Chapter 9
Chapter 9
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised about his condition. I was after all his prisoner and I couldn't run around freely.
I nodded in agreement before he opened the door and led me down the stairs. I thought he would tie me up first, but I guess I was wrong. All the windows were wide open and I could feel the breeze against my skin. The breeze felt like heaven and I couldn't wait to run around.
When the front doors were opened for us I immediately dashed outside. Not to get away but only to experience the outside world again.
I was in mid stride when a invisible force pulled me back by my wrist. I looked down at what caused my sudden stop but there was nothing around my wrist.
I turned around only to see a smirking Prince.
"Did you really think I would let you go so easy?" He asked.
"I wasn't trying to escape, I only wanted to run." I huffed.
"Of course you didn't. Now let's walk so I could return to my duties." He said before he walked off and I was pulled after him by that same invisible force.
He walked about briskly and I had to run to keep up with him. My small, short legs were no match for his long ones. I took in the gardens around me as I couldn't believe this was the same man I danced with.
We walked around the castle and explored the gardens for a few minutes before he said I had enough fresh air for today. I wanted to walk around some more, but I knew that was not going to happen. The walk back to the entrance was equally quiet and the Prince indicated that I could go first.
I guess he had manners, that was quite a surprise. I was so shocked at his chivalry that I didn't look where I was going which caused me to tumble backwards. I was about to fall down the stairs, but two strong arms immediately shot out and grabbed me around my waist.
When I looked up I came face to face with Keelan. His blue eyes bore into mine.
"It's you." I said.
He stared into my eyes as if in a trance and my words broke him out of his trance. He pulled me up so that I was steady on my feet before he let go.
"What do you mean 'it's you'?" He asked.
"You're the stranger I danced with at the coming of age ball."
"What? Don't be absurd. Why would a faery Prince attend a human coming of age ball? This fresh air didn't really do you any good." He said before he pulled me inside the castle. When we entered he called a knight over and instructed him to return me to my room. Keelan couldn't get away from me fast enough.
I could only shake my head, would I ever be able to understand this complex man?
The knight led me back to my tower and I was yet again stuck in my small room. If only I could earn Keelan's trust, then he'll allow me to go outside on my own.
A knock came from my door and I perched up at the sound. I granted entrance and heard the key's movement a few seconds later.
The door was opened and a beautiful woman with gorgeous blonde hair stepped in. She wore a blue dress that complimented her stunning figure.
She gave me a bright smile before she closed the door behind her. You could immediately see that she was related to Keelan and I was certain she was his mother.
She walked to the bed I was perched upon.
"May I have a seat?" She asked.
The queen of the faeries was asking me if she could sit, strange things do happen in this land.
"Of course." I said softly.
"You don't need to be afraid." She said because I probably looked like a frightened mouse.
"I'm Alvani, Keelan's mother. What's your name?" She asked.
"Rose, such a beautiful name."
"Thank you." I said for I did not know what else to say. I started to play with my rose pendant that dangled from my neck. The queen noticed my movements and her eyes were suddenly locked on my pendant.
"Where did you get such a lovely necklace?"
"A faery boy gave it to me a few summers back."
"Such a beautiful gift, do you mind if I asked why he gave it to you?" She asked. I didn't really mind telling her the truth.
"I saved his life. He almost drowned in a pond and I saved him. He wanted to repay me and the pendant was all he had. So he gave it to me as a thank you." I told her.
"That is kind of him." A silence fell between us before she broke it again,"Were you friends after that?"
"No, I haven't seen him since." I said as I thought back to the strange boy.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"For what?" I asked baffled.
"For you being captured, we had no idea what he was planning. If I'd known I would've stopped him." She explained and I could see she was telling the truth.
"It's not your fault." I said.
"It is, I should've comforted him better. But he hates Henry, goodness knows why, and you should suffer because of unresolved feelings. And because he wants a war. I'm sorry Rose, I promise I'll try my best to get you out of here." She said as she stood up.
She walked to the door before she stopped and turned around to face me again. "Rose, my boy is not as bad as he seems, you should just look harder to find the goodness." She said before she walked off.
Keelan's POV
I was busy doing paper work in my study when a knight told me my mother was looking for me. I told him that I would be there in a few minutes.
After I finished my work I went to my mother's private garden in the middle of the palace, I walked through the hall were all the weapons were displayed for it was the only way to get to my mother's garden.
When I walked through the glass door I saw my mother sitting on a bench and sipping on her tea. I walked over to her and after I greeted her I took a seat next to her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.
"Tell you what?"
"That you gave your rose pendant away."
"I didn't-"
"Don't you lie to me Keelan."
"Mother, I told you I lost it at the bottom of that pond I fell into." I said.
"Don't play games with me Keelan. You gave that pendant to the girl who pulled you out of that pond. And that girl who saved you happens to be Rose." She said.
I let out a sigh,"You talked with her, didn't you."
"Yes I did. Why didn't you tell me you gave it to the girl who saved you?" She asked.
"Because I was scared you'll be angry and it was easier to explain than to explain to you why I gave it to her." It was her time to let out a sigh.
"Did you tell her?" She asked.
"No. I can't."
"Why not?"
"How would that sound. Hey there Rose, I'm the boy you rescued so many moons ago but I repay you by kidnapping you and taking you away from the man you love."
"Keelan, you don't know how she'll react. Just tell her."
"No mother, she's better off not knowing who I really am and thinking that I'm some man out there with a family. I don't want her to regret saving me." I said.
"Honey, you are worthy of living." My mother said as she took my face in her hands.
"No I'm not, I couldn't even protect my sister. My own blood, it would've been better if she left me to drown." I said. How could I live my life when I knew I could have prevented Eleanor's death?
"Keelan Light, don't you dare say such things." She berated me while I stared at the greenery infront of me.
"Look at me." She ordered and I turned my eyes upon her.
"You are a kind man, and I know that your sister wouldn't have wanted you to blame yourself for her death and she would have certainly not have wanted you to kidnap Henry's betrothed. No matter what he did." She said.
"Just don't make Rose suffer anymore because of your grudges, she doesn't deserve this." My mother said before she stood up and left me alone with my thoughts.
She was right about one thing I couldn't take all my frustrations out on Rose, I could at least be a bit more kind to her.
Rose's POV
The next day Keelan came by again for our walk. He had a small smile on his face and I could easily tell there was something different about him. He looked more relaxed.
He walked slower today than yesterday, allowing me to take in the scenery around us. I stared open mouthed at everything around me. The fae realm was more beautiful than I imagined and I couldn't help but think that I could surely get used to this. This was more enjoyable than Mr Mole's talks.
I did enjoy Mr Mole's talks immensely but the fresh air was more enjoyable than anything else.
"You like the scenery." Keelan said from beside me.
"Yes, it's beautiful. A real dream come true." I said.
"Yes, it's been my dream since a young girl to visit the fae realm."
"You won't say." Is all he said for the rest of the journey.
Today he didn't hand me over to some knight, he walked me to my room himself. The air between us was thick. But what could you expect I was his prisoner.
He greeted me fleetingly before he locked me inside my tower. I knew being a prisoner wasn't the ideal place to be, but it was a better prison.
Thinking back, I couldn't help but think that maybe just maybe this kidnapping was a wish come true. Maybe this was the way that helped me escape my marriage with Henry.
I couldn't explain how I felt about this whole kidnapping thing, but it was still better than living with a man who claims to love you but abuses you.
I moved to the mirror and turned around before I moved my dress so that I could see my bandage. When I pulled my bandage away I had a clear view of my scars. They were in bad condition and I knew if I didn't clean up soon, it would lead to infection.
I used the bell by my bed to call Ms Mousy. I've grown to trust her and I knew she wouldn't tell a soul about my marks. I used to do it myself but it was a hard job.
A few minutes later Ms Mousy arrived. She came in and locked the door behind her.
"Rose you called?" She said.
"Yes, I need your help but first I need you to promise me something." I said.
"Of course."
"No matter how bad it looks you may not tell anyone about, especially not the Prince, promise? "
"What-" She started but I quickly gave her a pointed look,"I promise."
I then nodded before I turned around, my bandage was off and my wounds were on full display. I heard a gasp and I knew Ms Mousy was shocked to say the least. It looked bad.
"Dear...who did this to you?" She asked as she walked closer.
"I'll tell you, but first can you help me clean it up?"
"Of course darling, let me just get some clean bandages." She said before she rushed out of the room.
I knew I was entrusting her with a lot, but that was trust for you. It was a blind leap of faith, I just hope I'm not making a mistake.
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