Be my muse
Surprise it's another review 😭😃
It's currently 8 : 52 pm I'm writing this and listening to Mr abel (The Weeknd)
Oh and I just figured out that his name is actually Weeknd and not weekend 😭😭.
I felt so slow when I figured it out
I legit don't know when I'm gonna post this tbh I'm just writing it and it's probably gonna stay here and marinate for a day or 2 or sum.
Oh yeah on Sunday is the super bowl
Kendrick and Solana.
Lady Gaga kinda dropped a new song on Grammy night how do u all like it so far.
Oh and Solana (SZA) is also dropping the remaining songs that where supposed to be in the deluxe of sos I'm so ready.
Now now hope u all enjoyed my little update on music 😭😂.
Even tho you didn't ask
Anyway let's get to the review
Genre: Romance
Status: Ongoing
My thoughts:
Well let's get to it
Damnnnn your book description tho it's like perfect you know I mean who would read that and wouldn't wanna know more.
Now that is how you write a book description with more time I'm sure your reads would be all over the place.
And then your book cover kinda just wrapped it up and made it even more attractive 😭✋.
Ok now on to your chapters and plot
Before I go on I like the fact that you put a lot of warning in the first two introductory chapters because there are a lot of readers on here who need to see that and to the ones that usually report some authors works readd the freaking WARNING 😃✋.
For your little aesthetic not saying it's bad the pictures you picked out are actually really good but I don't know I feel like you should have done it per character you know for us to kinda know each characters aesthetic would kinda be better.
As of now the aesthetic given there is for the book in general like I said before it's not bad.
For a new book your first chapter was kinda long which is like so good although your first chapter had a major problem and that was your punctuation yes a lot of punctuation marks where misused which kinda made some paragraphs messy but I think we could look past it because this is still a new book and you can always edit.
I like the fact that your chapters didn't seem to decrease in length as it progressed I must say you did good because not all new authors can keep that up
Great job( Don't decrease your word count now that I pointed this out😭😭)
How did this book come about ?
At what time do you feel like you write best ?
How many chapters do you think this book is gonna be ?
Hello like what are still doing there get up and go add this book to your reading list
Great plot book is still in progress tho and it's for mature audience only.
You all can find it in my reading list books I have reviewed
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We are almost at 8k reads tho thank you sm
Just so you all know updates are kinda going to be so irregular so when ever you see your review please vote and Don be offended that it took so long to come out.
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