Chapter 44 Hunter/Lupa
We were at my cabin but I didn't want to go inside. It was still an hour before lights out. I was tired of always being cooped up surrounded by walls. I would love to go for a run, on two legs, but I knew the answer for that so I didn'tt bother to ask. Instead I parked my butt on the steps. Lifting my head to the almost full moon bathing in its beautiful white glory. Even with everything that was going on it was peaceful tonight.
Ignoring the guys watchful eyes, forgetting about the upcoming threats, letting the past few days go deep to memory. I just sat there and relaxed. Breathing in deep and forgetting about everything. That lasted about 2 minutes before I could feel the guys getting anxious.
"C.J. and I are going to do a perimeter check. Just 30 feet or so around the cabin." Vic was the first to break the silence. I made a sound of agreement.
Still gazing up at the moon. "Hunter?" That was Grayson's we-need-to-talk voice.
I was already shaking my head. "No. No more talking. Not tonight."
His frustrations hit me like a brick. He wasn't going to let this go. "Too bad. You listen
and I will talk then."
I started to get up because I did not want to hear any of this. Not tonight. "Sit your ass down. Now!" There was no asking it was all command.
It shocked me so much that I landed back down harder than I wanted to. Lupa was really
stirring now. She, the twisted wolf that she was, liked this Grayson. I on the other hand wasn't sure what to think. Grayson took his eyes off me for a moment to look at Jarek. Whatever was said silently between the two had Jarek sighed but he walked into the cabin giving us the illusion of being alone.
I opened my mouth to say something but he was serious about me listening and him talking because he gave me such a stern look that had me shut my mouth with a pop sound.
Standing tall in front of me he radiated tension and demanded to be listened too. "Your uncle is not the only one that wants to put you over their knee. Do you have any clue what you did to me at the lake? Do you have any clue what the 3 of us went through as we pulled your dead body out of that water? I don't think you have the faintest clue how it tore us up inside. Not only are we here to protect you we also care about you." Now he was passing back and forth.
His hands in tight fists as he struggled to keep his temper in check. "I am sickened with myself for hurting you. I never, ever wanted to do that. I am trying to understand what you're going through but I can't. I can't even imagine. I am at a loss on what I can do to make things better." He fell to his knees in front of me grabbing my hands in his.
"I hate seeing you like this. I hate even more that a part of the reason is because of my betrayal. My stupid, idiotic one second mistake. I can give you the reason what and why I did what I did but it doesn't matter. I screwed up‚ badly. I never want to do that again. I never want to see what I seen in your eyes that night again. Not because of me."
Starring intently into my eyes his voice softened. The pain was clear to anyone that could hear him. "Hunter I have been in love with you since I was 12 years old. You have been the only girl for me. When I seen you the first time after 2 years...when you jumped into my arms I realized that my feelings before that was just a simple crush. What I feel for you now is much, much more. You are my world, my life, my existence. I cannot live another day without touching you, without talking to you, without seeing that smile light up a room. Please Hunter," his voice was just a bare whisper. Not because it was a secret and he didn't want anyone else to know, it was full of rare emotion and need. "I love you, please give me a chance so I can prove that."
Wow. What does someone say to that? I sure the hell didn't know. I sat there looking stupid. Surprise, surprise. I did love this guy in front of me. I had no question about that. But could I ever trust him again? That was the question.
Before I could say anything, not that I had a clue what to say, Grayson had moved closer. Our lips almost touching. "I will earn your trust back if it's the last thing I ever do." Then he
kissed me.
I guess I was not that strong after all since I couldn't even stop that from happening. Who
was I kidding? I loved kissing him. His soft sure lips on mine. His kiss was gentle at first but
when he realized I wasn't going to push him away it became more intense. Filled with need
and desire. It woke up things in my body that I have never felt before. Grabbing the front of his
shirt I pulled him closer to me. Matching his need and desire with my own. My body was on fire.
The steady burn that started deep in my belly was spreading like wildfire. Everywhere he
touched sent chills down my body. I couldn't get close enough. Before I knew what was happening I was shocked back into reality. I, we, were soaked and gasping.
Somehow Grayson and I were laying on the porch and a very pissed of Jarek was
standing above us with an empty bucket of water. "You're going to bring on Lupa and that
may not be a good idea considering her hand is clenched in front of your stomach."
I think Grayson was about to tell Jarek off but looked down at my hand and swallowed hard. Even though Grayson impressed Lupa with his dominance I wasn't sure if she forgave him
yet. I wasn't sure I forgave him yet. This definitely could have ended badly.
Seeing them stare each other down had Amanda's comment come rushing back. "Males are very protective. They don't share well. So finding a born and made that are both Alpha material and at the same time willing to share is all but impossible." What in the world was I going to do?
I was grateful that Grayson and Jarek took the first watch. I needed time to breath. That was not the easiest thing since I still had C.J. and Vic in my room. C.J. was unusually quiet but I did not want to bring that up now. I was to full of emotions to deal with yet another one. Then there was Vic. All he did was stare and smile when I caught him. I don't think he was doing it to make me uncomfortable but he was making me feel that way. I think it was because of what I was and nothing more.
I finally had enough and tuned everything out, turning my back to my bunk mates and within minutes a miracle happened. I fell asleep. It was a much needed dreamless sleep.
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