A love stronger than a myriad of waves
It's 7pm tue it's 95 degrees I ain't got no work to do so I'm writing a review.
I'm gonna keep posting reviews don't worry Halloween is almost here what are you alls costume →→→→
Before I get to this review I want you all to please vote yes vote vote and vote and if you leave a comment 😗 I would definitely reply.
Oh yeah we hit 4k reads ❤️
I love all 4 thousand of u also to the people who voted and comment ❤️I love u all that means so much to me.
Side note I wanna watch corpse bride with someone you know 😔
Review time I'm getting distracted
Genre: Life(true story)
Status: Ongoing
My thoughts:
I was kinda really invested when I saw it was based on a true story also I want to commend you for stating at the beginning that English isn't your first language.
Now on to this book well when I started I was kinda going with the flow untilllll I noticed this books plot is rushed like a lot for starters if you character was just moving into a new environment do you think it was quite a great decision to put some love interest there.
For me I would have let his character marinate you know let's get to know him first before we get some love interest
Also that time skip at the second chapter wasn't necessary.
One thing about writing books you must have set or have a plot you know plan
Ask your self what do you want this character to be like what do I want to happen at this scene also ensure your enjoying what you are writing.
Since you said this is a true life story I would expect that you have already planned something make your characters come to life,make your chapters so amazing.
Because in your book we definitely don't know anything about your characters except the are in love.
And it seems this is some kind of short story but you can still make it better.
I feel like if it's worked on it would definitely be amazing.
Your book description describes the island as mystical but we didn't quite feel like it in this book
I must say your book description was actually written really good.
Your book cover might need some changing tho and your book title I don't usually say this but I'm sure you can find a shorter name or something that just describes this book.
Oh and your chapters where like really short.
I would say seeing that your book was based on two real people I'm sure this isn't how their love story was or ended .
Also the once open a time should be scraped out it makes the book look like it's a moonlight tale
Just give it time I'm sure you are gonna figure something out and make this book better.
To my readers
Can you all please vote on this chapter because it's a lot of words 😂and I'm proud.
So about this book to those who read it what are your thoughts I advise you tell it to the author in their comments tell them what you like and what you didn't like about this book.
You all should check it out and give feedback I mean all authors want feed backs
So I'm trying to write reviews with less emojis,and also i plan to make reviews at about 400 - 600 words.
Vote you all comment and follow me
And I see you all comments on a particular question I asked and I find y'all answers funny 😂
I'm thinking of making this review shop chapters reach at least 100 so it's probably gonna be here till next year😂
Anyway I think that's all now I hope you all have a nice day🙊
Halloween is coming soon
Still wanna watch corpse bride 💀💍👰♀️
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