Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
Keelan's POV
A week after we received the news of my sister, king Henry showed up on our front door step. He brought my sister's remains in a urn. Apparently he had no choice but to burn my sister's body, because his servant thought the illness might be contagious.
He asked my father if the peace treaty can continue and my father agreed. I wanted to scream at my father not to, but what could I do?
When my father's mind was made it was done and nothing could change it.
After Henry's departure, my father told me to stay behind.
"Keelan, I know how you feel. That is why I grant you permission." My father said with a flat tone.
"Pardon me, father. Permission for what?" I asked.
"Permission for you to find a way to start a war with that good for nothing formoggal." My father said with an angry voice.
"You don't believe what he said about Eleanor?" I asked.
"Not a word, you and I both know that fae hardly get sick. And where would she have gotten the illness?"
"Exactly my thoughts. But you told him the treaty would continue, why?" I asked.
"To buy you time to train your forces for a war until you find a way to break this treaty." My father said and I nod my head in agreement.
"I won't let you down father."
Rose's POV
I was travelling to the market through the thick woods. The birds were chirping, but then all of the sudden a silence befell the lush green forest.
There was an eerie silence and a shiver ran down my spine. I felt eyes watching me and that was when I started to increase my pace.
It wasn't the first time I felt like being watched but it was definitely the first time I felt scared of the person watching me. Maybe it was just my overactive imagination...
When I heard the crunch of a leave I started to run. Speeding towards the village that was just through the forest.
Then suddenly a man in a black hood jumped infront of me.
"Where do you think you're going, Sweetheart?" He said in a slimy voice.
"This lass will sell pretty." another voice said behind me and I spun around only to see another hooded figure.
My heart raced in my throat as I realised that I was surrounded by to strong men.
"Guys, you know we only want her money." A third voice said and I guessed that he was the leader with the way he held himself.
"Nick, look at her. We could easily make a few coins of her." The first man said.
"No, I will not kidnap a girl." The third replied.
"You're right you won't." A fourth voice said and we all turned around to see a handsome dark haired man sitting on a black stallion. His swords tip was pointed at the second man's throat.
"The Scarlet Swords." The man on the horse drawled, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Nothing sir, we were just leaving." The leader said.
"Correct answer. Now off you go and I better not find you in these parts again." The dark haired man said.
The leader nodded to the rest of his gang and they ran of into the forest after the man dropped his sword from the third man's throat.
I was about to thank the kind man for saving my life and my money when a man on another horse raced towards us.
"Sire, are you alright? We saw the Scarlet Swords and thought the worst."
Sire? Why did the man call him sire? Was he some kind of king?
That's when I realised why his features looked so familiar. This man who saved my life was non other than the king.
"No, I'm perfectly fine. Are you miss?" The king asked me and I looked up to stare into his dark brown eyes.
" fine. Your hig-highness." I replied meekly.
"See Ronald, nothing to fear."
"Shall we arrest them?" Ronald asked.
"No, chase them to the border." The king replied with the voice of authority and the rest of the band nodded before riding off in search of the gang of thieves.
"Are you sure you are alright miss?" He asked and I nodded shyly.
He climbed off his steed before he stepped closer to me.
"Why don't I walk you home?" He asked with a dashing smile.
"No sire, I could not ask that of you. You have already done enough."
"Nonsense and please, I insist."
"Alright then." I said, finally giving up.
We started to walk through the forest with the king's black beast trotting behind us.
"What were you doing all alone in the forest, miss...?" He inquired.
"Rose Thorne, and to answer your question your highness, I was on my way to the market."
"Good thing I showed up when I did. The Scarlet Swords have never been spotted in this area before. Now where do you live?" The handsome king asked.
"On a farm nearby." I replied.
"Ah so you are a country girl. Looks like my dad told me the truth." He said.
"And what truth might that be, sire?" I asked interested.
"That country girls are quite beautiful." He said with a smile and I immediately felt my cheeks warm up. I've never had someone tell me I was beautiful before.
The rest of the walk we did in silence, not one of us knowing what to say. I stole a glance at the king every now and then.
His hair was raven black and his eyes were dark brown. It was a mesmerizing colour and I could easily stare at it...
What? No I couldn't think like that. Snap out of it Rose. I berated myself for staring at the king like that.
I averted my eyes back to the road, scared the king would notice me staring. A few minutes later we arrived at the edge of the woods. The farm just lay before us.
"Here we are." I said.
"Well, it was nice meeting you miss Thorne." He replied before he took my hand and kissed the back of it.
"The pleasure is all mine, your highness." I replied with a curtsy.
"No, please call me Henry." He said with a breathtaking smile.
"Alright then, Henry." I said with a smile. He gave me a small bow before he saddled his horse and rode off into the woods.
As I watched the king trot away I had a feeling in my gut that this was not our last encounter and that thought brought a smile to my face.
The next day I visited the pond only this time I wasn't alone. There in the middle of the clearing stood a tall figure.
My heart pounded faster as worry over took me. My body started to shiver as I started to think back to yesterday's events.
Could this be one of the men who tried to rob me? Has he returned to kidnap me?
My thoughts raced as I slowly backed away out of the clearing. I was just about to take another step when the figure turned.
My breathe caught in my throat as I waited for the figure to turn around and spot me.
When he turned around a stared upon a familiar face and heart immediately started to calm back down.
"Henry." I said as I let out a relieved sigh.
"Rose?" He asked bewildered but his look of confusion was quickly replaced with a dashing smile, "What are you doing here?"
"Just enjoying the view. And you?" I asked.
"Same, the beauty of this forest never gets old. It keeps taking my breath away day after day." He said as he stared at the gorgeous scene in front of him.
He took a seat next to the pond and invited me to join him. I walked closer and took a seat next to him. We were quiet for some time before he started to ask questions which I answered enthusiastically.
Something about him made me feel like I could just tell him everything. I trusted him more than anything.
We spent the whole day at the pond laughing and sharing childhood memories and time seemed to be forgotten.
The sun was starting to set when I realised my mother would be worried sick.
"I've got to go. My mother would be worried by now." I said as I stood up.
"I'll walk you home." He said and I knew that he won't let me argue.
This time he walked me to the door of our house. My mother must've heard our footsteps because the door was susuddenly pulled open with great force.
"And where-" My mother's angry word died in her mouth as she noticed I wasn't alone. My mother stared at him from top to bottom before turning her questioning gaze towards me.
"Who is this Rose?" She asked but before I could answer, Henry spoke.
"Henry Stone." He said with a smile before giving a bow.
"Henry Stone..." my mother said as she gave a thoughtful look, probably trying to recall where she heard that name before.
Her facial expression changed dramatically and I guessed she must have remembered where she heard it before.
"Your highness." She said before bowing.
"Henry is fine, Mrs Thorn." He replied.
"Would you like to come in for tea perhaps?" My mother asked with a bright smile.
"I'm sorry Mrs Thorn but I have to decline. I better get back as well. It was nice meeting you." He said with a smile and a bow before he left.
I stepped inside the house with a bright smile on my face. Today was one of the most interesting days I've ever experienced.
"Well that was unexpected." My mother said.
"I know."
"So he was the dark haired, handsome knight in shining armour who rescued you yesterday?" My mother asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"Well you were right he is quite handsome." My mother said.
"He is, isn't he?"
The next few weeks flew by quickly and as the weeks flew by the coming of age ball in the town grows closer.
Henry has been visiting more frequently and we've become closer by the day.We agreed on a regular meeting place that we visited whenever he could and had no business to attend to.
It was a week before the ball when I sat at the pond waiting for Henry to come. The pond has become our special place over the few months we've known each other.
All of the sudden my eyes were encased in darkness as I felt two hands over my eyes, blocking my view.
"Who is it?" A voice asked in my ear and I immediately recognised the voice I've grown so fond of. Henry.
"Is it my fairy godmother?" I asked as a smile spread over my face.
"Might be, it depends on how good girl you've been." He said.
"I've been the perfect daughter."
"I find that hard to believe." He replied and I gasped at his response. I turned around and he dropped his hands from my eyes. He gave me a cheeky smile before he plopped himself next to me.
"I know you were a good girl." He said in a matter of fact voice.
"I knew you would agree." I said returning the smile.
We sat in a comfortable silence as we enjoyed the tranquility we experienced.
"Rose..." Henry said as he took my hands in his.
"Yes?" I asked.
"There is something I've been meaning to tell you."
"I-I fancy you." He said nervously staring at me waiting for my reaction.
He grew nervous with every passing second I didn't reply.
"I fancy you too." I said shyly as I felt heat rush to my cheeks, I must've looked like rose with my blood red cheeks.
He gave me a one of a kind smile and with that I realised just how much things have changed especially my thoughts about love and men.
Hey guys
Chapter two is up, hope you enjoyed it.
Remember to vote and comment.
Also check out my editor LizardQueenDean, she has some awesome stories.
Thanks for reading.
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