turning to see the face of who'd spoken.
Surprised to be greeted with the sight of a small girl dressed in a blue frock with a blue flower pinning back her hair. She's a young fully-fledged vampire I'm able to ascertain in an instant.
Her eyes are sparkling red, head cocked and staring at us in an observant and contemplative manner, the way she's looking at us makes me feel awfully exposed and examined- as if her eyes are boring holes into us as she stares us down, expression deceptively innocent.
The emotions in the bond shift, a mixture of surprise, bewilderment, confusion mingled with amusement and humour.
I tilt my head.
(Y/N) is her unnie?
And then my eyes widen with realisation at the same moment that (Y/N) scrabbles off Tae's lap- a disgruntled look on his face, her own expression splitting into a radiant look of joy.
"Hye-Jin baby!" she coos, rushing forward, tulle skirt billowing out and revealing the gorgeous smooth expanse of her thigh- silently teasing and seductive.
She scoops up the young girl, arms wrapping around her as she laughs- a beautiful bubble of sound, airy and stunning as she cradles the girl close, who's own hands wind around her neck and anchors herself to (Y/N).
Behind the two of them are two smiling figures, a young man and woman who share a familial resemblance, watching on with glowing looks at Hye-Jin who's furiously cuddling (Y/N), looking utterly and perfectly content to be in her arms.
The girl the maknaes had mentioned we'd have to impress. The girl who clearly held such a strong attachment with our youngest mate.
(Y/N) moves to one of the side seats, settling down with Hye-Jin on her lap, right where Joon and Hobi are.
Her small legs which had barely made it across (Y/N)'s lap stop swinging, somehow extremely mindful of (Y/N)'s dress, to peer up at the two.
"Hi, you must be..." Hobi begins brightly, hand waving animatedly.
"Who I am doesn't matter...what matters is who you are for my sweet unnie Hoseok-ssi." Hye-Jin speaks, voice soft and delicate and yet there's no denying the hard-steeled strength wrapped in a silken tone.
I find my eyes widening, hearing an amused and surprised huff from beside me, the maknaes for once falling silent- eyes sparkling with amusement as they watch on.
Hobi's hand stills, smile freezing and eyes widening.
"How'd you know my name?" he asks, taken aback and examining her to see if there's any tells.
Her small hands brush over her skirt, comparing the colour shade to (Y/N)'s.
"Unnie talks a lot about her fairy-tale princes, so I knew the smiley sunshine was you." she begins, not looking up.
Hobi is beaming, shooting lovestruck eyes to (Y/N) who's cheeks turn a fraction rosier, sliding her eyes away.
Fairy-tale princes? I've never experienced what it's like to have a beating heart. And in this moment I wish I did.
Because I know without a doubt that it would've rapidly sped up and then given up on me- flatlining because of just how much (Y/N) means to me, how much of an effect she has.
And it makes me wonder how Hye-Jin would recognise the rest of us.
"That doesn't mean I like you. I can only do that if you take care of her, I don't want her to smell all sad ever again." Hye-Jin confesses, eyes earnest as she leans forward, (Y/N)'s hands tightening fractionally around her to stabilise her before she teeters.
It makes me smile at the unconscious gesture.
Hobi nods quickly. Eyes wide and urgency in his posture. Determined to get onto her good side.
And now that I've gotten a glimpse I can see why the maknaes had given the warning in the first place.
Hye-Jin didn't mess about. Not when it came to (Y/N).
"Hye-Jin sweetheart, you're bullying my mates." (Y/N) chides, kissing the back of her head.
And when Hye-Jin turns, (Y/N) shoots her a reproaching wide batting of her eyes that has Hye-Jin melting like butter, softening as she leans into (Y/N)'s front.
"But but..." she begins, adorably huffing.
"They take the most care of me baby." She reassures, pecking her forehead.
She nods, and this time leans forward to grab Hobi's cheeks, who looks adorably startled, it makes me want to kiss the look of his face, and presses a small kiss to his cheek.
"Okay prince sunshine, I trust you." she relents before turning to Joon who'd been nervously watching the interaction.
"And prince dimples, you get a pass. Cos...I like your smile." She confides quietly but our hearing allows us to pick up on it.
The deep dimpled grin that it rouses from Namjoon as well as the bloom that forms in his hand, a soft blue rose which he presents with a flourish has her clapping her hands and taking it- hands carefully holding the thorn-free stem, leaning to peck his cheek shyly, ducking her face away.
Wow. Joon really went and won her favour that easily?
Better up my game. But how?
Hye-Jin turns to nestle close to (Y/N)'s neck, happily nuzzling at the generous access to her throat and skin, pressing small kisses as she breathes in our mate's sweet scent, seemingly amplified- dizzyingly so, and becoming putty in her hands.
I didn't think this moment would ever come where I'd be jealous of a young child, but I am.
And at the way (Y/N) happily allows it, cooing over her and brushing a hand over her hair carefully, tilting her head back to allow Hye-Jin to continue.
Why can't we do that?
Why can't I?
It's our mating ceremony.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being protective and possessively hovering over her and appreciating her beauty and pressing kisses to her skin.
I remembered just how much more dishevelled the others had been.
Kookie hadn't escaped the hands of six mates.
He'd been dazed and flustered and putty, throat sporting colourful marks and hair tousled, lips mussed.
Back then we'd foolishly entrusted the task to our families and ended up with a large-scale massive event.
There had been too many leering, interested and desiring eyes landing on our youngest mate, with the beautiful sinful contradiction he made with his soft delicate features and broad muscled frame.
So much that we couldn't keep our hands off his tiny waist, nuzzling into him. Constantly showering him with attention.
Which made a blessed change today. Because it was a much smaller event and so far none of us had been able to detect any malicious intents or heated gazes that weren't from us.
But then suddenly (Y/N) loses focus, turning to face Yugyeomie who signals to her- a silent subtle exchange of words through glances that has her standing up with Hye-Jin still in her arms and carefully plopping her down on my lap, leaving me startled at the way I get an up close examining look from her.
"So Mr. Worldwide Handsome you have any sweet foods?" she asks, peering up at me, looking hopeful.
I glance at Yoongi, he'd been the one in touch with the caterers, and thankfully he catches the plea in my eyes, nodding subtly.
"Hye-Jin how about you and I go find the chocolate fountain?" he asks, peering at her.
She gives an enthusiastic nod, hopping off my lap and grabbing Yoongi's- hers swallowed up completely in his.
"Come on Yoongi oppa, let's go. You know you have a really pretty smile, if you do it when you make a mistake unnie forgives you easily..." she narrates as the two walk off, his gummy smile spreading across his lips as she animatedly talks, swinging their hands together.
Forget Joonie, it looks like Yoongi just became the instant favourite.
And despite the huffing incredulous looks the others sport, it's worth it.
Because we made one of the important figures in (Y/N)'s life happy, and secured her stamp of approval.
But even so, I can't help but scan the large hall for (Y/N), eyes instinctively trying to seek her out.
Frowning when I can't find her.
(Y/N) POV:
I walk over to Yugyeomie, confused until he lowers his head to whisper to me.
"There's a young boy outside, he looked really insistent to come inside, but he just won't move past the door. We all tried, but I think we might've scared him off." He confesses, grimacing wryly and expertly ducking away from my swatting hand.
"Gyeomie! That must've been Heeseungie! I'll go look for him." I say, shouldering past him with a half-hearted glare.
"You know if you want to come across as angry, you can't have marshmallow cheeks." He says lightly prodding said cheek lightly and laughing when I move away.
"Why are you so pink anyways? All rosy and cute~" he teases, laughing when I huff.
"Gyeomie stop teasing...ahh don't come further. I'll meet him, for some peculiar reason I don't think he'd like you." I say dryly, stepping outside and into the adjacent beautifully decorated garden- encased in some sort of protective bubble of warmth that keeps the air gentle and maintained once I step out.
"Heeseungie..." I call tentatively, and beaming when his head bolts around from the swinging chair he'd been swaying on.
"Noona!" he happily exclaims standing up abruptly.
"You came after all." I say happily walking over towards him.
He sighs.
"I didn't come inside though. I couldn't see you and the sight of the unfamiliar faces made it feel too weird. Sorry." He mumbles.
I shake my head, encasing him a hug and smiling when his hands wrap around me automatically.
He laughs.
"You're not saturated in scent this time. You smell...mainly just of you." he sighs.
"The boys can be a bit much all at once for you, but I'd love it if you came back in even for a few moments later. No rush though." I reassure.
He withdraws his arms and nods, tentative and shy and yet determined all at once.
"I will noona, because I know you'll be there too." He says sweetly, sitting back on the swing, and patting the space next to him- looking at me with a mixture of shyness and humour.
"Not the floor this time noona, can't have you muddying your mating ceremony dress." He says, lips curving up when I laugh and sit next to him.
When I see Heeseung I see constant proof that vampires don't have to be raised to have the same beliefs and prejudices that humans are often raised with in regards to vampires.
He reminds me there's proof that goodness exists, that the people you spend time with and their thoughts can influence them.
And when I sit beside him and he begins to talk, sharing stories and dreams and more positive interactions, mentions of some human friends he's made- my heart swells with pride.
That he's growing and learning.
That he's beginning to accept himself and love himself despite his natural difference from others.
Because at some point along the line he too had been part of this long journey.
I'd met him before I knew my mates, I met him when I was bonded to them and he was here now, on the night that marked the conclusion of a long journey and the start of a new one.
And I hoped that he too one day would begin his own fairy-tale and get his happily ever after.
There's a sort of crackling, frantic energy that zings through the bond once the night begins to wind down, the official ceremony coming to a close as the parents of my mates' families leave, with tight hugs and careful kisses and sweet words of congratulations. Then it's Deok-mi unnie and Ryan oppa, sweeping me away from my mates to shower me in their love.
And then Deok-mi unnie blinks in surprise when she peers at me, fingers drifting over my unmarked skin.
"There's a surprise. Your boys have restraint...far more than I'd expect." She muses before Ryan oppa nudges her to quieten down, leaving with her bubbling laughter filtering sweetly into the air.
Eunwoo and MJ oppa are next, whispering teasingly into my ears- a safe distance away, Eunwoo acting as a forcefield that keeps our voices from seeping over to my mates. Their words leave my cheeks flushed as they tease me, whisper that the 'pyjamas' will be waiting in my own room, that it's charmed that no-one else can open it, made for my measurements especially. And with knowing grins and loving pecks, leave- heads curved towards each other.
And once Min-cha unnie, Hyun-ah oppa and Hye-Jin all leave, not without passing off the loving words their mortal, aged parents have sent, Heeseungie having only stayed to introduce himself very shyly and sweetly before leaving a while back, the air crackles and thickens.
The guests are gone. The venue is large and empty and endlessly stretching on.
And yet it seems like there's no space, the feel of their bodies and powerful presences' crowding and enticingly heavy, cocooning me, caging me in in a way that makes me feel nervous with pleasant anticipation.
And it's Minnie who steps forward, thick plump lips stretching into a sensual dangerous smile, eyes glinting with predatory thrilling intent.
"Are you ready baby mate? For the last chase before we claim you, mate you, make you ours?" he asks, voice low and enthralling and dangerously seductive.
It makes me want to give up immediately and allow him to scoop me close, to make true on his words immediately.
It makes heat pool low in my body, makes my body thrum with anticipation, instincts happily purring with satisfaction at the hungry looks in their eyes, feeling their gazes scorch my exposed skin, trail over me as if the fabric of my clothes don't exist.
I take a step back, and then another. Watch as their eyes are fixated on my movements, slowly trawling over me.
And when I turn to move away, there's a harried urgency that comes with my instincts pushing me to make them work for it, to make the final chase memorable and one that really made them try. A chase that is worthy of being labelled as the beginning and the end of something.
A chase that has my soul singing and heart burning with desire when finally they catch me, breath quickening when Yoongi oppa seals the distance between us, lips scorching hot as they brand themselves on mine, leave a print, a claim of his own on me as he controls the kiss, dominating my mouth- tongue swiping and delving in with a fiery slow urgency as he roves inside my mouth, thoroughly claiming and exploring, hand cupping my exposed nape to him, his other hand tracing nonsensical patterns onto the side of my waist.
His lips drag unwillingly off mine, lips glistening and body and soul hungry, aching for their permanent claim on me.
"You're ours." He breathes, eyes dark and wide as he looks at me, voice low and rough and gruff.
"I'm yours." I answer, hands braced on his shoulders.
"For infinity." He says, a flash of fangs coming into sight.
I nod.
"Even long after I exist. I'll always be yours." I say, feeling a strong burst of emotions pour through the bond from each tether- flooding it with content and love and need and longing.
And when I tilt my head back, it's an open invitation, it's a silent declaration.
"Mate me. Make me yours."
And the responding growls and groans I get are my affirmatives.
Are my answers.
And when I tilt my head forward, I slowly rake my eyes over all of them.
"Claim me."
If life was all sunshine and rainbows then nature would wither and die. We need rain and storms and snow too in life for a balance to be kept. Life needs a mixture of good and bad to allow us to truly experience what it means to live.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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