Chapter 48 Hunter
The one thing I could always count on was camp and now that, because of me, was gone. Seeing all the disappointment in the other kids faces was heartbreaking. It was those looks that hit me hard. I not only ruined people who were close to me but the lives of anyone that I was associated to. I didn't even want to be around me right now.
My glorified bodyguards were trying to keep my mind, our minds off of what was going on. I loved them for it but it was an overall wasted attempt. Every step I took I could feel the others watching me as if waiting for me to do some kind of trick, like my head spin around, or for someone to jump out and grab me. I had to admit that my nervous were shot. Every snap twig or a loud voice had me jump or at the very least twitch. The guys were good about it and didn't comment but I could see I made them edgier at every I twitched, more like every time I jumped out of my skin.
I was at the point I was listening so closely to the surrounding sounds that I missed the obvious ones. Jarek helped point that out to me. "Drink this," he said from two feet behind me. I did the embarrassing screech and spun around to see him standing there with a mug in his hand.
I was waiting for some wiseass comment come from him about me not hearing/sensing him come up but all he said was, "You're making me jump just watching you." He handed me the mug and then walked off.
I did what I was told. Besides him asking me about the tin and my dad's bag he hasn't really said much all week. Hell the only ones that tried to hold a conversation with me were the twins. I think it was more out of pity and curiosity.
The drink tasted familiar. Almost like the tea Amanda gave me to sleep but this was a little bitter; not so much as gross but not that great either. I had to admit once I swallowed it I could feel the smooth warm liquid slide down my throat and warm my insides. It wasn't until then that I realized I was cold even with the warm sun beating down.
In a matter of minutes I had the drink half gone. My hands no longer shook, I wasn't jumping at every sound, and for the first time in days I was completely relaxed. I could feel and enjoy the wind blowing in my face. I could smell the woods and lake and remember all the good times at camp. The warm sun beating on my face put a real smile on my face. The simple things that I loved about being at camp I could remember and savour. The past few days had been a blurry bad memory at that delicious moment. Everything was just a beautiful glorious haze. All I could not think...all I could feel was rightness. Sweet beautiful sense of home and belonging. The trees called out to me. They didn't want me to leave. I knew I would be back soon. I would run through the woods again. The wind caressed my skin egging me to flow with it as it blew between the trees and each leaf. Closing my eyes I felt my smile grow and a giggle escaped from my lips.
"How much did he give her?" A faintly familiar voice broke through my little bubble of enjoying the surroundings.
"Our metabolisms works even faster than yours. It will wear off before we have to leave and it gives her some time to relax," Jarek answered from behind me.
"Ha! Didn't make me jump that time did ya?!" Was I slurring my words?
"Maybe I did add a pinch too much," Jarek said as I watched his smile spread across his face.
"You should do that more often. Smile I mean. You're beautiful when you smile." Ok something was not right. Did I just call Jarek beautiful? I was giggling again. Damn what was in that drink?
"Up you go," Grayson's voice was more of a growl as he swung me up into his arms.
Snuggling closer I breathed in his familiar scent. "I am so going to miss how you smell," I sighed before taking in another deep breath.
"I'm not going anywhere, Hunter," he whispered, or it sounded like he did.
"Maybe, maybe not. But I do know you hurt me and I trusted you and I will never let you get that close again." I wanted to sound mad but all I sounded was tired and groggy. That was the last thing I remembered.
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