Chapter 47 Hunter
The full moon went without any problems at all. It was wonderful. Lupa and I were really
trying to work together. It's been a couple since I had my little crazy spell and Vic's notion on my choices I had to make. I somehow avoided that talk with Grayson and Jarek. I knew my slippery ways not to be alone with them was coming to an end soon. Now I just needed to come up with an answer. It was more than just my choice. They had their own voice and thoughts.
I think my time just ran out. Jarek and Grayson were on perimeter duty this morning and
told us, myself, Vic, and C.J. to go ahead and they would meet up with us shortly. I knew then something was up but I was glad they stopped glaring at each other and hopefully were going to talk.
At breakfast Vic and I were talking about the camp and some of my past homes when it
finally clued in that C.J. has been extremely quiet. Now come to think of it he has been
that way for days. I felt horrible. He was one of my best friends but I have been so wound up in
myself that I totally brushed him off. Taking advantage that I knew he was here with me.
"C.J.? Maybe, if you have time later can we talk?" My eyes were pleading. I needed to
somehow make up for being the worst friend ever.
He looked completely surprised by the request which made the guilt knife twist deeper. "Ah...sure, we can do that."
"Thanks. I appreciate it." I truly meant that. "The lake? After breakfast?" I didn't think
that one through at all. Both him and Vic gave me the evil eye. My words quickly came out of my mouth to reassure them. "The boulders. I mean talk on the boulders."
C.J. relaxed immediately. "Yeah that sounds good." We both knew we would never be
alone but we could pretend and the others were pretty good with giving me as much space as
they could.
Almost done our breakfast, I was feeling better knowing I was going to get some much
needed time with C.J. and finally seeing him smile a real smile. I couldn't remember the
last time I have seen it. That was until Jarek and Grayson walked in like two guys on a mission. From the look on their faces it wasn't a good mission. Reaching our table they were
at my side in no time at all. Both of them taking an arm gently but quickly picked me up
and moved us quickly to the door. This was the first time either has touched me since the night I gave Jarek a kiss on the corner of the mouth. I almost forgot how soothing yet electrifying their
touch was. How much I craved, wanted and needed it. I was utterly speechless, lost in their
touch to even ask where and why we were leaving in such a hurry.
Almost to the nurse's station I realized kids were rushing back and forth not looking
happy at all. Suitcases in hand and moving briskly up the drive towards the big parking lot. That explained why breakfast was so quiet today in the Mess Hall. The younger kids left the day after my incident at the lake. They decided it looked better if the whole pack didn't empty out all at once. The second round of campers left the day before the full moon. Now there was just the kids that were over years of age. With so much going on it wasn't till the day after the full moon that I noticed the camp was so much quieter. That was actually one of the questions my uncle's answered. There were many more they still didn't.
"Is her stuff all packed up?" Uncle John asked as we reached the nurse's station.
"What stuff? What's going on?" I had my suspicions but thought I would have least known ahead of time. I was shooting off questions which everyone ignored and Grayson shook
his head no.
"You all have 5 minutes to get her stuff packed and back here. We are leaving." With that
said Uncle John turned and walked away.
Jarek turned to Vic and C.J. nodded before pushing towards the office. "Wow! I can pack my own damn stuff! I have being doing it since I was 8." Digging my heels into the ground. This was nuts. I could do this myself. No one was going to go digging where it did not concern them.
They all knew it would be quicker if they just agreed now then fight with me, which I would get my own way in the long run. The boys ran off to their own cabins I assumed and would meet us in a few minutes. I was back between Grayson and Jarek with one hand around each bicep. Once again I had to concentrate. They were completely oblivious to the effect they had on me. Probably a good thing.
Back at my cabin they rushed me inside grabbing my clothes and putting them on my bed. I stood there and just watched in horror. I had a way of packing my stuff and this was not it. "Come on babe we gotta hurry." Grayson hadn't called me babe since last week. He
seemed...excited almost but also worried.
My slow moving brain finally caught up to me. Something was wrong and all this was to protect me and the other kids. Ignoring my borderline OCD on packing I started to shove things in the suitcase. But when it came to my dad's old bag I was much more cautious. Placing my tin I had for all the letters I kept from C.J. and the odd one from Grayson I gently put in my dad's bag last.
"What's in there? Why do you have this ratty old bag?" Jarek asked with just curiosity, no judgment in his tone.
"My dad's bag. It's one of two things I have of his. This," I lifted the tin box, "letter's over the years from C.J. and a couple notes from Grayson." I could feel my face go red. I didn't like people knowing I had a sentimental side. Grayson looked at me, smiling knowingly. He was one of the only people that knew the true me. He probably knew me better than anyone else. When I looked back at Jarek I thought I might have seen some hostility but there was just a
thoughtfulness to him.
Bags packed and a final search of the room I was ready in less than 5 minutes and back
to the main office in another 2 minutes. But C.J. and Vic beat us back. From the look of things
all the kids were heading up to the buses. Another 20 minutes and the final roll call was
done and the buses left, leaving us right behind.
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