Chapter 11
Rose's POV
"You must be Rose." The king said as he approached us. I curtsied and bowed my head.
"Yes, your majesty." I said.
"Well then let me introduce myself to you properly, I am Zian the king of the fae realm." He said with a friendly smile, he wasn't as bad as I expected.
"Now let us eat, I'm sure you all must be starving." He said as he led us to the table. Keelan pulled out my chair for me and I felt more like a guest than anything else. The conversation in the beginning was at first stiff and awkward, but after the food came in, the conversation started to flow.
The food was extravagant and more delicious than anything I've eaten at Henry. I had to stop myself from over eating, because I didn't want to look like I've been starved, because believe me Ms Mousy always brought up delicious food for me.
"Rose, where did you grow up?" The king asked.
"On a farm, just over the border."
"I see and your parents?" He asked.
"My mother is Evelyn Thorne." I said.
"And your father?" He asked.
"He was Richard Thorne."
"Richard? It can't be, you said he was?"
"Yes sire, before I was born a sickness befell the village and he died." I tell the story I've heard since I was a small girl.
"I'm sorry to hear that." The king said as a far off look crossed his features.
"It's alright, I only wished I could've met him." I said as I took another bite of my food.
"Honey, you don't think it is the same Richard, do you?" The queen asked her husband.
"I don't know. Rose, do you know what work your father did?" The king asked.
"Mom always said that he traveled here frequently, that's why I wanted to travel here myself. All his stories mesmerized me." I explained.
"It's him, I remember know that he always told me about his beauty that was waiting at home for him, his sweetheart. And I believe her name is Evelyn." The king said to his wife.
"Excuse me Sire, but did you know my father?" I asked.
"Yes Rose indeed I did. In fact I owe your father my life." He said as the servants cleared the dishes off the table.
"Rose will you walk with me?" The king asked and I nodded. He kissed his wife on the cheek before he walked over to me and held out his arm for me. Keelan looked at me and I gave him a smile that somehow eased him.
The king led us to a big, grand library that was at least double the size of Henry's. There was a sitting area in the middle and the king quickly asked me to take a seat.
When we both were comfortable he started his story.
"I was a young Prince, and like most young princes I was arrogant and never accepted help from anyone. And I hated humans, I always thought us faeries would be better of without them. That was until that day, the day your father saved my life. I was hunting in the woods when a trap caught me unsuspectingly. There I was dangling from the tree when I saw him. A dangerous looking man, I easily identified him as a fae hunter, even though it was illegal to hunt faeries, humans still did it and that was why I hated humans. He was approaching me fast and I saw my life flash through my eyes when all of the sudden, an arrow flew through the sky and pierced the Hunter 's heart. I was shocked and expected to see one of my knights, but instead I saw another human. The human quickly helped me, he was young but I could already see he would become a great man. After that there were no more fae hunters and the humans and fae lived in peace, especially after I told Henry's father, my close friend what happened. Your father was a real hero that day and I would always be indebted to him." The king said and I couldn't believe he knew my father. But why didn't my mother tell me this before? I would have to ask her when I see her again, or should I say if I see her again.
After a long silence between us the king finally spoke again.
"Rose I would let you go, I owe your father that much. But you see if I let you go Henry would want a war immediately, and my forces aren't ready. That would only mean many fae would lose their lives and I couldn't have that. I could only hope that you would one day find it in yourself to forgive us." He said sincerely and I knew I couldn't be mad at his sincerity. I only gave him a smile and that placed a smile on his face.
The doors suddenly opened and a knight stepped inside.
"The queen said they were in the garden and requested your presence immediately." He said.
"Come along, Rose, you don't want to miss this." He said before we made our way after the knight who escorted us to the gardens. It was a garden that was in the middle of the palace and it was beyond my wildest imagination. Flowers of all shapes and sizes were scattered around and I could only stare at the beauty around me. Then all of a sudden a bright light lit up our surroundings and when I looked up my mouth dropped open.
Millions of fireflies flew around the sky and the garden. As I stared at these beauties I could only think about my father and what honor it would've been to have met him. And how much I miss him, strange to miss a man I've never met. But that was all I could think about as I stared at the small lanterns flying about.
Keelan's POV
When I stepped into the garden I saw Rose's frame standing in the middle of the garden staring at the fireflies. She looked absolutely breathtaking in her dress and I wanted to tell her so badly, but I couldn't.
I saw that she was deep in thought as I approached her, I could only wish she was thinking of me. That was my biggest wish, her liking me, even if it was a little. Spending time with her over these last weeks only made me realize how much I liked her.
"What are you so deeply in thought about?" I asked behind her.
She still seemed in a daze as she let out a sigh and the words that shattered all my hopes and dreams.
"I miss him." My mind felt blurry and I didn't feel so well anymore. She must've noticed my state for she had the decency to ask if I were alright.
I told her that I think I should go lie down before I walked away to my room. My thought raced the entire night as her words repeated in my mind I miss him. I couldn't see her anymore and that is when I decided that I was going to ask the knights to take her on her daily walks, because I couldn't risk myself getting hurt again. I couldn't lose her and that is why it would be better if I kept my distance. After all I was nobody to her, and she already loved another man.
Rose's POV
The next day I was extremely worried about Keelan and if he would be feeling good enough for our walk. When it was time for our walk and I heard the key in the door, I got excited immediately and waited by the door for him. I was about to ask him if he was alright,but then I noticed that it was one of the knights who kidnapped me.
"Where's Keelan?" I asked.
"He said he had business to attend to, so he asked me to take you for your walk." I could only nod my head. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but I was. Going on a walk with Keelan was the highlight of my day.
Nick walked me about, but he wasn't Keelan and I tried my very best not to look disappointed.
Weeks went by and Keelan never came again. I started to get the feeling that he was avoiding me, but I didn't know why.
The knights or more formally known as my captors and I were starting to get close. I heard what Henry did to their families, but they would always avoid the topic because they knew I "loved" him. I wanted to tell them I didn't, but then they would ask questions and no doubt tell Keelan. And that was something I didn't want, I didn't want him to think I was weak.
The knights were very nice men and I even had the privilege to meet Nick 's wife and son. He had the most adorable son and I just wanted to hug him. He was only three summers old but so cute.
He always asked me to play with him and who could say no to such a cute boy. I chased him around and we always played hide and seek.
After my walks with the knights I would be returned to my room and Mr Mole would visit from time to time. I was quite curious about why he and Ms Mousy looked like animals.
So he told me that they were actually real animals that were turned into humans to keep an old enchantress company. But the enchantress passed a long time ago and they were left as they were.
After Mr Mole told his story he bade me goodbye and promised to visit again tomorrow. With nothing else to do I snuggled myself on a chair as I started to read a book.
I was startled when the next moment Keelan all of the sudden barged into the room. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded.
"Not here, some place outside." He said before he lead me outside. He led me through the dense fae woods to a big pond. Four times the size of my own.
"We need to talk."he said simply. And I had a bad feeling about this.
Hey guys
Here is chapter 11 for you all, I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what your thoughts are on the king.
And why do you think does Keelan want to talk to Rose?
Guess we will have to wait and see, until then happy reading.
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