Before Adam knew what was happening he felt his back collide with the door he had just closed behind himself.
The man, Tim, was pressing Adam with his chest against the wooden surface and locked eyes with him before Tim pressed his mouth on Adam's, who froze instantly.
For a moment, nothing happened, but then Tim began to slowly glide his lips over Adam's as his hands roamed over the body of the unsuspecting man. Just when Adam thought he could grow accustomed to the strange situation, Tim tugged on his shirt.
Adam gasped in surprise when Tim's cold fingers found his skin, but he had no idea otherwise how to react. Tim, on the other hand, took his slightly opened mouth as an invitation and bit down on Adam's bottom lip before he slid his tongue into Adam's mouth.
Instantly, Adam's body became rigid, as if he hadn't been uncomfortable before, but now there was drool involved and the other man invaded not just his private bubble but also his body.
His eyes grew huge when he finally realized what was happening and that Chris had always warned him of moments like these.
He felt trapped by Tim's arms as the other man's hands began to wander further down Adam's back.
He began to panic.
At first, Adam pressed Tim closer only to notice that that was the wrong direction so he pushed him away.
Adam's breath came in short, but heavy gasps and he shook his head as he turned away from the man. He then was supporting his trembling body on the doorframe, still too aware of the stranger's proximity.
"Is something wrong?" Tim asked and sounded genuinely worried.
"I just breathed in your air!" Adam frowned as he straightened up again. He really was more confused than angry. "Why did you do that?"
"I thought you wanted that," the other man whined and took another step back, obviously having misjudged the situation. "I thought you were like one of these -" Tim's voice died down.
For a minute, nothing could be heard except for the wheezing sound of Adam's ragged breath. He didn't exactly understand what the other man implied, but he knew he didn't like it.
"But you really need a bed for the night, don't you?" Tim asked and tried to hide his embarrassment while he gave it his best shot to will the ground to open up and swallow him.
Adam just nodded after his heart had started to beat at a normal pace again.
"I'm sorry... Well, Austin's room is down the hall the first door on the right," Tim tried again and rid himself of his coat as he watched Adam's gaze wander from the floor down the hallway to the mentioned door. "I promise, I won't try anything anymore."
"It's okay," Adam forced his lips to curl up to form a smile, but he couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around his waist. "It was definitely something."
Both men stood in the room, somehow uncomfortable but too embarrassed to move until Tim threw off his shoes and went to the kitchen. He remembered how god damn skinny Adam had felt under his fingers and how fragile he had looked when he needed to support himself after their kiss and therefore, Tim decided to get his guest a nice dinner. (However, mostly he wanted to apologize for the rest of eternity for his mistake.)
He didn't see Adam leave down the hall to the bedroom but instead had turned around to go to the kitchen himself. Dimly, he noted to himself to check the pockets of his visitor before he would leave, just to make sure he hadn't actually invited a kleptomaniac into his apartment.
A kleptomaniac with wonderful, wide eyes and a body so thin Tim could feel his ribs. The beauty of the man was breathtaking to Tim, but only at first glance. The longer he thought about the man, the more he noticed the little details that were somehow not right. Let alone the way Adam had clutched his cheap instant food to his chest before the police officers had ripped it away from him.
Mechanically, Tim took all kinds of different things out of his fridge and slowly the little dinner grew into something much more.
And while Tim was worriedly cooking, Adam had managed to run in the wrong room on his first try. It wasn't that he didn't know right from left or that he couldn't count properly, but that his head sometimes did funny things to him and curiosity easily got the better of him.
Adam walked in a bedroom that was not a guestroom and actually held many things indicating that this was Tim's room.
He couldn't help but wonder about the strange man with the soothing deep, deep voice. (And he wasn't entirely sure for what Tim had mistaken him.)
On the bedside table was a little, framed photo showing Tim, a young woman, an old woman and an old man that Adam could easily identify as Foust Senior. It almost looked like a family picture if it weren't for that man.
Well, Foust Senior was well known all over the town as a rich, but actually nice guy. However, he was also said to be lonely. Not lonely in a way that he didn't have friends or that he might not have a family, but lonely in a way that he often spend time in public all by himself.
Truth to be told, it took Adam maybe a bit too long to draw the line from Tim F. to Foust Senior. When he came to the conclusion that he had already and very often stolen from the father of a man that was currently trying to help him, Adam put the framed picture and the alarm clock, he didn't know when he had taken it, back on the bedside table.
He wouldn't mind running away from the young man and his soft lips, but Adam found himself wanting to apologize to Tim without telling him for what.
Well, actually, Adam wanted to keep this a secret so he could still sleep there for the night though he also knew he would never see Tim again...
But then Tim called him to dinner and Adam pretended to forget everything he had just learned in the past few minutes, including the feel of Tim's lips on his own.
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