INFECTED:An antagonistic journey
Lmao I'm on fire been posting reviews back to back
So double update because we reached 3k reads
Before we continue click on the vote button down below that's the only way I know you love our reviews 🥲🤕
So we reached 3k reads🎉
I'm still gonna thank you all especially those who vote I love you all so much for those who leave comments thank you to those who give us shout outs thank you.
If you are looking for a review kindly let us know leave a comment 😗
But before then follow the rules which can be found on the very first chapter of this book
I think that would be all now let's get to this review
Genre: Horror// thriller
Status: ongoing
My thoughts:
Ok so far I think your book is starting off at a good start really good plot.
Tho your word count on chapters seem to be decreasing
How many words per chapter 🤔.
Your spacing and paragraphing is top notch you got some little issues with punctuations but they could be corrected during editing so that's not a big deal.
Your book description needs to be worked on yes if you want to at least attract some readers put some good stuff on there for now it's just plain and no offense boring 🥲
With the genre of your book I feel like you can make your book description quite good.
I really like your book cover where did you get it done because it's really good.
(Ps: I need a new book cover can anyone make one for me I would really appreciate it tho I feel like it's high time we change our review shop cover).
It would also be nice if we got a prologue you know or we mustn't get one instead just take some time to work on the book description.
Your book has a lot of potential hope to see what it becomes ❤️
To my readers:
You all should support this author vote and comment massively.
That would make any author happy follow them 2.
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If you need a review kindly check out the very first chapter of this book ❤️.
Like I said before I feel like it's time to change our book cover so if you know anyone who can make one let me know ❤️
Have a great day you all.
Ps: wrote this listening to scarlet album 🥲
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