Chapter 6 Grayson
She fit perfectly under my arm, tucked up beside me, as we walked back to my assigned cabin. After a few short moments she wrapped her arm around my waist where it should be. I thought I fell in love with her years ago but I was wrong. What it was, was a crush a simple crush, but when she threw herself into my arms. Her body hitting mine, the jolt her body gave mine. No, this is what love felt like. I knew I would not, could not ever let her go.
I decided before I came here that when I saw her next I was pulling out all the stops. Hunter was going to know how I felt with no doubts. And when she was crying and practically yelling at me because of how I hurt her, I knew I would never do it again. I even knew I would rather her yell at me, be mad at me, rather than never spending another day without seeing her, touching her.
At the Mess Hall, hand-in-hand, food on our trays, I lead us to an unoccupied corner table so we could sit alone. A lot of staring and a few double takes; between my presence, how much I physically changed, Hunter and I hand-in-hand, and of course Hunter could light up any room she walked into. She never thought of herself that way. In her eyes she was just average looking and on the short side. It was more than that, she carried a presence that was hard to describe. People just noticed her and with how generous Mother Nature has was hard not to notice. Hey I'm a guy we notice boobs, what can I say.
Tucking Hunter safely in the corner I sat beside her with our backs against the wall, elbows touching as we ate. Side glancing I noticed, although Hunter seems content and happy her eyes were tight with worry. Nudging her arm, I asked, "Hey, what's up?"
Turning and giving me her best brightest smile she said, "Nothing." Raising my eyebrow, letting her know I was not convinced, she went on, "It's...I'm not sure, it's just different this year. I'm not as comfortable as I normally am. It's probably just me. I'm tired, restless and just paranoid." That much was the truth but there was more to it.
Giving Hunter my full attention, being the most important thing in this room, I still kept an eye on everything and everybody in the room. Noting who sat where, who did more than just a double take, and who had whispered to the person beside them. I noticed before Hunter when, Amanda, the camp's nurse headed our way. Amanda was great and would never hurt anyone, but I noted my body had a mind of its own. Slightly adjusting myself so my body was turned slightly away from Hunter and moving marginally forward so my body was shielded hers. When I caught myself doing it and by the smirk on Amanda's face she did too, I forced myself to relax. A quick glimpse to Hunter, she was still in her own world and did not see me react and who I was reacting too or that someone was even moved towards us. She definitely would not of been impressed with the whole "protector" thing. I made that mistake a few years ago, and let me tell you she was not happy with me thinking she could not take care of herself. So not happy with me that she refused to talk to me for almost a week. The longest we have not talked while at camp.
"Hi, guys," Amanda said as she made it to the table. I nodded, not the overly chatty type unless to tell some off or when it was just me and Hunter. I felt Hunter jump with our arms touching before she waved, giving a closed mouth smile because she was chewing. "Hunter, after you're finished will you come by so we can do your yearly check-up? I have time and would like to get it done and out of the way."
"Ah, sure I guess," Hunter answered with a shrug.
"Great. See you in about," Amanda looked at her watch, "thirty minutes or so."
* * *
After dinner I parted ways with Grayson, a not to enthused Grayson, letting him know I would meet him at the bonfire once Amanda was done poking and probing me. Every year we all had to go through this, "Just a yearly health history," they said. Not that it took long; blood pressure, temperature taken, blood taken, weight and height taken and any sickness we may have had over the year. So every summer Amanda checked out all us kids and once during the school year I would be dragged, to yet another doctor, and got a complete check-up. I really didn't know why I had to get a 2 yearly physicals. I don't ever remember getting sick besides the one time when I was little and another was last month. When I did try the whole I-don't-feel-well, my foster parents would go over board and rush me off to the doctors. After going through that a couple times I stopped trying to pull that stunt. Last month, the only other time I got sick, John and Grace was seriously on edge the whole 2 days I had the stomach flu. John even stayed home from work and they came into my room checking my temperature and fussed over me every two hours.
At the office, I knocked before entering. After earlier hearing the ruckus going on and having Amanda stop me before I could push my way in, I was being cautious plus I didn't want the door slammed into my face. Hearing a muffled, "Come in," I opened the door and walked in. "Amanda?" I called out.
"In here Hunter," her voice came from the farthest exam room. "Have a seat," she said as I walked in the room. "So would you like to start off with routine questions or get the other stuff out of the way?"
I let out a sigh, "The other stuff." For me it was less intrusive, the questions bothered me more. I don't like talking about myself so leaving that for last so I could run out as soon as we were done sounded better to me.
The physical poking and probing finally done, now for the questions. They really weren't that bad, not even really that personal but it still made me feel uncomfortable. It was like she was waiting for that right answer. The one I didn't know.
"Have you been sick or not feeling up to par the last year?" Amanda asked as she finished writing down my response to the last question about my menstrual cycle.
"I had some 48 hours stomach flu last month," I don't know why but that seemed to perk Amanda's interest. "Besides that just your typical moodier than usual teenager."
Writing furiously she asked, "What do you mean by moodier?"
I shrugged, "I don't know. Just angrier I guess. More emotional." I really did not want to talk about this but I learned over the years she always knew when I wasn't telling her everything. So to get out of here faster it was always wise to spill your guts the first time then get out.
Nodding her head she then asked, "How are you sleeping? I've noticed you seem a little paler than usual and the concealer you are using doesn't hide the circles under your eyes very well."
This was not a question I was going to go into depth with no matter what. "Not great. I wake up a couple times a night. And before you ask, it has been going on for about...three month's maybe. And no I do not know why I am getting up." Ok the last was so a huge lie. My dreams especially, the really screwed up ones, were mine and they were private.
I could see it in Amanda's eyes she wanted me to explain and knew she was thinking on what to ask. The tone in my voice and stubborn set in my jaw, she knew I wasn't going to budge and dropped it.
After a few silent minutes of Amanda staring at me and I maintain eye contact fighting not to squirm under the intensity of her gaze, Amanda said, "We're done. Go enjoy the bonfire." She smiled and headed out into the office while I follow behind.
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