R17: Remain Silent, @ReadingZee
(R17 is short for Review 17)
Review : Book17 (MYSTERY)
BOOK TITLE: Remain Silent
AUTHOR: @ReadingZee
--This is my personal analysis, with the present contents of book, and the mentioned judging criteria. It may change after author edits the book or if criteria is changed.
--Any other person judging the same book, on same criteria/points, may hold different opinions/comments/suggestion/advice, than highlighted here.
--Nothing is written/criticized to offend anyone. If you don't agree, it's alright, I don't mind others having different opinions.
1. Cover, Title, Summary (8/10)
Cover shows the image of the ex cop, with a gun,which perfectly fits the storyline. The image effects, dark themed background (red color represents blood and darkness indicates the violence, gore etc) and the color contrast chosen for the title, all suit the plot.
The title too, is relevant to the story. However, the font type may be changed to fit the plot and font size can be made bigger and clear, to make the cover more attractive.
Summary is well written, barring few grammatical and sentence formation mistakes.
2. Images/photos etc., audio, video, GIFs- Graphics (2/10)
No images are used. No other graphics present. I am not a fan of them either and you won't find any, in my books too, but I kept this point for the analysis, because it's an important factor on Wattpad. The only thing to be kept in mind, is to keep them in moderation and relevance. Unnecessary graphics put off the readers.
3. Grammar, Spelling, vocabulary (8/10)
Author has done a very good work here, and I congratulate her for that. Not many authors have good grammar and it is mostly, the main reason for the readers to feel repulsion from the book.
Spelling mistakes- I couldn't find any.
Grammar: Punctuation - few in number; mainly comma, single quotation marks mistakes, semi colon mistakes at more than a few places.
Verb and verb tense mistakes are present in a few number. Conjunctions missing at a few places (eg- in, on, at, etc.)
Word mistakes - I couldn't spot any.
Word repetitions are few and present but they don't impede the reader from progressing further.
Sentence formation mistakes- though very less but present.
Vocabulary is good and understandable.
4. Literary elements: plot, setting, characterization, conflicts, POVs, mood, tone (6/10)
The plot environment is chosen appropriately, for a mystery novel.
Settings (meaning living environment, clothing, conversation styles, food habits, transportation, technology etc.) need elucidation, as per the time and place, of the story.
The lead character is a female who was an undercover agent, but changed her league and sided with the gang members (underworld criminals). MC is developed gradually with her thoughts, feelings, behavioral patterns, concerns etc. The main focus of the author is on the MC and I think author gave less attention to other characters. However, it doesn't matter much, as long as the story unfolds interestingly.
Conflicts are many, in the form of some obscure descriptions (of the lady, I think, the jailer, her husband's murder, MCs involvement in it, MC's resolve to take revenge from her etc) and other hints. But at many points it seems that the necessary explanation is missing, and at some places, reader isn't able to grasp the progress of the story, and the necessary link between the various hints, MC and events.
POV- First person POV is used for the story narration, which is written properly.
Moods (emotions aroused in reader) induced- investigative and perplexing, at different sections of book.
Tones (author's attitudes) - energetic, mysterious, harmonious & puzzling at places. Altogether, tones are good, but moods need to be improved, as readers feel bored at some places.
5. Diction, writing style, pacing (6/10)
Diction (word choice for nouns, adjectives and adverbs) is good.
Writing style is formal narrative, as well as informal as and when the script demands. The narration of story events, however, is given less attention than the other details.
Pacing is not exactly in synchronism with events & conflicts. It seems that the narration of events is done slightly lethargically, while the twists are interesting and unfold suddenly.
6. Allusion, epigraphs, euphemism, foreshadowing, metaphors/simile, imagery (6/10)
Foreshadowing is used throughout book chapters. The author divulges little information, with each chapter. But, it needs to be used more effectively (For eg.- you could conceal the family background of MC completely, before Chapter 4, so it will give readers the spice,when it is suddenly revealed).
In such novels, imagery should be well developed, where the author needs enhancement. However, it is used satisfactorily, in a mature scene (Chapter 4).
Other devices not used, which is as per the story requirements (and not necessarily required).
7. Structuring (9/10)
Starting & ending clearly presented in text and chapters. Paragraphs, dialogues are properly structured. Book structure- Proverb is present containing a few lines, in free verse poetry style, and give insight into the MC's thoughts. Chapters are numbered sequentially, which looks professional, as well as, is convenient for reader.
8. Cliffhangers, twists/turns/incident presentation (7/10)
Although Cliffhangers are maintained throughout Chapters, but there is a spice missing in the book, for the reader to want more.
The storyline (underworld, gangs, murder mystery, blood, gore etc.) is good intriguing & engaging and the inter related sequence of events makes it more interesting.
Twists and turns are present but I am afraid that their revelation is not very good and need a clever presentation.
9. Originality, creativity (3/10)
Not much originality, but slight creativity lies in description of the events (this element is always present, since every writer has a different style of writing).
Rating/Marks :
8+2+8+6+6+6+9+7+3= 56/90
Reviewer's note (to readers) :
The story is a murder mystery (concerns, cops, gangs, underworld etc.) and MC works to unravel her brother's murder conspiracy. Mystery novels are mind boggling and slightly straining as well as puzzling at times. However, the author has expressed it well.
ADVICE (to author):
To take the suggestions or not, is at author's discretion, but my suggestions are listed below :
1) The imagery of the scenes at many places is good (eg- the jail scene where MC counts and records number of days spent; the mature sexual advancement scene in chapter 4 etc). But, it needs proper diction at other places too.
2) You can increase the amount and the variety of information revealed in each chapter, to build the readers' interest, as it feels monotonous (eg- you may put some flashbacks from MC POV, relevant to the chapter contents and linking to the context, while concealing the necessary suspense)
If there is anything you don't understand, let me know, as an inline comment here. I will surely explain, if I find time for it.
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