Shapeshifter Shifted
Alexis scratches at the assortment of weapons she has, all covered in mud and blood. She fusses over her dagger; the tip is bent. Her loud music plays through her speaker, despite it being only eight in the morning. Rain drizzles down the windows, the sun clawing desperately at the clouds, begging for freedom. She begins to hum along to a rather busy rock song.
'Morning,' A cold, husky voice comes from the bottom of the stairs. Alexis turns the volume down via her phone to see a rather frantically put-together Ashton. With his hair scraped back from his face, his glasses lopsided, his large black t-shirt, light blue joggers, and the darkest circles she's ever seen around his eyes, she feels concern well in her gut.
'Hey Ashton,' She replies, an eyebrow raised, 'You don't look all right.'
He groans in exasperation, 'I got a message from Yen Yamaguchi last night.'
'Is something wrong with her?'
'The hospital found out she was magic and made her leave.'
'Isn't she still...?'
'Recovering from her gunshot wounds? Yes, Alexis, she is. She told me that her husband took her home and is still looking after her, but that doesn't make it better.'
Alexis slams down the weapons in the sink with a loud clang. The coffee pot begins to whistle shrilly, working into both of their brains.
'She'll come back for the next SPMP meeting, right? We could bring this up,' Alexis turns off the heat on the stove, grabbing three mugs from the cupboard. He shakes his head in response. She takes a loud exhale, the coffee pot's heat still coursing through.
Ashton tries to grab it, minimally burning his hand in the process. He swears under his breath.
'Nice music, Alexis,' Kristoffer says from the doorway.
'I forgot you were here,' She snarls in retaliation. He recoils, his eyes moving to the three mugs. He still looks weary and beat. Ashton meets his eyes.
'How'd you sleep? Do you want coffee?'
'I slept okay,' Kristoffer finds this desperate question odd. Ashton seemed to ache for answers to useless questions forever, 'And I would like coffee, thanks.'
Ashton nods, finally able to touch the coffee pot. He pours the coffee messily, spilling a few drops on the marble countertops. Alexis waltzes into the dining room with her coffee, humming a bassline to a different song. She shifts into a cat, jumping onto her chair. She quickly shifts back.
'So, Kristoffer,' Alexis suddenly says, her tone in fake warmth, 'How's your mum?'
'Oh, uh, yeah. She's fine. She's a bit better now she's home with my dad,' Kristoffer watches her shifting her hair into different colors. She simply nods, as Ashton brings the two remaining cups of coffee through. She takes a small sip. Kristoffer looks at his coffee; placed on a saucer with a spoon, two cubes of sugar, and a small jug of milk.
'You remembered?' He smiles at Ashton. He nods softly, taking a sip of his.
'Ugh, my mama called me yesterday evening,' She stands up from the table, shifting into an older lady with matching thick eyebrows and amber eyes, 'Ah, Alexis, why you never call? Stress your mama out. That's why hair go white. Have you been eat? You must, working against AMI must be difícil, eh?'
She shakes her jazz hands, making Ashton laugh. He covers his mouth. Kristoffer's throat makes a lump at the last sentence. He decides to distract himself with Ashton's laugh. Four years since he'd heard it, and it was still the same. His eyes crinkle like a paper bag, his freckled cheeks turning upwards. He could get lost in his eyes, deep emerald green pools of light. He catches himself before he finds himself staring. He feels his cheeks burn.
'Honestly, nobody's reported us to the AMI, we won't be hunted,' Ashton humours. Kristoffer's stomach falls through the floor, his heart pumping three times faster than it should.
'You're right,' Alexis puffs up her chest, pointing her finger at the table as she sits back down, 'Why don't we go out? It's been...'
'Four years, yep,' Ashton sighs, nodding. He shrugs, 'I'm up for it. Kristoffer?'
'Oh, uh, yeah,' His hands shake under the table. His eyes close softly as he takes a regaining sip of coffee. Ashton and Alexis talk excitedly about the place to go. He feels his chest deflate from worry.
Alexis parks the little red car. She grabs her little handbag from next to her. Kristoffer thinks she looks like a mother attempting to be cool. She has a red, silken, one-shouldered, loose dress that reaches to her knees, a frilly hem on the bottom. Her boots are shiny and black, ankle length and high-heeled. Bangles and bracelets jangle on her tanned wrists, creating cluttered music. Her earrings are hoops. Ashton simply undoes his seatbelt. He is wearing a pair of straight trousers, a white collared shirt, and way too many silver necklaces. He wears a studded belt, an emerald green blazer, and a smart pair of shoes. He looked more like your weird Year Five English teacher than a twenty-year-old man going for a drink. Kristoffer wears his loose grey shirt and jeans. He's underdressed. The night is dark, but the stars shine through. Ashton and Alexis walk ahead of Kristoffer, talking, laughing, and leaning against each other.
Kristoffer walks slowly, twisting the ends of his hair. He feels nervous. Why, a big public space, probably with at least two AMI coworkers, would be a perfect space to go out with the people he was hunting. Even a few of them might be from his old school; even more of a disaster. He feels his body bump into someone smaller and leaner.
'Wake up, Kristoffer,' Ashton laughs. Kristoffer looks at Ashton. He sees the corners of his mouth turned up. His usually blank eyes sparkle under the light of the sign, his hair swishing around his face. Kristoffer is barely focused on the sign, just on Ashton's ecstatic eyes. He tears his eyes away to see the sign. The sign reads, "Paranormalia".
'It's magic safe,' Alexis looks to Kristoffer, her arms behind her back. Her eyes also look vibrant, 'We can't go anywhere anymore.'
'Ah, Alexis, don't mope,' Ashton says joyfully, holding out his hand, 'I hear some good music!'
And she takes his hand, sprinting into the building giggling like little girls. Kristoffer rolls his eyes. He was usually the one who left other people behind.
Kristoffer takes a mouthful of his drink, trying to finish it. The loud music pumps through his ears like a rather nasty headache, his head spinning from the alcohol. He leans against a wall, trying not to focus on the buzzing dance floor. Alexis slams against the wall next to him, groaning.
'You look upset. What's up?' Kristoffer asks. Alexis takes a sip of her drink, which is a simple mocktail, sighing.
'I was chatting this girl up, and she told me she wasn't into shapeshifters,' Alexis explains.
'That's so dumb,' Kristoffer laughs. Alexis raises an eyebrow, 'You could, like, actually turn into her dream person and chat her up then.'
'Sick plan! Thanks,' She holds her hand out for a high five. She still seems drunk despite not having alcohol; a classic Alexis move. She discreetly shapeshifts into a goth fashioned man, with long black hair, white makeup, and a tank top. Kristoffer smiles, the alcohol drawing patterns in his brain. How many has he had now? Four? Or is it five drinks? He slides down the wall. Letting himself sit, a person he can't quite make out appears next to him. All he sees is two emeralds for eyes, pale skin, freckles, and a mess of ginger hair.
'Ashton?' His speech slurs slightly, his eyes foggy. He'd never been the best at handling drinks. The person in front of him sits next to him, wrapping one of their lean arms around his back.
'Are you all right, Kristoffer?' Ashton's voice sounds like he is hearing from underwater, all muffled. He presses his head against Kristoffer's shoulder.
'Fine, yeah. Just... it's loud in here,' Kristoffer mumbles, just so they can hear.
'You're drunk,' Ashton responds, even though no questions were asked. He presses his knee against Kristoffer's, 'So am I. A bit.'
They sit in silence, focusing on the dance floor that crawls with people like an ant-hill. The lights fade through all the colours of the rainbow.
'Do you remember Gia Zhang?' Kristoffer suddenly asks. Ashton lifts his head, his eyebrow raised, 'She was like, really cool. Everyone thought she and I were going out.'
Realization dawns on Ashton's face, 'I do. I found that rumour very annoying.'
'Me too,' Kristoffer admits, feeling a small headache form, 'I would get stopped in between classes to get asked if I was going out with her. I guess...'
'You guess what?'
'I guess we were too secret.'
Kristoffer immediately regrets what he said. Barely able to contain his disappointment, he places his head on his knees, groaning.
'I guess we were,' Ashton chuckles. He takes Kristoffer's outstretched hand, 'We met each other at her house party, didn't we?'
'Yeah. I remember everything from that day,' Kristoffer says from his knees, looking intensely at Ashton. His eyes are still as keen on him as the first day he had seen him.
'I loved you,' Ashton sighs. His cheeks are red from how much drink he's had. He finds Kristoffer's hand, 'I loved you so much. You were my favourite person. I only woke up in the mornings to see you. I loved giving you silly nicknames and presents and everything that made you smile.'
'I loved you too,' Guilt wells in Kristoffer's stomach, remembering his AMI case. Ashton pulls himself closer to Kristoffer, 'I missed you.'
They pull their faces close to each other and close their eyes, their mouths slightly open. They breathe softly, able to smell the alcohol they have been drinking. Alexis quickly sits down next to Kristoffer. The two spring apart, acting like nothing has happened.
'She found out it was me,' She groans, not noticing the moment she had ruined; she tended to that. She takes another sip of her drink, giving Kristoffer a playful punch on the arm, 'But thanks for the tip.'
'You gave it a shot,' Kristoffer smiles bashfully, giving Ashton a "whoops" look.
Ashton rolls his eyes, letting go of the collar of Kristoffer's shirt. He huffs and places his head on his knees.
'This guy's a lightweight. Can't handle drinks,' Alexis laughs. Ashton grumbles something inaudible from his knees.
'How long have we been here for? Ashton asks, his head still hanging low. He tangles his fingers in his hair. Alexis pulls out her phone, peering at the time.
'We've been here for two hours. We can stay until you two wanna go since I'm not drinking. I have to drive you two home,' Alexis declares. She stands up, 'I'm gonna buy some more drinks. You guys want anything?'
'I'm fine. I don't wanna be too hungover,' Kristoffer moves over to Ashton.
'Yeah, I'm fine too. You knock yourself out though,' Ashton agrees.
She shrugs, walking off to the bar. Ashton groans and rests his forehead on Kristoffer's shoulder. It makes Kristoffer laugh.
'I can't deal with any more alcohol,' He mutters. Kristoffer nods in agreement. In contrast to this, he takes another sip of his drink, 'I just need to go to bed and not get a hangover.'
'Can I tell you something?' Ashton asks after a moment of silence. Kristoffer nods, 'I didn't think you liked guys when I first met you. You looked quite laddish. Still do.'
Kristoffer laughs, and flexes his muscles, 'Is it my excellent muscles? My Hercules physique?'
They laugh hard, holding onto each other. Kristoffer looks at Ashton. He feels confidence wash over him.
'I forgot how pretty you are,' He says. His freckled cheeks flush red, 'Or handsome. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. Attractive. Whatever you prefer.'
Ashton attempts to start a sentence, but he stutters and stops.
'Okay, you can stop joking now,' Ashton blushes, taking a huge swallow of his drink. They sit in an awkward silence, watching Alexis seem confident without a drink.
'She's crazy,' Kristoffer mutters to himself, 'How is she that confident without a drink?',
'Hmm, I dunno,' Ashton responds, putting his face in his hands, 'It's probably the shapeshifting. Think about it. If she, I don't know, felt insecure about her eyes, she could change their colour just like that. But she seems confident with who she is. I love that about her.'
Alexis unlocks the door, trying to hold up a limp, drunk Ashton. She huffs, fumbling with the key.
'I'll take him,' Kristoffer pipes up from behind her.
'No, you don't have to,' Alexis beams uneasily. Kristoffer shakes his head and pulls Ashton into his arms. He props him underneath his arm, helping his walk.
Alexis finally unlocks the door, turning on the hall lights. She pulls off her shoes, undoing her hair in the mirror. Ashton groans from under Kristoffer's arm, burying his head in his hands.
He nods, taking him upstairs. Alexis looks as helps him up the stairs, speaking comforting small talk to him quietly. He'd barely been with them for a week but still cared about them. Why was he doing this? The door shuts. She stares up the stairs at the carpet, the marks of their shoes still there. She walks to the dining room, pulling out a chair and her phone. Maybe he could be alright here...
'Please sleep. I think we both need it,' Kristoffer mutters, leaning against the doorway. Despite his spinning head and blurry vision, he looks at Ashton with a deep desire. He lifts Ashton's glasses off of his face, folding the arms over each other. Before he can leave, he feels Ashton grab his shirt.
'I miss you, Kristoffer. Love me again,' Ashton seems desperate, holding his face close to his. Kristoffer blushes at the feeling of his warm breath on his neck, the gentle rasp in his voice, his hands clinging to his shirt. His emerald eyes skim Kristoffer's face with deep intent. Still, Kristoffer swallows down the feeling.
'I would. I would if I could. Sleep well.'
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