Author's Note: I always imagined Juno as an old run down victorian styled home. Of course the foliage and large grass is not as built up as in the photo..but you get the idea! ^^
Theme Song: "Warrior" - Demi Lovato
Once in, I quickly scrambled over towards Hershel. Daniel got inside as the burly man I had recognized already got in and started it up, revving it for good measure. My heart was beating erratically and I got a terrible, foreboding feeling in my body.
The only positive I saw was that the medicine had been left on the ground in the backpack, which meant Sasha and Michonne could get the antibiotics to Glenn.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't get a proper goodbye, but time is of the essence. And the quicker you cut ties, the easier it'll be on you. I promise." He smiled at me and I stared him down, not saying a word as we drove off down the road at a fast speed.
In the silence that followed, my right hand had found Hershel's left and we held hands. I noticed he wasn't even trembling. He was calm and collected. We gave each other a look and Hershel stared at me as if he knew without a doubt that we needn't worry and that the others would soon come looking for them.
How could he manage to be so calm?
I looked away elsewhere, lest Daniel pull me away from Hershel. I stared at my lap, already knowing where they were headed. It seemed as if everything was coming full circle and I was about to end up right back at the place I had escaped from before meeting Rick and his group.
The irony would be funny if I wasn't so afraid for Hershel. But, if going with him ensured the safety of the others, then so be it, but I couldn't help but feel raw fear pull at my belly.
I wondered if either of us would end up making it out alive this time around.
It was a very long drive and I could feel my limbs stiffen in response as we got closer to their destination. Things became familiar the closer we drove on and when we turned on the road that made my skin crawl, Daniel smiled in delight, "Welcome to Juno."
Hershel was straight faced and didn't respond, so Daniel pressed on, a little agitated, "You good at anything, Hershel?" I looked at Daniel with an eye roll and was about to tell Daniel to leave him alone, but Hershel spoke up, "I was a veterinarian."
Daniel nodded, looking relieved that Hershel could provide some kind of aid to them if need be. He was useful and I realized it was a good thing Daniel thought so because it would keep Hershel alive a lot longer.
When we pulled up to the abandoned house I became immensely aware of the increased number of people. My green eyes widened and Daniel's dark brown ones followed mine.
"We've been adding to our group, Vicki. Grown a bit since you last were here, huh?" I felt immediate dread and it looked as if he had at least eight more men that I didn't recognize.
There were now two large tents outside of the industrial shop next to the house. It looked as if some camped out while others took to the house. They had built two sketchy looking watch towers and even had certain areas in the woods set up so that they could hear walkers coming. Tin cans were hooked onto thin string and other areas had sharpened wood sticks propped up.
Daniel had been busy making this place more structurally sound. I couldn't help but notice the large area closest to the house was not touched on yet and it left a large gaping area in the forest that basically welcomed a walker infestation if one were to arise.
"We lost some men on a run awhile back, so we replenished our numbers." Daniel spoke monotone and gave no inkling as to how he really felt about that. I could only hope one of those men was Charlie, Daniel's brother. He had been the one to stab me on my way out last time.
When the truck stopped, we were jerked out roughly and Daniel quickly grabbed my arm to keep me close to him. My hands balled into fists at my sides, but if Daniel noticed he didn't pay any mind. I got a few leers and some toothy grins from the men that saw me when I had been dragged out.
I recognized quite a few and some of the others I didn't. One of the new guys there was watching me with rapt curiosity. He was wearing a wife beater and his hands were behind his back. I looked away uncomfortably before returning my attention to where Daniel was taking us.
"I have to show you how I decorated the place. I hadn't anticipated finding you so soon, but I added this a few days ago." Daniel spoke as if I were a friend that he hadn't seen in a while and Hershel looked around quietly, taking in the surroundings such as the industrial building behind the house.
I felt my heart leap at the sight of the warehouse and I felt it in my bones that this was my opportunity; to get a chance to save the other women!
Daniel turned to me in that moment, his eyes bright with an evil behind them that I hadn't anticipated seeing, "You see.." Daniel said, before ushering his hand out wide as in some grand gesture of showing me the large tree behind the warehouse.
I immediately felt my knees buckle and I hit the ground as my watering eyes took in the scene before me. There were three bodies hanging from a tree, but they were alive. Well, alive wasn't the right word. They were walkers.
I felt my stomach twist as my mind processed what I was seeing. Recognition came over me and I felt a welt up sob almost escape my throat, but I pushed it back down. Along with the bile that rose up. Daniel had recently hung the women. He allowed them to die and come back as walkers, hanging there for his amusement.
Decorations, as he had called them.
Hershel was ushered up next to us and he gasped quietly to himself and bowed his head while doing the sign of the cross, "God rest their souls." Hershel's words were but a whisper to himself. I felt my body cripple from shock and terror. Daniel was a fucking monster.
"Son of a bitch.." I murmured, my anger heightened to a level I didn't know possible. My hands shook and I wanted to cry out, scream, anything, but I chose to keep it inside. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at them again as they moaned and groaned against the ropes holding their necks.
"You see what happens when you defy me. People die. I did this on a whim. Imagine what I could do if I had time to think about it." His words burned into my mind like a hot iron and I felt my body tremble.
This wasn't happening.
And now I would never get the chance to rescue them. They were dead. Gone. And somehow, though I knew Daniel was a monster for doing it, I couldn't help but feel responsible somehow. I should have gone back for them..I should've done a lot of things differently, but I hadn't.
At the time, I had just been trying to escape and get out alive. And though I knew I couldn't guilt trip myself forever, it still stung all the same. The last time I had seen the women they had looked so hopeful and relived that I had escaped. Now, I barely recognized them.
I swallowed, gathering my strength and looked to Daniel with defiance in my eyes, "One day you're going to pay for this."
Daniel smirked and pulled me to my feet, brushing away a stray tear from my face as I tried to jerk from his grasp, "But, today is not that day."
Daniel hummed while giving me another wide grin. He tapped his pointer finger on my nose and I felt myself bristle like a cat waiting to pounce.
Daniel quickly ushered us to the house. I was still in a trance from what I had witnessed outside. He ordered a man to grab Hershel and take him down a hallway to my left.
I protested, but Daniel jerked me to him so harshly I crashed into his taught body, "Nah uh, remember. He lives if you obey." I wanted to scream in frustration, but I didn't. It would give Daniel more satisfaction.
He ushered me into a room that I was not familiar with and down the opposite end of the hallway from Hershel."You better not hurt him." I breathed out venomously while Daniel opened the door to a room that resembled a child's. "That is entirely up to you, sweetheart."
Only Daryl calls me sweetheart, psycho.
I hadn't seen this room last time I was here and I took in the small child's bed and the pink hues that lined the walls, though they were fading now from wear and tear.
"This is your room, I chose it close to mine. I'm right across the hall. That way you won't have any more incidents in the bathroom. Like last time." Daniel sneered at me and I knew he was talking about the two men I had killed in my escape attempt.
Violent images of slashing their throats and stabbing them with the glass flashed, but they were gone as soon as they came.
The death count around me was adding up quick. The same man that had carried Hershel off was now in the room with us and he looked to Daniel, "Her to?"
Daniel nodded mutely and before I could protest the man had grabbed me, flipping me around so that my back was up against him and he shoved me onto the bed. For a fleeting moment, I was terrified Daniel was about to make an example out of me or possibly even worse.
But, the man merely grabbed my wriats roughly and bound them. The man grabbed my sickles and handed them off to Daniel who looked at them in fascination, "Beautiful weapons for a beautiful girl."
I jerked around and started to feel my chest rise and fall with fear and anger. I twisted on the bed and shoved myself up and back towards the headboard. My anger was white hot and I knew if these ropes weren't holding me back I'd have lunged at Daniel. I'd have attempted to kill him with her bare hands.
"Can't have you escaping again, can I?" His voice was patronizing and I stared at him with pure hatred.
He could see it and for a brief second he was taken aback as I spoke, "You made a mistake...taking us." Daniel recovered quickly and shook his head, "You think you're two friends can get to you..past all this?" He mocked with a smirk and held is hands out, talking about his compound as a whole.
He had no idea there were others. And I had to be mindful not to forget that.
"They aren't coming for you. Now, get some rest. It's been a long day." He shut the door and I was finally left alone with my thoughts.
The others will come. I know they will.
I had to keep faith and preserve my strength. Getting some rest was what I really needed. And I wasn't going to close my eyes because Daniel had suggested it, I was going to close my eyes to regain strength and a clear head.
I knew without a doubt that Daniel would pay. He would pay dearly and his blood would be spilled for all his wrong doings. He had to be stopped and he had to be taken out. Much like last time, I was not about to die there and neither would Hershel.
My mind ran rampant for a long, long time. So much for sleep! The aftermath had exhausted me and so, I closed my eyes and passed out from the stress to my body from overthinking.
Later on, closer to the evening, I awoke to the door creaking open. I squinted my eyes, adjusting them to the harsh light in the hallway and I noticed the figure looked familiar.
It wasn't until he stepped in and closed the door that I realized who it was. I sat up straighter. Well, as best I could with my wrists tied and I swallowed past my fear.
It was Charlie, Daniel's brother. How had he gotten past Daniel?
He had clearly healed from all the lashes I gave him with the tire iron on our last meeting. I had caught him with the women the day I escaped. I guess he took it personal that I bested him during our fight, "You and I have some unfinished business to attend to."
He was the complete opposite of Daniel. He was a leaner man, where Daniel was broader shouldered. Though they were brothers, they were definitely five to ten years apart with Daniel being the younger one.
Charlie was just a skeevy degenerate that never amounted to anything, but a criminal rapist with a penchant for murder.
He looked at me with a smirk, his balding head shining against the soft light in the room. Charlie stalked towards me and I curled my lip at his ugly form in distaste, "M'not afraid." I mumbled aloud through gritted teeth.
"You should be." He whispered menacingly, hovering in front of me for the briefest of seconds before he couldn't tame his need for violence anymore. He cut my bonds off my wrist so fast I had to do a double take.
I never once cowered away in fear, even as he threw me to the ground and his large hand reared back into a fist and connected with my face.
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