Chapter 23 Hunter
"How many other people are going to die because of me?" I mumbled to myself as soon as I realized I was back in the office. This time curled up on the loveseat. I guess they were not going to take any more chances on leaving me alone. It was like the room didn't change after I left. The same people were there: sitting, leaning, and standing talking in hushed voices.
"Oh Honey, this is not your fault," Uncle John's voice was soft and hoarse. "Hunter, look at me." When I didn't, he bent down taking my chin in his hand and making me look at him. "Would you give someone up? Would have you told them where your aunt was?" The look of repulsion on my face was answer enough. "So would it be your aunt's fault if roles were reversed? See, Hunter, it is not your fault. The persons responsible are the...scum that took her away from us and no one else."
I was crying again, I seemed to be doing a lot of that since I arrived at camp. When my uncle pulled me into a hug I squeezed him back even tighter than he squeezed me. I sat cradled in his arms like a child and cried, leaning on each other for support. Once the tears slowed, our death grip loosened and I pulled myself off of his lap and back onto the loveseat.
"You, young lady!" Uncle Adam's voice boomed through the room. "If you ever pull a stunt like that again...Let's just say you are not too old to be put over my knee." I knew it was an empty threat but it still made me flinch and sink further back into the loveseat. "If you would have asked or stayed around you would have found out the real reason we moved you so often."
"It was too dangerous to keep you in one spot too long," Uncle John took over the conversation as my Uncle Adam tried to regain his temper. "By us having you move every year we were pretty sure that even if another pack found out about you it would be too late because you would be gone. That is one of the reasons why the camp moves. The longer it stayed in one place the stronger our scent becomes. It also gives the children time to meet more of their kind for when and if they choose to accept the life as a wolf. It can help them find their mate in many cases as well. Of course that is not until they come of age. Grayson and C.J. are the exception to the rule. They knew early on what we, their parents were and that you were so close to them, their personalities, and their strength was the reason they were chosen."
I understood the part of moving me around so we were all safer, mostly. But the camp and finding mates? My two best friends being the exception to the rule? What rule? Chosen? Chosen for what?
"Hunter? John? We really need to explain other things now. More pressing matters need to be discussed and explained," Uncle Adam, back in control of his emotions for the most part, said with regret. At our nod he gave things over to Nikko.
"There are a few things that are different between borns and mades. The grace and speed of our change, we are faster and stronger, and sometimes we are...granted with special gifts. The gift of sight, for example, is extremely rare and as much as it is a gift it can also be seen as a curse. You my little Lyall have the gift of sight I believe but I would like to ask you some questions later to make sure."
"Leeall? And what do you mean "gift of sight"? I asked.
"Lie-al. Lyall means 'shield wolf'. That is what we call those who have this gift. If you are a true Lyall then you are able to see the future and past events. Mostly in your dreams but it also can happen when you are awake. It's more flashes than the full vision." Nikko answered.
"You think I can see things? No offence Nikko but it was just a nightmare. It hasn't been an uneventful few days you know." I didn't keep the doubt out of my voice. "How do you know or more like think you know I am one of these...Lyall?"
"Because I am one, well was one. I haven't had a vision in years. Listen Hunter," he came and crotched in front of me, his elbows resting on his knees, "those vivid nightmares you have been having are way out of the norm. Yes, we dream about ourselves before we first shift but from what my son has told me about your dreams that is not what is happening. What you have been having are visions, especially the one the other night. Didn't you see Grayson shift into his wolf? Didn't you see the other wolves fight on the beach? And didn't you see my son come in the water after you? See, usually only borns can shift back to their human form so soon after they shift to their wolf form. Especially if we have not eaten while in our wolf forms. There are some mades that can change as easily as a born, like your Uncle Adam but he is an Alpha so he has the power to do so."
He was right, the last nightmare was even more real, but I could have dreamt about Grayson and Jarek because I saw them that day. The dream about Aunt Grace...? "And the dream about...the one I just had?" I kept my voice soft. I did not want to talk about it in detail but I had to know.
"It feels like you were really there but no one could see or hear you. You are able to walk through solid objects and no matter how hard you try you are not able to pick anything up. Looking down at your body you are transparent almost a soft white glow to you. Does any of this ring a bell?" Nikko was being very understanding and patient with me but his voice was creeping to cocky. He had too much confidence on what he said. The scary thing was he had a right to be cocky about this. He was right. I was 'gifted with sight'.
"But...but how? Why? Am I going to...I don't want to see that again," I was borderline in panic mood thinking of seeing my aunt killed again.
Shaking his head, Nikko answered, "No. The past is the past, and you will see it once if you even see it at all. Sometimes when you are emotionally involved it increases the chances of getting a vision, and sometimes when you are with a person who is emotionally involved than that to can trigger it. In this case you had both. For the how and why you will get some of your visions I can't say. But I can tell you the bigger the future event and the closer it is to you the clearer and more often the visions come.
"That's what I am worried about. I have been told you have been having, basically, the same dream for the past couple months and they are increasing in intensity as well as coming more frequent. I think this may be a problem and after the other night's...incident, I am even more worried." Nikko stopped in mid-thought staring out the window, his eyes losing focus.
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