Chapter 41 Hunter/Lupa
I was starting to figure out why Hunter was having difficulties. Walking sandwiched between Jarek and Grayson was a little confusing. Ok not a little. Jarek's scent washed over my body, he was pack, he was home. He was mine. Then there was Grayson. He was Hunter's pack. She trusted him still but not with her heart. She was loved him. Her feelings were echoing in my thoughts even though she had herself locked tightly away.
Sitting in the Mess Hall with Grayson and Jarek on either side of me and Vic and C.J. across from us, the other campers outright starred. I never understood why Hunter liked it here so much. Too many humans for me, too many scents, and it was very loud. I tried to tune out most of the campers like Hunter did but it was hard. It was in my nature to always look for threats. To keep my surroundings in focus. I know I had the wolves with me but I needed to take care of myself and Hunter. I had to teach her what it was to be a wolf. Even if she locked herself away at the moment she was still learning. She couldn't not learn, we shared the same mind and body.
"So what's the plan?" C.J. finally spoke up. As far as I knew he hasn't said anything since the lake. I know Hunter trusted him with her life but there was something a little off about him. I couldn't put my finger on it. Oh I think he would give his life for ours but there was just something...
"Which one of you are going to tell me what we have missed? I know there is a lot more going on than what my Alpha has told us so far." Vic asked, staring at Jarek then Grayson. Neither said a word, just continued to eat. Hunter had practically been starving her body so I was too busy shoving food down my throat to respond.
From the corner of my eye I seen a familiar blonde ponytail bobbing side to side moving its way closer to our table. A growl slipped my throat and the guys swung their heads to look at me.
"Wasn't me," I started to laugh. "She's starting to come around and I know just how to get her back." I laughed again. I could feel Hunter begin to stir. Even trying to hide she was starting to feel what and who was coming. "Umm...I will talk to you boys soon." I added as my control began to slip. Willing to give it to Hunter but still making her fight for it.
Every step that blonde ponytail made, every step she got closer gave Hunter more
power to take back her body. Anger growing and growing. The flashes of what she wanted to do where a little disturbing but I would let her fantasize if it made her want to fight. Want to fight for what she wanted. Fight for her life. Fight to live.
You know if you leave he is free game. He will need comforting and she will be very happy to give it. She will do anything to get what she wants. What will you do? I asked Hunter.
Shut up Lupa! She snarled. He is mine! I will ripe those hands off if she so much comes a foot of him.
Can't do a damn thing if you don't fight. Oh before you all Chuck Norris on her ass take a minute to look in this head of ours and see what our packs have been discussing. It makes sense. We need a balance and I think they are right. But don't get all stupid again. We don't have time for another one of your episodes. Time to put the big girl panties on.
I took a second to flash back the important parts. They want me to mate?!
Hunter shrieked. It's a lot louder when you're sharing the same headspace. Her voice seemed to bounce off our skull.
Yes and no. It's more of finding a balance. Having both a born and made with us so we are both happy with no quilt. I explained and flashed both Grayson and Jarek's face through our mind. Understanding hit her but she didn't say a word. The threat was closing in and all her concentration went to the blonde.
It was time for Hunter to have control of her body. I felt the growl rumble in my throat before I heard it. It was low enough that only the guys sitting with me could hear it. Their attention was on me until C.J. made a small oh sound. That's when three of them went ramrod stiff. The new guy was looking a little confused, I think his name was Vic. No, Sam.
"I swear to you Grayson if she so much as lays a finger nail on you I will rip off that hand and shove it down her throat." My voice was barely a whisper but the four of them could hear.
"Hunter?" Both Jarek and Grayson asked in unison. I gave them a bare nod. Grayson's shoulders ever so lightly relaxed. I wanted to tell him that I was not happy with him at all even though I was about to tear his little flings throat out. I was in no way ready to forgive or forget.
"Hey, Grayson!" The every so perky Alice said as she came a foot from our table. From my Grayson. "Sorry to interrupt but can I speak with you for a minute? Alone."
I kept my head down, breathing stayed at a nice steady pace as I put my hands flat on the table and rose slowly. Jarek grabbed my arm and looked up at me in a warning. I let him see it was me. Just me, not Lupa. "I'm fine." I reassured him. Thankfully he took my word for it and slowly removed one finger at a time.
By then I was standing. I could see Alice was trying to hide her smile and just how pleased she was to think she was running me off. She was so wrong. Taking a step I planted myself between her and Grayson. Crowding her personal space that she had to take a step back. "I will tell you this once, and only once, Alice, so listen very carefully. You so much as come within 10 feet of Grayson, breath his name, bat your eyelashes, or look at him in any way I find offensive and I will rip out your throat with my teeth. He is mine!" The other campers were staring at us by now but I knew they couldn't hear me. My voice was soft and tight with control. The widening of her eyes gave me great pleasure she knew I was serious.
"Are you threatening me?" Her fear flashed for a second than was gone. Now she looked smug.
Shaking my head then letting a cold smile creep up my face.
"No, Alice. That was not a threat. I am letting you know what I will do to you." She stood there with her mouth open as I reached my arm back and grabbed Grayson. Him and the others stood and followed me out. I could smell the shock coming from Grayson and feel his hand damp with sweat as I took his hand in mine, dragging him out of the Mess Hall.
Walking back to the office I decided clothes would be good. I couldn't believe I was still in one of the examining gowns. Damn you Lupa! I swear if she had her way I would either walk around naked with a big bow around my neck or in wolf form. Ahhh I couldn't believe I was this weak! I have never been a pathetic teen. Moody? Yes. Bitchy? Yes. But ever to cause harm to myself? No. Shaking my head at my internal dialog I vowed I would never ever try that again. I am a fighter dammit! Oblivious to my internal rant I heard manly chuckle coming from behind me. I spun around to see C.J. holding in his laughter and Sam with a big smile on his face. "What is so funny?"
"You're...very different from Lupa. I'm sorry I should not be laughing as you rant." Sam said sincerely.
It took me all of two seconds to realize I was mumbling out loud. I let out a sigh. No point for getting my panties in a knot. They did nothing wrong.
"Where are we going?" Jarek spoke up. Never once having a smile on his face. If anything he was doing very well keeping anything off his face. It was just the flicker of his eyes to mine and Grayson's hand and the slightest tick in his eye that I thought I understood what was wrong.
"Clothes. I need clothes. I think I have flashed enough people for a day.Sam and C.J. wipe those smiles of your face and stop staring at my ass!" One of them actually stumbled after the ass comment. That was all the confirmation I needed.
Giving Grayson's hand a squeeze before letting go. I might have claimed him as mine but in reality I was still hurt and pissed about the Alice. Finally reaching my cabin I quickly ran in to change, brush my teeth and brush my hair. I wasn't going to push my luck with a shower so my hair went up in a messy bun. I guess I didn't take to long since when I came out I was greeted with a much more relaxed Jarek. C.J. had his usual smile on his face but it seemed forced. Sam was outright staring at me even after he had a clear view of my butt for who knows how long. Then there was Grayson that seemed relax and I think he was more so as soon as he seen me walk out that door.
My talk with Lupa really helped. More like her bitching and me shutting up to listening. I still can't believe what I tried to do earlier. That was not me. I didn't know what I was thinking! That was it, I wasn't thinking at all. What mattered was what I was going to say to my uncle's, my alpha. No I mean Alpha's. We already reached the office and I was shaking. I did not want to face them but I had too. This was what people who want to live did. Face up to their mistakes. Straightening my shoulders with my chin held high I started to walk up the stairs. At the last minute my nerves wavered and I grabbed both Grayson and Jarek's hand. It shocked them as much as it did me. Their touch seemed to settle my stomach and gave me an extra boost of confidence.
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