Biserka's Emporium
Kristoffer knocks at the door of the shop. It's on a side street, very hidden from anyone from the AMI finding it. He didn't tell Eudora where he was going in case she couldn't keep her mouth shut. The door opens slowly. A stunning woman pokes her head around the door. She has long silver-blonde hair, impossibly pale sapphire bug eyes, and skin so white it seems almost transparent. She smiles, revealing sharp, pointed teeth. She opens the door fully. She is eerily tall, probably over seven feet tall, and she wears what seems like a ripped bridal dress. It looks stunning, with long off-shoulder sleeves and a floor-length mermaid skirt, adorned with pearls, silver jewellery, and diamonds along the hem. She looks both young and old.
'Lovely to see you, Mr. Piercebridge. I am Biserka,' Biserka's voice is soft, deep, and soothing, with a slight Russian accent. She somehow already knows his name. He hadn't even messaged her. He feels taken aback by the identification, 'Please do come in. I have been waiting for you.'
'How do you know my name?' Kristoffer asks, mildly freaked out by her knowledge.
'I know many things, child,' She tilts her head to the side, hiding her hands behind her back. Her smiles stretches just a bit too far to be normal, 'Now please come in.'
She ushers him inside before shutting the door. Kristoffer's eyes can barely keep up with the sights inside the room. The freezing weather of the day is utterly shut out by the fireplace cracking with warmth and pasion. The windows are covered by purple and orange silk scarves, illuminating the room with a pleasant colour. A crystal ball sits on a rounded table with clawed marble legs draped with a velvet tablecloth, swirling purple, blue, black, and white inside. Around the table are two puffy purple chairs. The ceiling isn't solid, more like a night sky littered with stars. Bookshelves cover the walls, full of books on spells, sorcery, and witchcraft. There are a few white cats in the small space, mewling and climbing carefully on cat trees. There is a book on the desk next to the crystal ball, with an emerald-coloured cover that shines in the lights of scented candles around the room. There is a little kitchen corner, with just a small counter, a few cupboards and a kettle.
'Please make yourself comfortable,' Biserka grins, flashing her sharp teeth yet again, 'The cats all look the same, but you can call them Sugar, Vanilla, Penne, and Pearl. I don't even know which one's which and which belongs to which witch!'
Kristoffer giggles at her joke and sits down on one of the velvet chairs. The table suddenly begins to run away. Kristoffer yelps, recoiling into his chair to avoid being trampled by it.
'Depresesco,' She seems utterly unfazed by the table running away from its space. It freezes in place, and irritably plods back to its original placement, 'I do apologize for Amalfrida, she has a penchant for running off.'
'It's fine,' Kristoffer watches as she purses her lips and makes a kissing sound towards one of the cats. It climbs onto her shoulders and settles, purring gently. Kristoffer decides to stop staring at the cat after realizing he probably looks stupid, all infected with love seeing the little puffball, 'So, I assume you already know why I'm here.'
'Not quite yet,' Biserka sighs, placing herself elegantly in her chair. Kristoffer notices is she doesn't walk, and rather she floats like an undead being, 'The reason I knew you were coming is because I asked the crystal ball. It's vague at times. It acts up. It only told me that somebody was coming along to see me.'
'Oh, okay,' Kristoffer mutters, turning bright red. His nerves are promptly replaced for confusion as he sees Biserka grab the book off the table. She flips through the pages, looking for something.
'Ah, here it is,' She exclaims, placing the book down. She holds her hands in a claw over the glass orb, muttering something in a foreign language. They stare intently at the ball, and things begin morph into things that have never been. His biggest fears. It starts by forming into parents.
'We aren't proud of you, son.'
'We didn't raise you for this! Look your sisters do better than you...'
Kristoffer feels a pang of fury in his heart. He tries to tear his eyes away, but the imaging is almost hypnotic. The image shakes and bursts into tiny pieces. The next person he sees is Alexis.
'I can't believe it, you of all people? We trusted you, Kristoffer.'
His sisters.
'You'd do that?'
'I thought you loved him.'
'You've gone crazy.'
'Kristoffer, I felt safe around you.'
The words drill into his brain like an important piece of information, echoing around his head raucously. He aches to tear his eyes away.
'Kris... I... I miss you. Come back to me. Every time I wake up I reach for you, but you aren't there.'
Biserka continues looking at the visions, but looks away hearing a soft sob. She closes her hands and sees Kristoffer with his head in his hands.
'Please, stop it,' He groans, hot livid tears rolling down his cheeks.
'I've stopped it,' She assures. Kristoffer hears her stand from her chair and offload the cat onto the floor, 'I think you need some tea.'
Kristoffer takes a sip of his tea, softly stroking the cat now on his lap. Biserka looks through her book and comments, 'You're brave, Kristoffer. I have seen people who break down before I even begin.'
'I'm sorry for that,' He mutters, placing his tea down. It has a sweet floral taste, which oddly makes him calm within a manner of seconds. She shakes her head.
'So, you want to be magic?' She asks curiously, almost as if it is a ridiculous want.
'More than anything,' Kristoffer replies, scratching behind the cat's ears. It purrs loudly, snuggling further into him. It leaves white cat fur behind on his shirt, 'I... I don't really know why I want it.'
'Okay. Well, it's an easy do, really,' Biserka admits. She shows him a page of a book titled "Cigam Emoceb Ot Woh". It seems to be written backwards, 'Would you like to do it now?'
'Sure,' Kristoffer agrees, taking another sip of tea. He likes it; must remember to ask for some.
'Okay, get the cat off of you. Amalfrida, Corruptindo,' The table bows respectfully and runs off, 'Think of something you really like. Or something you think would be an interesting magical power. Super strength, shapeshifting, mind control, you can pick.'
Kristoffer picks at random; dragons. He doesn't know what that will entail, they just seem rather interesting.
'Got it?'
'Good. Close your eyes and think of that and only that. Let it wash over you,' Biserka instructs. Kristoffer feels his nerves jangle as he shuts his eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. Biserka takes a deep breath in, 'Serised eh tahw fo rewop nam gnuoy siht evig ,em ni detsevni rewop eht yb!'
This is it.
This is how he does it.
This is how he escapes this job.
Red fireworks prickle under his eyelids. His brain makes a whooshing sound, feeling as though all his thoughts are being sucked from his brain. He fiddles with his sleeve gently. He feels the breath he takes in being taken from his chest as though someone had hit him rather hard.
'Open your eyes.'
Kristoffer sees as his final human breath leaves his mouth, sparkling in the air.
'Come back to me in a few weeks, Kristoffer,' Biserka grins her too-wide grin, 'Tell me if it's worked.'
'How much do I owe you?' Kristoffer queries. He begins to rifle through his jacket pocket before he feels a cold hand stop him.
'Nothing. We're free of charge here.'
Ashton stands at the bottom of the staircase with a soft smile on his face, watching Alexis and Cheri put their jackets on, 'You guys have fun, okay?'
'We will,' Cheri gives him a wonky-toothed smile. She wears a pair of large black jeans, a shirt with Van Gogh's "Starry Night", and some odd camouflage-patterned Converse. They stand out in their oddly bright greens and red band around the sole.
'We'll be back at three in the afternoon tomorrow,' Alexis unlocks the door, her bright blue suit and tie glinting in the streetlights, 'So don't destroy the house.'
'Oi! I won't,' He laughs. They wave to each other, exchanging goodbyes as they walk down the street. As soon as he shuts the shiny new door, a particular person pops up in his mind. The image of him makes him beam. Somebody saving your life...rather charming. The thoughts of him won't escape his mind. Swirling memories. His hands, his eyes, his hair, his face, his laugh...
It's about time he messages him.
Kristoffer walks down the street; it's dark and slightly raining. He pulls his hood over his head, protecting his hair from the mild drizzle from the clouds. Nothing feels different than before. Maybe it takes a while? His phone makes a ping.
A text.
hey ik this seems kinda random but do you wanna stay the night with me? i'm lowkey lonely all by myself.
not pressuring you or anything lol it's fine if you don't wanna
What road is he on? Greenmoss Avenue. His heart begins to pound out of his chest.
Yeah, I'm on Greenmoss Avenue. See you in five minutes.
Kristoffer turns the opposite way to his house, walking fast toward 19 Moonover Lane. He reaches the house within no time, still standing as tall as before, except with a new dark blue front door. He raises his fist to knock at the door, but Ashton opens it before he can even do it.
'Haven't seen you in a while,' Ashton comments. Kristoffer nods, giving a soft laugh. He takes Kristoffer's hands and pulls him into the house. Kristoffer's hands tangle in Ashton's hair, holding him close, so close, exchanging their body heat.
'God, I'm sorry for what happened. Can we just forget about that?' Kristoffer breathes in, hoping for a good response. He instead feels a cool hand on the back of his neck, only gently caressing him with a featherlike touch.
'Come on. Let's go upstairs.'
Kristoffer's forgotten his room. Light green walls, covered in shiny posters. His dresser has a mirror overtop of it, a record player on the shelf with a large crimson case holding copious amounts of records. The usual mess on the floor is concealed behind the wardrobe doors. Ashton shuts the door behind them. Kristoffer pulls him close, lips almost touching.
'Kristoffer,' Ashton lets his name escape his lips in a whisper, their bodies getting closer, electricity between them crackling and zipping. Kristoffer can see Ashton's freckled skin, his pale copper-tinted eyelashes. His hands grab Ashton's waist, an inwards dip in his torso. Ashton's hand trails to the back of Kristoffer's neck.
'I see your intentions, Rockwell.'
'...Are you against them?'
'How could I be...'
Cheri has a lot of thoughts in her head. She can't quite tell what's happening, but something definitely is. Something in their home. Something she can't quite decipher.
'You alright, Cheri?' Alexis asks, raising an eyebrow at her through the mirror in the car.
'Yes. I am thinking.'
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