Battle (Medic's POV)
We prepared for a battle today and I simply looked at (Y/N) and observed her readying her weapons and the look of determination on her face. She glanced at me and I looked down and readied my medi gun. Then we ran into battle and I casually followed (Y/N) and there was a BLU Soldier coming up behind her and I ran to her and killed the BLU Soldier. She turned around and saw the body of the enemy Soldier and me with fresh blood on my lab coat "Thanks Medic." "Your velcome." I replied and she took off and I always tried to keep her in my vision and then there was an enemy Spy coming behind her and once again I charged at the BLU Spy and killed him and she turned around again and saw the enemy Spy's body and my bloody lab coat "Thanks again Medic." "Your velcome." I said and I prepared an übercharge and used it on (Y/N) and we stormed into the enemy base and then it wore off. "Strange. No one's here to guard the intel." She said and we went to the intel and took it and we ran and once we got out there was an enemy Heavy in our way. I kept her behind me to protect her and I pulled out my syringe gun and I quickly raised it and fired at the BLU Heavy and killed him. We kept running to our base and once we arrived we were both breathless "Thanks... For the... Help... Medic." "No... Problem... Fraü." I said and once we caught our breath the rest of the team went to celebrate. "(Y/N), vould you come vith me?" I asked "Sure." She said and she followed me to the infirmary. I was nervous but I managed to not show it. Once we arrived we went to the examination room and I helped her onto the examination table "So what do you need?" She asked "I just vanted to make sure you aren't wounded." I said "Okay then." She said and I checked for any wounds but there weren't any. "Alright you're free to go." I said "Thanks Medic." "No problem." I said and I helped her off the examination table and she walked off to get some food and I sat down at my table to think. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this hidden." I thought and Archimedes flew down and landed next to me and I gently stroked his back and quietly asked "Vat do I do Archimedes? Do I tell her? Vat if she doesn't like me? Vat do I do if she just vants to be friends?" He stared at me and turned his head to the side and flew off and for a moment my heart stops and I slowly turned around.
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