Here is an interview with the wonderful XxxSistersxxX regarding her book!
1) What inspired you to write your story? What inspired the plot? Characters?
During coivd I had a lot going on at home,
and I needed an escape. Since I have always struggled with spelling, I found if I set myself a mission of a chapter consisting of 2,000 words a night, It would help me to set goals and completed them. As I wrote, my writing improved and I found I was getting furthur in my career and univeristy work because of it. The first book I wrote was, let's say, interesting. But it told me what kind of writer I was, and it was that I couldn't write in third person it just didn't flow. I just didn't feel connected to my character so once I finished it I decided that I would sit down and plan a whole new story.
I wrote the beginning and end. I even wrote information about my world and story that I would never write so I could feel for the my main character. This is how my characters were made Daisy is based off me to an extent. Not lookwise but personaility see I am austic and I have only just been diagnoised and it was a way for me to help my family understand how I felt and saw the world the best way I could. So she questions everything, over analysis and just doesn't understand human interaction. She is an extension of me and she goes through some of the struggles I did. Not everything though as I did take liberations. With my other
characters they all have the same first initial as someone important to me or not. So all charcters are based of these people in a way.
You'll see as you read that this plot is really a story of acceptance in a fantasy world.
I could write loads answering this question but I do not want to bore people :)
2) Where did you pull
information or ideas for your book? What type of research was involved?
Honestly, it didn't really come from anywhere in particular just my crazy brain. When I wrote, I did listen to a bunch of music, so I may have sometimes listened to a certain lyrics and thought more about my characters. It definitely helped in working out relationships as I listened to a lot of women singing about
friendships and romances. But most of my research was actually me looking through my notebook I had written my plot in as I forgot alot of what I had decided. I did however search up my title as I wanted a more sophisticated word for captivity.
3) What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
That I can come up with a whole story and atcually keep my sister entertained enough to read my book. She has even asked me to hurry up on the second one. That is a huge achivement for me. I also found that the more I wrote the more I understood myself.
4) Who is your favourite
character to write and why?
Daisy in this story. I know
nobody has met any of the more important characters yet so I dont want to say to much but Jacob is a very interesting character to write especially in the squeal that I am writing at the moment.
5) What is currently your favourite chapter of your book?
Its hard as its between two chapters sixteen and seventeen I know nobody is there yet but it explains so much and is the turning point for the character and when I wrote it I felt I was finally able to go wild and not keep anything back.
6) What do you think
the central message of your story is?
No matter what you have been
through or are going through things will get better. You may have a bad past but that doesn't define you and your future.
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