Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Rose's POV
The man I was riding with climbed of before he picked me off the horse. I would've gotten off myself but unfortunately my hands were tied. When I was on solid ground once more, I took in the scene infront of me.
It was a huge castle with two arched staircases that led to the top. Light was streaming from inside and it looked like a big lamp with all the light shining through. It was something to experience and I couldn't help but wonder where I was.
"Come along princess." One of the robbers said before they led me up the stairs. I gawked at everything as we climbed the staircase. I was to mesmerized by the view to worry about anything else.
As we arrived at the door two men in armour opened the doors for us. Upon closer inspection I noticed their pointed ears. Were they faeries?
"Stop staring princess, there is someone waiting to meet you." The man said in a gruff voice before he pulled me inside. Who would want to see me at this time.
The castle was magnificent inside and enormous. The foyer was absolutely breathtaking with a big chandelier that dangled from the ceiling. Big paintings adorned the walls.
There was another staircase that led up to two big doors, with two hallways on the left and right. The huge doors were opened and a young faery stepped out. He was also dressed in knight attire.
"Keelan is waiting for you." Is all he said before walked passed us. Who was this Keelan and why did he want me?
My kidnappers led me up the stairs and opened the doors. When we were inside the doors closed behind us with a loud thud that startled me.
"Jumpy aren't we?" A knew voice said and when I turned around a saw a faery sitting on a golden throne. He stood up and approached us.
I stared at him as he gave me a glare smile, He had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, he was very masculine and definitely easy on the eye. A scar ran down his face from above his brow to his cheek over his eye.
"Thank you Scarlett Swords. Did anyone see you?" He asked the Scarlett Swords while keeping his eyes on me.
"No sire." The leader replied.
"Good, that means there is no fingers pointing at me." He said with a mischievous grin.
"Henry will find me." I said with a glare.
"Poor princess, still trusting your Prince to save you. Well don't hold your breath." He spat at me and gave a mocking laugh, and I could see a fire in his eyes.
"Ms Mousy!" The faery called.
A woman appeared from a door that was behind the throne. I gasped when I took in her appearance. She had a button nose with whiskers and her face resembled that of a mouse. She had two round ears that stood between her hair.
"Yes sire?" She said in a small voice.
"Take our lovely prisoner to her room. Keep it locked and no one is to enter except me or these three men." He said as he pointed at the men behind me.
"Yes sire." She said as she approached me. She placed her arm around my shoulder and because of my petite frame she was a couple of inches taller than me.
"Come along, dear." She said as she started to lead me out the room, but before we could leave I turned around and gave my scariest glare to the man who ordered my kidnapping. He caught my eyes and returned mine with his own.
"You won't get away with this." I said.
"We'll see about that."
Ms Mousy pulled me away and out of the room. The door closed behind us and she led me down a hall, she took a few turns here and there before we came to a spiral staircase that led upstairs. We climbed the stairs and when we arrived up stairs there was a small door.
She led me inside a small room and I had a suspicion that this was a tower. I approached the window to see if there was any means of escape, but it was very high up. I let out a sigh, looks like I'm going to be a prisoner for the rest of my life.
"Ms Thorne, do you need anything?" I turned around to face the mouse-like woman.
"No and please call me Rose." I said with a small smile for that was all I could manage.
She gave me a big, friendly smile before she showed me around my room. After she made sure I didn't need anything she left and told me to ring the bell by my bed if I needed anything.
When she was gone I climbed on my bed and closed my eyes before exhaustion took over.
I Saw Henry walking to my mother's house, he had a angry look on his face as he pounded on the door. The door creaked open and my mother stepped outside.
"Henry? What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Where is she?!" He asked loudly.
"Where's who?" She asked.
"Don't play games with me, I know Rose is here."
"Rose is not here." She said, but he brushed her off before pushing past her into the house.
He searched every room while screaming my name. I wanted to answer him, but no word came out of my mouth. When he saw I wasn't there he turned to my mother before he grabbed her and screamed at her.
When she kept telling him she didn't know where I was, he started to push her around the room.
"She ran away and you helped her, now tell me the truth." He spat. She only looked at him and when he saw she wasn't going to answer him he started to slap and punch her.
I ran towards them, all the while screaming at him to stop, that I was there, but he didn't hear me. When he was done he stood up and left. I approached my mother's still form and threw my arms around her. I sobbed for her, for me and for anyone who felt the same pain.
I woke up with laboured breathing and a heart that was beating a mile per minute. The dream felt so real and that's when I realised something.
If there is no evidence of my abduction, Henry will definitely think I ran away. That means he will visit my mother, for that is the first place he will search for me.
I had to go back, I had to beg my kidnapper, Keelan or whatever his name is to return me. I couldn't let Henry hurt my mother, I had to go back before people get hurt because of me.
I quickly rang the bell that was by my bed before I started to pace the room. A few minutes later Ms Mousy rushed in.
"What's wrong, child?" She asked as she took in my appearance,"you are as white as the sheets."
"Ms Mousy, I need to speak with the king or Prince, whoever he is." I rushed out.
"I'm sorry Rose, you just missed prince Keelan, he went to the human realm for a wedding." She said.
"Whose wedding?" I asked.
"Yours I believe." She said.
"Why would he go to my wedding?"
"He said something about suspicion not falling on him." She said and it made sense. If he was there at the wedding who would suspect him of kidnapping the bride.
"Don't worry Rose, I'll tell him you want to see him as soon as he gets back." She assured.
"Thank you." I guess I had to wait for the Prince to return.
Keelan's POV
The human castle stood tall and proud as I approached it with my parents in our carriage. I didn't want to attend the wedding because I knew Rose wasn't going to be there. But I knew I had to be there, else I might be suspected. All I had to do was act surprised when she doesn't show up.
When we entered the castle Henry greeted us at the foyer.
"Your highnesses, Keelan, thank you for coming." He said as he gave us a bow with a gracious smile.
"Of course, it is only our pleasure to be here on your day of union." I said with one of my huge smiles.
"Thank you, Keelan. You've always been a great friend." He said, he gave me a smile before it faltered, "About Eleanor-"
He started but I quickly reassured him,"Henry, it's not your fault, I know you did everything you could." I said, but I cringed inside at every word, every lie.
He looked relieved before he patted me on the shoulder, "Thank you."
"It's my pleasure, now when do I meet your bride-to-be. I heard rumours of her bewitching beauty." I said with an easy grin.
Henry let out a hearty laugh,"Soon my friend, and believe me the rumours are true." He said as he led me to the hall. We were about to enter when a flushed servant rushed towards us.
Henry's face immediately turned to that of worry. "Agatha, what is wrong?"
The servant quickly tried to regain her breathing before she answered,"Rose sire...she...she is gone."
Henry's eyes widened in shock.
"What do you mean she is gone?" He asked angrily.
"She is not in her room sire, I've searched everywhere for her, but she's nowhere to be found."
"Gaurds!!!" Henry called. He immediately ordered everyone to start searching.
"What can I do to help?" I asked.
"Let's search through her room and see if we find anything." Henry said.
I placed a hand on his shoulder,"Henry we'll find her."
He nodded at me before we went in search of the missing princess. I saw his face becoming more and more worried with each passing minute and I enjoyed to see him suffer. I wanted to laugh at his suffering but I knew it would be very inappropriate.
We were busy searching her room when Henry found a piece of paper on her desk. I walked over to him to see what was written on it, even though I already knew what it said.
"What does it say?" I asked.
Henry's face turned white as he handed me the letter.
Dear Henry
I have your lovely bride, do not fret she is alive but for how long depends on you.
I will give you orders every week, be sure to follow them if you want to see Rose again.
I looked at the grave expression on Henry's face and I knew that the plan was going to be perfect.
"What do we do?" Henry asked.
"Don't worry Henry, well get her back. For now we can only make sure to follow the letters orders." I said with a grave expression.
I promised him that I will help in any way I possibly could and that he should send word if he needed anything. After that we returned to our kingdom.
On the ride back my father looked me over. I knew by the look in his eyes that he knew I was up to something.
"Keelan?" My father asked.
"Yes father?"
"Did you have anything to do with her kidnapping?" He asked.
I couldn't lie to my parents for I needed their help for this plan to work.
"You have a plan I presume?" My father asked.
"Yes father, and it's perfect." I said with a wicked smile.
Hey guys
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you think.
Thank you and happy reading
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