dancing queen.
night number 2.
next morning we woke up miles away from each other. nothing was indicating the things we've done on that magical starry night. i was hopeful, but my desire to continuing doing whatever we've been doing slowly dropped when I realized theo didn't say to me a fucking word when he woke up in the late afternoon.
god, he was one fucking mess. did he even care?
so i didn't say anything either, why should i be the one to ruin it all? if theo didn't want to talk about it, I'd respect that. yeah, we've simply respected each other out of mutual respect.
we've been really lazy that morning, just lying in a messy bed, covered under covers and staring at the ceiling. some kind of tiredness took over us and it was not healthy at all. but hey, what exactly was healthy in our own worlds anyway?
were we just too scared to move to another wretched day? i couldn't tell, but something has changed.
"come on, rise and shine, potter," i smirked and softly pulled his hair which i've been staring at for long minutes.
"auch, what the fuck?" he massaged the crown of his head and slammed my hand.
"what? you're just too lazy koala sometimes."i defensively moved my hands in front of me.
"i'm nauseous as fuck, boris. i don't feel like functioning today." he laid down on his stomach and murmured into the pillow.
"i know what will help, just you wait." before he could say anything i ran to his kitchen, for a moment i scanned through the fridge and then i found it.
"another vodka?" theo said with doubts when i returned to the bedroom.
"da. vodka. trust me, is going to be only better, not worse. i promise, yes?"
then we were wasting and drinking and smoking till another sunset.
"hey, uhm, potter? can i ask you something?" i said as i swallowed another shot of alcohol.
"you never ask for permission, dumbass. so ask all you want." he curiously raised an eyebrow.
"do you remember something from last night?"
"define something," he said with a smirk on his lips. he had been making it so hard.
"i don't know. just something."
"no. actually, i don't remember a shit. it's all one big stain." theo sighed.
i hated to admit it but it hurt what he said. i couldn't have this conversation- what should i say? that i clearly remember every detail of his body, curves, a taste of sweet lips and his hunger?
"yeah, me too." i lied like a goddamn pathological liar, and maybe we both were ones.
i lit my cigarette and his and then i turn on the radio on the nightstand. they were playing some old ass music but we didn't mind. there was this song: dancing queen by abba that lifted up my mood. with a smirk and cigarette in my hand, i stood up on mattress. i offered Theo my hand, he complained a little bit but then the tempting music got to him and he somehow became alive, his eyes shiny. i pulled him up and we started dancing and messing around.
"we look silly, you know." he said almost with a blush but i saw through his facade, he was enjoying it.
"no way, potter! ooh you can dance ,you can jive.having the time of your lifeooh, see that girl." i twirled him around and pointed at him.
"stop. i'm not a girl, boris." he said, clearly annoyed.
"watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen." I continued singing.
when the song ended we tumbled down to bed with a burst of uproarious laughter. we held onto each other and we couldn't somehow stop. the world was twisting around us, it seemed as if we were one stable points. then we stopped and he was staring into my eyes the same way like from the night before. he desired to be high off of only me. i could see that. and i wanted that too. what a lovely harmful drug he is.
i started to kissing him (every part of him) with so much passion i was sure he'll forget the next morning but i couldn't care less. this was enough for me. i started to like these nights more than uncertain cruel days when all we cared was survival.
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