Chapter 3
Chapter 3
The day of the ball
Rose's POV
My heart raced in my throat as I stood at the top of the stairs in the town hall. I watched as women in variety of colours spinned their beautiful ball gowns with men in dark suits.
All faces were hidden behind a vibrant mask that matched their outfit of choice.
I was wearing a beautiful red gown with a similar colour mask adorning my face. It was the town that decided that a masquerade would be the theme of this year.
It might have been a bit dull because of the many times it has been done before, but it still carried the atmosphere of excitement and mystery.
I took in all the beautiful gown that surrounded the room as I descended the stairs slowly and steadily, careful not to fall. I begged my mother countless of times not to let me come, but she told me that it would be fun and I might even enjoy myself.
The only comfort I had was that Henry would be here soon as his people expected him to make an appearance at this yearly gala. I could already see him in his dashing suit with a mask hiding his handsome face...
I was so distracted with the thought of Henry that I didn't notice the man in front of me causing me to walk straight into him.
The collision into his hard chest immediately made me snap out of my thoughts.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry sir." I said as I took a step back to take a look at the stranger I just bumped into.
"No it is I who should be sorry, are you alright miss?" He asked, concern etching over his voice.
"I'm perfectly fine, but I'm the one at fault. I got distracted and didn't watch where I was going." I apologized.
"Lets just agree it was both our faults." He said with a smile and a small laugh.
The music started to play and the strange man with the rock solid chest offered me a hand.
"May I have this dance? I feel like I owe you an apology after all." He said.
I placed my hand in his,"Yes you may."
With one fluid motion he swept me into his arms as he led us around the dance floor in an intricate dance.
The strange man joked around and I couldn't help but laugh. I couldn't remember who made me laugh so much in one night, except for Henry of course.
"May I fill in the rest of your dance card?" He asked as we swayed to the music.
"Why would you want to do that? I'm a horrible dancer." I replied as I looked up at him. I wasn't lying when I said I was a horrible dancer, for I truly was. When I stared up at him I noticed his crystal blue eyes, somehow they looked awfully familiar.
"On the contrary, I'm afraid I won't find such an exquisite dance partner again." He replied.
He led the dance further along and I couldn't help but laugh at his description of my terrible dancing.
"You're an absolute liar." I said.
"Thank you kind lady for the compliment, even though I feel quite undeserving of it since my father was the one who raised me to be such a fine gentleman." He said with a coy smile. That statement just made me laugh further. Who was this intriguing stranger?
As the music stopped another man approached while I tried to stop my laughing fit. My mother would probably scold me for laughing so unladylike.
My mother wasn't that strict woman, believe me she knew how to enjoy herself, but when it came to social events she always taught me to handle myself properly for she feared I might be scorned by the society ladies.
As the man neared I felt the hands of the stranger on my waist tighten. He still had to let go. The man took of his mask and Henry's face came into view.
A strange look crossed his eyes but it was so quickly replaced that I thought I had imagined it.
"My I steal this lovely lady away?" Henry asked.
"Of course your highness," the man whom I danced with replied as his hand left my waist, "It was nice dancing with you." He said as he took my hand and kissed it.
He leaned closer to my ear before whispering, "Till we meet again, Rose." And with that final words he turned around dissapeared into the crowd.
Who was he and how did he know my name? I had a feeling in my gut that his final words weren't ones of greeting but rather a promise.
"Did you enjoy the dance?" Henry asked and I focused my attention back on him, momentarily forgetting about the stranger.
"Yes I did." I replied with a smile.
"There is something I need to ask you." Henry said and I nodded telling him to ask ahead.
He looked at me fleetingly before he grabbed my hand and led me to the centre of the room.
Everyone stopped their dancing and looked on to their king who was leading a girl to the centre of the room.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks as everyone's attention was on me. I hated being the centre of attention. Everybody started to form a circle around us.
Henry stopped dead in the centre before he turned around and faced me. He placed a hand on my cheek before he started to speak.
"Rose, my sweet. Over this couple of months we've known each other I couldn't help but become completely besotted with you. You are like a flower, delicate and beautiful. I would like to spend the rest of my life cherishing you as my sweet flower and protect you from harm." With those words he bent down on one knee before he pulled a velvet box out of his pocket.
He opened it and placed in between the folds was the most beautiful ring I've ever saw.
"Rose Thorne will you marry me?" He asked and gasps echoed throughout the room. Everyone in the room probably just as stunned as me.
I looked at him before my eyes caught something and when I looked up I saw the stranger staring at me. There was something in his eyes begging me to say no. As he looked at me with silent pleas.
I shooked my head and averted my eyes away from the strange man. Henry stared at me with hopefulness and with one look at his eyes I started to nod my head.
"Yes I will." I said as Henry jumped up before taking me in his arms and spinning me around. My eyes catching the strange man's form storming out of the room.
Keelin's POV
The night was amazing and I couldn't remember the last time I laughed so much since my sister's death. But just like always he had to spoil everything.
I hated him, first he takes away Eleanor and now Rose. And now that low life, excuse for a man was going to marry my sweet Rose.
Over my dead body, I will crash that wedding and make sure he never sets eyes on her again. All I had to do now was to devise a plan.
He took away the person I loved and now I would be happy to repay the favour. A smile crept over my features as a picture of Henry completely heart broken crossed my mind. A look I would love to put on his face permanently.
Rose's POV
My mother screamed in excitement as Henry and I shared the amazing news with her. She was beyond thrilled and couldn't stop talking about me finally having my prince charming and happy ending.
It seemed like one of the fairytale stories my mother used to read to me at night. It seemed surreal and I stared at my ring every few minutes to make sure this wasn't some type of dream.
Henry asked me hundreds of questions about what I would like and what I won't, as he tried to scribble down as much as he possibly could.
"Why don't you stay at the castle?" My mother asked me.
"What?" I asked.
"Think about it, if you stayed at the castle Henry wouldn't have to rely everything back to his servants and you could be there to oversee the preparations yourself." My mother explained.
"That is a perfect idea. What do you say Rose?" Henry asked.
"What about you mother?" I asked.
"Don't worry about me, I'll visit every few days or so." She said.
"No buts dear, this is the start of your life and I want you to embrace it." My mother said as she came over and gave me a hug.
"If you're sure." I replied.
"Of course I am, now go pack." She said.
And so it was decided that I will be staying at the castle during the wedding preparations.
The next day a carriage arrived for me to take me and my belongings to the castle.
I hugged all the workers and life long friends, promising them that I would visit.It was hard departing from my mother, but she reassured me countless of times that she would be fine and I should enjoy my new life.
After all my goodbyes we were off to the castle. Henry always told me that the castle was an hour's ride away from my home.
I was excited to see the castle but also nervous. What would the servants think of me? I didn't have to worry about Henry's parents for they both passed a few years prior.
With every passing moment the butterflies in my stomach grew more, and I could no longer be sure if it was out of nervousness or excitement. The ride felt like an eternity and soon I found myself nodding off to sleep.
I was awoken by a small shake of my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I met the familiar brown ones I've grown to love.
"Hello sleeping beauty, did you enjoy the ride?" Henry asked.
"Yes I did." I replied as he helped me out of the carriage. The castle was huge, way bigger than I imagined and I couldn't believe that this beautiful structure was to become my home.
Henry showed me around the castle and each room was more beautiful than the previous. He also introduced me to the staff who all greeted me with friendly eyes.
He showed me my chamber which was right down the hall from his. He also introduced me to Agatha, my lady's maid who was in charge of all my needs.
I tried to tell him that I didn't need a maid but he refused and said that I only deserved the best.
He lastly showed me the library which was huge. I almost cried at its beauty and quickly decided that this was to be my favourite room of all. I could easily imagine myself spending hours in this room.
True to my mother's word she visited every week or so. She told me that the workers missed me and my help extremely. I missed them to and sitting around doing nothing really started to bore me.
I quickly became friends with the staff members and they treated me like one of their own.
They were apprehensive at first not really wanting me to help them, but after a lot of persuasion that agreed to let me help them.
We were cleaning in the great hall while we chatted about anything and everything. Our chatter immediately ceased when the hall's doors were barged open and a furious looking Henry stepped inside.
He walked towards me and harshly grabbed me around the arm.
"We need to talk now." That was all he said before he dragged me out of the room.
Hey guys
So what do you think about Henry and his strange behaviour?
Please tell me what you think and please remember to vote.
Thank you
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