A whole hearted laugh escaped from Evelyn's lips as she speedily darted across the forest with Richard a few paces behind her.
Her hair whipped wildly as she tried her best to outrun him, but just when Evelyn was about to turn a corner, she was pulled back by two strong hands placed on her waist.
Richard's voice whispered in her ear. "And where do you think you're going?" She giggled and turned around in his hold to face him.
"Oh, just nowhere..." Her sweet voice replied accompanied by a smug smile.
"Ah, so you weren't trying to get away from me?" He inquired. A look of faked surprise masked her face.
"What? Me run away from you? Never."
"Good, because I wouldn't have let you go, anyway." He said as he pulled her close for a hug. The two have known one another since they were young... and even then they were inseparable. With his large hands, Richard encased Evelyn's lovingly as they walked back the way they came.
Hidden away behind a tree, an old enchantress admired the couple. They were infatuated with one another and anyone could see it. The enchantress has grown fond of the two in the past year as she would often find them strolling in the woods together. A smile crept onto her face in remembrance before she entered her cabin once more.
Evelyn enjoyed her walks with Richard since it was a break from all the hard work and chores she had on the farm. When the two reached the edge of the farm, Richard suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Evelyn turned towards him with a questioning gaze. His actions were confusing to her, not to mention concerning.
"Evelyn... I... I wanted to, um, I wanted to ask you something..." Richard stuttered over his words which caused Evelyn to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Not wanting to question him, Evelyn gave an encouraging smile and nodded her head, urging him to continue.
Richard fiddled in his pockets before he bent down on one knee and revealed a glistening diamond ring. He hadn't even said a word and Evelyn was already nodding her head vigorously. His eyes lit up as he gazed lovingly at the woman before him.
"Will you marry me?"
"Yes, yes and yes! A million times: yes!" She called out in joy as she jumped and hugged the man she loved so dearly. Richard embraced her with vice-like arms, never letting go as he spun Evelyn around with a smile that would never leave his face. Evelyn laughed as she couldn't wait to tell her parents. This was to be the start of her new life with the man she loved.
Two weeks had passed since the engaged couple informed Evelyn's parents about the proposal, and just like she expected, they were thrilled. Everyone was in high spirits, yet those joyous moments they shared seemed so far away now as Evelyn was busy tending to her ill parents.
A sudden sickness befell the village and there seemed to be no cure. Both her parents were coughing profusely while she dampened her mother's forehead with a wet cloth. After another coughing fit, they both fell into another restless slumber.
The doctor had come by to check on them and while he was busy with them, there was another knock at the door. Evelyn hurried to answer it without a second of hesitation. When she opened it she was surprised to see Richard's father, her soon to be father-in-law.
He had a grave expression on his face which caused Evelyn's stomach to churn with unease.
"Evelyn, I-" The man's voice broke as his eyes began to glisten,"I'm afraid I have some... some bad news. Richard, m-my boy, he... he passed away." Tears started to well up in her eyes as she began muttering. "What? How? Why?"
"He fell ill last night... and he di- he died in his sleep." Evelyn's legs buckled underneath her and she slid down the door. Her heart ached with the tormenting sadness. The man she had loved so much, with whom she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with... was dead.
Just then she heard the doctor coming out of the other room. Her red eyes looked up at him only to see that he wore the same grave expression. His face was the last thing Evelyn remembered before she was submerged into darkness.
One year later.
Evelyn sat underneath the tree she and Richard used to sit under. After her parent's and Richard's death, she fell into a pit of loneliness with no rope to help her out.
Ever since their burial she would spend some time in the forest to break away from the farm. Her parents had left it for her in their will and she has been running it ever since.
A breeze lifted her long blonde hair as she let out a long sigh. While she was in town that morning, she had walked by a young couple with a small baby. It was the most precious thing she ever saw and she couldn't help but think of Richard. If he was still alive they might have had their first child too.
Evelyn shuddered as a tear slipped down her cheek, she missed him more than anything... him and her parents.
"What is wrong, dear child?" A voice suddenly asked from behind her which caused Evelyn to let out a startled scream as she fell over and jumped to her feet.
She spun around to face an old woman, who smiled at her with kind and friendly eyes.
The woman stepped forward and apologised, before looking Evelyn over for any bumps or bruises.
"Oh I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you." Evelyn was ready to turn and run.
"Don't worry about that- You know, I actually should be leaving-"
"So you want a child?" The old woman interrupted all of a sudden. Evelyn turned around and faced her with a baffled expression.
"How did-" Evelyn was about to voice her question when the woman interrupted her.
"How did I know? Well I'm an enchantress my dear, I know everything." The woman said with a little a laugh. Evelyn's lips formed a small 'oh' with surprise.
"Don't look so shocked my dear. Now would you like to have a child?" Evelyn's thoughts raced, did she want a child? Of course, she thought. But was it possible?
"To answer that frown on your face, yes, it is possible for you to have a child." The enchantress answered.
"If it is possible, I would love to have a child." Evelyn said whilst thinking it over, if she had a child then she wouldn't be nearly as lonely. She would be able to care for someone and love them, knowing that they love her as well. The old woman began to walk away and prompted for Evelyn to follow.
"Well then, it's settled. Now come with me." Evelyn cautiously followed the old lady into the woods to find a cabin. A cabin made of dark wood and surrounded with a variety of beautiful, fragrant flowers.
The enchantress led Evelyn over to the red roses that stood tall and proud. Evelyn was encased in their beauty and immediately recalled the time when Richard brought her a rose after he returned from his travels.
"Wishing roses." The enchantress said from beside her, bringing Evelyn out of her thoughts.
"Wishing roses?" Evelyn asked bewildered. She couldn't comprehend the words as they seemed so unlikely. The enchantress nodded as she smiled.
"Yes, they can make any of your desires a reality, all but three certain wishes."
"All but which three wishes?" Evelyn asked with peaked interest.
"Firstly, they cannot bring someone back from the dead. Secondly, they cannot make someone fall in love with you and lastly, they cannot take you back to times past." The enchantress said as she listed the things off her fingers. Evelyn nodded firmly before replying.
"Understood." The enchantress chuckled as she stepped forward and eyed the roses. Each a bright red, the enchantress settled on one in particular.
"Well then, here is your rose." She simply stated as she plucked one and handed it to Evelyn. The blonde haired woman eyed the beautiful flower in her hands.
"How does it work?"
"Well, you take the rose, and before you go to sleep tonight you whisper what you desire and lay it down onto your pillow. Wake up the next morning and you'll find what you wished for." The enchantress explained with an excited expression. Evelyn raised an eyebrow with concern.
"Is that all? It's that simple?"
"Yes dear, it is that simple. Now off with you, you have to return to your farm." The lady said as she pushed Evelyn away from the cottage. Evelyn started to walk away when she remembered she didn't thank the kind old enchantress.When she turned around she saw that the cottage was gone. Evelyn honestly did not want to question it and she happily embarked on her journey home.
The workers greeted her with massive smiles as she passed them on her way to the cottage. Evelyn was glad that her father had left her plenty of money so she would be able to take care of the farm and herself.
Her eyes settled onto the blood red rose in her hands and she thought back to what the enchantress said. Evelyn didn't know whether what the enchantress said was true, but it was definitely worth a try.
If it worked and she did get her baby, she must be sure to inform the workers about it, but she couldn't say that a child came from a rose. Evelyn quickly came up with a plausible excuse, she did not want to be laughed at for believing a rose can actually turn into a baby. She was especially glad no one lived on the property for she did not want to explain her madness to anyone. She was scared that she will lose hope if she heard this insanity out loud.
So with that settled she decided to call everyone inside to tell them the news. She told them that she adopted a baby and they shouldn't be surprised when they find her with a child. The cook and her old friend looked at Evelyn with a big smile. The cook was glad she decided to adopt. She was always worried about Evelyn being too lonely at nights, a child would surely keep her busy.
Everyone congratulated her and by the time they all left, the sun had already set into the night. She looked at the rose that sat on the table before picking it up gently and taking it down the hall and towards her room.
Evelyn quickly slipped into her night dress before taking the rose in her hands and whispering her truest desire to it before placing it onto her pillow.
Luckily, she had a wide enough bed for her to sleep next to the rose. With a soft breath, Evelyn blew out the candle next to her bed before falling into a dream-filled sleep.
Evelyn woke up to something pulling on her curls. It was a hard tug and she yelped at the sudden pain. Her eyes opened suddenly only to come face to face with a small baby looking up at her with big green eyes and a smiling mouth. Evelyn gaped at the beautiful child before her. She hoped the enchantress would be telling her the truth, but she still had her uncertainties. Yet when she stared at the small child, all traces of doubt were replaced with wonder.
"Well hello there, little one," Evelyn giggled as she played with the baby's fingers, "and what should we call you?" The woman stood up in search of something to cover the child as she thought of names. As she grabbed a white linen cloth, a sudden idea popped into her head.
Since it was a wishing rose that brought her this little bundle of joy... why not call her Rose? So it was decided that the new love of her life would be named Rose.
Evelyn cradled the smiling baby in her arms and surrounded her with the cloth, "Welcome home my little Rose." She whispered before placing a kiss on her child's brow, nothing could explain the joy in her heart.
The people of the farm were joyously celebrating the day as all cooed in wonderment at the beautiful baby girl. The baby had everybody wrapped around her tiny little finger already.
Evelyn thanked the enchantress silently in her head, for this was a truly wonderful gift, to have a beautiful child born of roses.
Hey guys
So this is my second book on wattpad and after a lot of persuasion I finally decided to write it.
I would like to thank my wonderful bestfriend and amazing editor for inspiring me to write this new story. Please check her out she is an amazing author, @lizardQueenDean.
I hope you enjoy this story and please tell me what you think.
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