Concealed Feelings (Medic's POV)
It had been another tiring day against the BLUs but I only had one patient. (Y/N). I always looked forward for her checkups than anyone else because we always talk and tell jokes and tell funny stories. It's always fun getting to hang out with her. I just wish I could spend more time with her. "Hey Medic are you in there?" My heart fluttered in my chest and I didn't know why but I calmly said "Ja. Come in." She came in and sat down on the examination table. "How's your day been?" She asked "Tiring, other zan zat it's been gut." "That's good, thanks for seeing me." "Anytime (Y/N)." I said. "So vat seems to be ze problem?" I asked "Well I keep getting a weird feeling in my stomach." "Hmm, vat does it feel like?" "Like I have butterflies in my stomach." I was fascinated but I knew or at least had a good idea of why she had this feeling. "How often does zis feeling come. Is it constant or does it come und go?" "It comes and it goes." "Interesting." "Do you have any ideas as to what could be causing this?" I had a pretty good guess of what was causing this. "Do you haff feelings for someone?" I asked while hiding my face "Uh, is that relevent?" "Actually it is." I said "Well... I do." I felt a little hopeful "Can you describe him for me?" "He's the smartest guy I know, he's a man of science, he's a very skilled surgeon and doctor, he has the cutest accent, I could go on." I hid my face so she didn't realize I was blushing. She had just described me in her own opinion. "Who is he?" I asked she hid her face and mumbled something I couldn't hear I gently lifted her face and quietly asked "Is it me?" She turned a dark shade of red and said "Y-yes." "I feel ze same vay." She looked at me in surprise. "I thought I was the only one who felt this way." "I thought ze same." I said. "So vat do ve do now?" I asked "I don't know." She said and then I heard Soldier yell "GET UP ALREADY DOC!" I groaned and got up and sighed sad that it had only been a dream and got ready for today's battle. Both against the BLUs and casually protecting (Y/N) from them. Usually I follow her around at a distance and if someone gets to close to her they die either from me shooting them with my syringe gun or I stab them with my bone saw. She thanks me and runs off to collect the intel. During celebrations I spend my time in my lab and she comes to visit me and we sit and talk, joke, laugh. I wish I could go up to her and just ask her if she feels the same as I do, I can't really do that though. What if she rejects me? Would she still want to hang out with me? What would happen if she caught on with a BLU dying from me if they got too close to her? What would she do? What would she say? It's just too many "what if's" for my liking.
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