Chapter 40 Adam
The two wolves that walked in the door caught me off guard. I knew they were borns and not mades but I was not expecting identical twins. Just reaching 6 feet, blue eyed, blonde haired, mid-twenties good looking college kids.
"Did you bring it?" Nikko asked them in a way of greeting.
"Yes, Sir." The one on the left answered and passed Nikko an old, worn, leather bound book.
"Good. Good. Vic, Sam this is Adam their Alpha." Nikko started to introduce everyone but noticed right away that the twins attention was elsewhere. Staring right down the hall where Hunter slept.
Turning to see what held their attention and the wonder in their eyes I wasn't surprised to see Hunter standing at the door, staring right back at the born twins. Her colour was no longer blue but was extremely pale, the black under her eyes was now a soft purple, and she now had on one of the examining gowns instead of her bathing suit and t-shirt.
"Hunter?" I took a step towards her then stopped when she swung her head towards me and took a step back. "How are you feeling?" She stared at me with blank eyes for another second then looked back at the twins before turning and headed to the washroom. I sighed and the rest of the room seemed to let out the breath they were holding at the same time.
"Is that..." "What happened to her?" Both the twins asked at the same time.
"Yes and I will explain later," Nikko answered the twins than turned to look at me. "I think we may find some answers to help with Hunter's condition in this book. It's some of the less popular legends of the Red Queens."
"Why don't you boys go get something to eat and come back in an hour? There was no point in everyone waiting here." Grayson was already shaking his head. Why was it if it wasn't Hunter giving me a hard time than it was Grayson? Maybe I was wrong this whole time. Maybe Grayson was in love with my niece. Maybe, just maybe they were destined to be a mated pair.
"I'm not leaving Hunter." Grayson, for the first time since pulling her out of the water, stood up to his full height and had conviction in his voice.
"We are here now. We will protect her. She is in desperate need of it from what I can see." The twin on the right said as he stared down Grayson. Both Grayson and Jarek took a step towards the twins growling their warning.
"Sam. Enough." Nikko sterns voice gave no room for comment. "It has been a very tiring day. It's been a very long week. Don't start. Jarek, stand down."
I didn't say anything to Grayson for two reason: he had already went back into a less defensive pose and he had a right to get upset. I had a feeling mixing our packs was definitely going to have its ups and downs. Before anyone said another word the twins froze. This time I didn't have to turn to see what they were staring at. Hunter was out of the washroom. No longer fixated on the twins she walked into the room.
Something wasn't right. Ok a lot of things were not right but she was walking through the room with her head up and ignoring all the eyes that were on her. Face blank, body stiff, her eyes and attention were on the far side of the room. Her focus was on the door.
"Hunter? Hunter! Where do you think you are going young lady?" I demanded as she walked past me and was almost to the twins. Everyone in the room bolted straight up and was about to jump her where she stood. Hunter kept walking and didn't respond.
"Lupa!" Nikko's command washed through the room. Hunter's back stiffened, her
step faltered, feet now glued to the floor. "I told you to let Hunter out," Nikko stressed,
walking over and planting himself between her and the door.
Everyone in the room stopped moving, possibly even stopped breathing for a couple heart beats. Fear, worry, and anger was radiating off everyone in the room. The twins were the only ones that looked shocked. I could tell they were bursting at the seams with questions but had enough control to keep their mouths shut.
At the moment. Hunter/Lupa just stood there with her head bowed not uttering a word. Nikko growled and she whimpered, with her body language I could tell she was fighting herself not to take a step back. She was shaking her head, tiny hands balled into fists she finally spoke, "I can't stay in that room. I, we, need food." She looked up at Nikko pleading with her eyes before she went back into a submissive pose. "She won't come. It's like she put up a steel door with many locks. I can't reach her and she won't talk to me...She's broken and I don't know what to do. I can only keep us fed but..."
"What the..." and "Oh my god." Came from the twins. It didn't surprise me that they couldn't stand there in silence.
First Hunter was a born, a female born, then you add in Lupa and never mind her
physical appearance: she was a mess, a very rare mess. I wasn't sure which one said it, they sounded alike as much as they looked alike, but their words seemed to echo through the room even though they whispered. "She's red. She's our Red Queen."
Everyone's head snapped up and stared at the twins. Low threatening growls came
from half the men in the room. None of this phased these two borns. They continued to stare between Hunter in complete ah, and Nikko for confirmation. It was then that I could see the toll of what had happened this week started to take its toll on the Alpha.
Taking in a deep breath I noticed Nikko stood a bit taller. Taking Hunter by the arm to the loveseat without a word and settled her in the middle. Grayson and Jarek were there a second behind taking up the spots beside her. Nikko studied his son for a minute if surprised by his actions. I, unfortunately, was not. He was starting to get that same look that Grayson had in his eyes. It could have been just a great need to protect one of his own. Protecting a female was always greater with us but add in something you were never sure you would meet then add in the impossible and top that off with Hunter's personality? Protective was putting it mildly.
"Ok Sam, Vic? I will give you the very short version for now. You know about our threat so that can wait till later. This is Hunter. It's Lupa at the moment. Her She-wolf. Yes she is also red and we all know what that means. Hunter/Lupa have...shall I say...a difference of opinions at times. Lupa can also take control when..."
Lupa cut Nikko off. "When she is weak and when she is hiding herself. You know
I have to agree with her though. It is rather frustration listening to people talk about you if
you're not in the room."
"She also has a confliction on what Alpha to obey," Nikko added, pointedly staring at Lupa. It was like she couldn't believe what she said. Her eyes went as big as saucers, mouth dropped open before slapping her hand over it, then dropped her head forward.
"So let me see if I understand this." One of the twins said. I was really starting to wonder how anyone could tell them apart. "Hunter is, as far as we know, the only born female in Canada and possible in all of North America. Her wolf is red, which should be impossible. Her She-wolf goes by Lupa and that is who we are talking to right now. They, her and her wolf, are separate personalities. More so than any of us. Instead of working as one there is two of them sharing one body?"
"That pretty much sums it up," I answered. "Oh and lets not forget that Hunter tried to commit suicide on top of that." Regretting the words as soon as they were out I changed the subject. "I need to ask this, which one are you?" It shouldn't have been an issue but I need to know who I was talking too.
"That's Vic," Lupa whispered. After we all gave her a questioning look she explained. "Vic has a brown speck in his right eye. He also smells more like Jarek then Sam does."
Nikko looked shocked. I couldn't smell the difference. I took in their scent when they first walked in and they even smelled the same. Hunter/Lupa turned to look at Nikko, as if she could feel his burning gaze on her.
"They're pack." Was her response to the unanswered question. Nikko's smile was so full of pride it took everything in me not to grab Hunter and leave behind all these borns.
She was of my pack not theirs. Now I knew where Sam and Vic were standing and did actually see that brown speck in Vic's right blue eye.
It was Sam that cleared his throat. "I was going through the book," he nodded to the book that Nikko still had in his hand. "There are a few tales that they written in the after the original writing was done. Anyways I skimmed through a couple and it said there was once a queen seems to be like Hunters. She actually had the strongest connection with all the wolves but also had...some issues. Long story short, for now, she had to have a connection with both borns and mades or her...umm personality suffered. So basically both here happy. Needed to be equals."
None of us knew what to make out of that. It was Hunter/Lupa that seemed the least bit disturb by this. "Huh. That actually makes sense. If we are both happy and not conflicted then we could be equals. She is confused, angry, scared, and hurt. What she thought she wanted...let's just say it didn't end up how she thought." She was staring daggers at Grayson. "And with my wants and needs rattling around it has her confused and blaming her hormones." She started to laugh as she looked like she was thinking back or deep inside her. "This may help her. I think this will help her."
"Wow. Wow. Wow. She's not even 16 yet! Now you want her to pick not only one mate but two?" John, who has been so quiet all this time was now ready to explode. He face was turning a beat red, lips together in a tight line, fist clenched together so tight his knuckles turned white, and his body had a fine tremor to it. "How about the fact that she has gone through so much this past week. Or the fact that her life has never had any real stability. And yes add her hormones and her shift on top of that! Is anyone really surprised what happened at the lake today? I'm not. Hunter is an amazing girl. One who keeps her feelings so bottled up that it hurts. One who loves so deeply and cares for everyone beside her even when she does everything to fight it. One who would do anything to protect those people in her life. And last but not least, a young woman that would do anything to have a family. She lost her family then...Grace. I understand more now what she was trying to do then before." John was breathing heavy now with his jaws clenched tight.
"Let's not push this two mate thing at her yet.|John?" I said, after a minute
of silence. Giving him time to collect himself. "We will look into this more. I, too, am her
uncle and want what's best. But if that means keeping both parts of her happy and level then I will agree to this. I will help her even, though like you, I feel she is way too young to find a mate/mates just yet. She's going to be our Queen John. We need to protect and support her. At all costs." I wasn't so much pleading my case, just hoping for understanding and for him to keep an open mind. John had his head down the complete time I was talking to him, still trying to get back in control of his emotions. By the end he nodded his acceptance.
"Now we plan and do some research," Nikko announced, a little lighter mood than a few minutes ago. I knew what he was feeling. It was nice to possibly have a resource that could possibly help Hunter. We needed plan our next move. The events today changed some of our plans. Hunter needed time to recoup before we moved her but the question was, did we have the time to wait?
"Food. I really need to eat. Some of you may not of noticed but Hunter has been playing with her food more than eating it the past couple days." Grayson must have moved or something because Hunter/Lupa turned and smiled at him and added, "I know you have. She always was worried about you more than anyone else when it came to eating."
"Adam? I have a request," Nikko stated. Nodding he continued. "I would like to have two borns with Hunter along with your two mades guarding her from now on."
More guards I would not argue about. I wanted to argue about having two borns with her but I couldn't. It was undeniable that Hunter/Lupa was torn between the two packs. I had to admit that she just might belong to both up us and not just my pack. Plus I honestly did trust Nikko, for the most part. "Yes. I agree that is the best for her and her safety. Grayson. C.J. you're on duty."
"Jarek. Sam. You're with Hunter. Vic I need you here to help with the research. I am counting on you to find out all you can about the so called tales of other Red Queens." Nikko gave out his orders then walked over to a desk. Sam was beaming and Vic looked a little conflicted. I could see he wanted to get close to Hunter but he also knew that his research could help her. Add on top of that it was their Alpha's orders, they didn't have a choice.
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