stars collide.
night number 1.
those nights that theo doesn't remember began at the pool. we were both lying nearby, unbothered by the circumstances, just usually drinking like each fucking day. everything was at peace and stars were falling from the dark sky.
„is pretty. nazdarovje!" i said and clinked mine bottle with theo's.
"yeah, cheers." we sipped from a bitter beer and i smirked. i taught him how to say 'cheers' in russian a long time ago, what a smart boy.
„i want to stay like this forever."theo lazily took a drag from his cigarette looking at a starry night.
„you know, stars won't disappear from day to day." i amusingly shook my head, my curls bounced.
„no. i didn't mean that."he said, almost angrily. „i just...ugh.." he really didn't know how to explain his emotions and thoughts, did he? not that he had any training with it. because me neither.
"i just want to save this in my memory. with you."
i looked at him, we were both so drunk but I could see him, clear as ever. my look drove from his serious face to lines of his curvy body lying right next to mine. our spread-out hands holding cigarettes were almost touching. till this moment there was always an invisible line in our friendship (or how should i fucking name it?) and now i went over and carefully grabbed his hand in mine.
"i want this to stay in my memory too. just don't freak out when i'll do something right now, da?"
he nodded, there was that unclear expression on his face which i couldn't read. why was he always like that?
"promise?" i didn't want to damage all of this. us. i had to be sure.
after his confirmation, i took his face in my hands, bend down and i pressed my lips to his. at first, he was motionless, but then he began to melt under me. suddenly he started to kiss back with so much hunger it stunned me. it appeared as if he waited to be kissed for a long long time and now he was finally fed. unfortunately, we had to pull away because of lack of oxygen.
"so is this the first time you kissed someone, am i right potter, huh ?" i teased him with a playful smirk.
"not at all.."he murmured under his breath huffily, rolled his eyes, and kissed me once again, our hands over each other bodies, exploring.
"oh...but have you kissed a boy before?" i raised my eyebrow.
"boris, i don't really wanna think about that, to be honest. can we just....uhm, go inside and continue this without unnecessary thinking?"
i didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by my ramblings so i took him by his hand and pulled him up to his feet. i continued kissing him all the way up to his bedroom. i planted kisses and soft touches everywhere: to his shoulders, to the nape of the neck, to the back of his ears. small sounds like moans were escaping from his lovely mouth and i could listen to that every night, hell even whole life.
we ended up on a soft bed, holding onto each other for dear life. his body smelled like salt and chloride. i could remember...
we felt and saw stars collide for the first time.
i've saved this in my memories, but i don't know if he did, i don't know about theo.
this is how his lost nights began.
n o t e s > hi, my dudes. sorry for my very bad english, but i'm slav just like boris lol.
> also theo you're internalized homophobia is showing sweetie
> i love writing this dfgmg omg, idk if i should continue
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