R11: As long,as you love me, @JeonAnneQuinn
(R11 is short for Review 11)
REVIEW : Book11 (Action/Romance)
BOOK TITLE: As long as you love me
AUTHOR: JeonAnneQuinn
--This is my personal analysis, with the present contents of book, and the mentioned judging criteria. It may change after author edits the book or if criteria is changed.
--Any other person judging the same book, on same criteria/points, may hold different opinions/comments/suggestion/advice, than highlighted here.
--Nothing is written/criticized to offend anyone. If you don't agree, it's alright, I don't mind others having different opinions.
1. Cover, Title, Summary (7/10)
Cover is satisfactory, but I think you can give it a better color contrast. The font type, size alteration and placement can be redone, as it's not very appealing, as of now.
The title hints towards the theme and gist of the plot, though it's not revealed in the story yet (as, only 5 chapters are published till now)
Summary is lengthy, and there are grammatical errors+sentence formation mistakes+POV mixing (second and third person). Readers like to read a precise, short blurb, with a significant amount of information, interestingly presented.
2. Images/photos etc., audio, video, GIFs- Graphics (5/10)
No pictures present, other than cover image. Few songs are attached, in the chapters. But, I must say, all the songs are relevant and none seems out of place. Though, I don't personally advocate the presence of graphics, but the relevant images surely enhance, the effect a book lends, on it's readers. Regardless, on Wattpad, graphics have appealing effects.
3. Grammar, Spelling, vocabulary (9/10)
Very few, and I congratulate the author for that. This makes the book a worthy read.
Spelling mistakes- I couldn't find any.
Grammar: Punctuation - comma, single & double quotation marks mistakes, apostrophe, exclamation marks mistakes, at few places.
A very few verbs & verb tense mistakes are present too.
Word mistakes- I don't think they are present. But, at some places, few words, conjunctions, determiners are missing.
Word repetitions - a few words repeated overwhelmingly (Eg.- cladded etc.). Though, they don't stop the reader from progressing further, but can be replaced with proper and fitting synonyms.
Vocabulary is very good.
4. Literary elements: plot, setting, characterization, conflicts, POVs, mood, tone (6/10)
The plot environment is appropriate for an action category book with mystery and fight sequences. The story and plot chosen is not new, but presented intriguingly.
Settings (meaning living environment, clothing, conversation styles, food habits, etc.) need a lot of attention. The time and place of the story need to be mentioned somewhere, for making the readers relate.
Only the lead character, Anne is developed properly. Other necessary characters in the story, need to be developed too, gradually with their thoughts, feelings, behavioral patterns, concerns etc. Though, in the starting parts, Anne's child friend, Gukki is given good attention, still some more characters feel out of place, and their mention seems sudden, abrupt and difficult to grasp (eg.-the characters, at Anne's work place, DKAU).
Conflicts are properly woven with the story.
The book is written in first, as well as third person POV (with chapters based on POVs of various characters, and POV specified, at the beginning of the text/paragraphs). At some places, author has mixed second person POV too, in between these (Read Advice section).
Moods (emotions aroused in reader) are appealing, enjoyable, entertaining. Tones (author's attitude) seem hurried, speculative, and mysterious. The author can try not to present the story in a hurried manner.
5. Diction, writing style, pacing (7/10)
Diction means the choice of words for the narrative, as per the genre and subject. Diction is very good and appropriate, meaningful words are used for nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Sentence formation, however, requires editing at some places.
Writing style is narrative, from first as well as third person POV.
Pacing seems slightly fast and not exactly in synchronism with events & conflicts. This is due to hurried description (meaning the action scenes described with people, situations, events, incidents etc need more elaboration in terms of detailing and illustration). At places, it's not comprehendible, how Anne executes the successive part of the plans.
6. Allusion, epigraphs, euphemism, foreshadowing, metaphors/simile, imagery (7/10)
Foreshadowing is properly used throughout book chapters. The author divulges little information, with each chapter.
Author attempted to use imagery, but partly, as some action scenes seem difficult for a reader to visualize. Imagery is good, but needs a little more effort, into incorporating the missing details, and linking all incidents/episodes, for providing the readers a good visualization of the story happenings.
Songs are attached in chapters too, with written lyrics, which enhances the richness of book literature.
Other devices not used, and are not essentially required.
7. Structuring (8/10)
Starting & ending of chapters clearly presented in text. Paragraphs, dialogues are satisfactorily structured, in the first 3-4 parts, but it need editing, in later chapters. Many long paragraphs are used, which, could, rather be divided into two or more shorter ones. Chapters are numbered sequentially & names precisely chosen according to content. Book structure is good- contains author's note, prologue and introduction, which build up the necessary background. Prologue proves to be the book's strength.
8. Cliffhangers, twists/turns/incident presentation (9/10)
Cliffhangers are maintained throughout Chapters.
The storyline is intriguing & engaging and the inter related sequence of events makes it more interesting.
Intensity of emotions isn't felt due to lack of related vocabulary (action book, has lesser emotional scenes, and I think, the author used sentiments in very appropriate amount). Some scenes need elaboration at a few places, though.
The action (disguising, spying, fight sequence etc.) is properly described. The incidents/fight scenes etc., in chapters are presented interestingly. However, at many places, the link between the various incidents, seems to be lost.
Twists and turns are abundant which maintains reader's curiosity & keeps him bound.
9. Originality, creativity (4/10)
Not much. Though each author has a different way of telling things, from a varied perspective, yet, the story has many cliches.
Rating/Marks :
7+5+9+6+7+7+8+9+4= 61/90
Reviewer's note (to readers) :
The book is Action cum romance novel. Action description, with the fight scenes elaboration, is quite interestingly put forward. The lead character is well developed and a strong female. The book is very well written and intriguing. The book contains mature language, but very well presented and linked meticulously with the storyline.
ADVICE (to author):
To take the advice or not, is at author's discretion, however, my suggestions, are listed below:
1) The usage of second person POV, isn't easy, as it may enhance/deteriorate the book's appealing tones to the reader. Avoid mixing it, with first and third person POV. The most probable use of second person POV is in Author's notes/ beginning/ end of chapters, though you can use it anywhere. Just make sure, it doesn't put off the readers. Use it carefully.
2) Many details are felt missing, in the narration of assignment accomplishment of Anne, as an agent of DKAU. The reader feels lost and unable to link to the various sequence of events.
If there is anything you don't understand, let me know, as an inline comment here. I will surely explain, if I find time for it.
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