Noctis x Prompto (Final Fantasy XV)
Authors note
This is set at the end of the game, an "extended ending"
If you guys enjoy, comment if you want me to write a full story. I have an idea.
Noctis's POV
I couldn't feel it anymore...
The pain, gone...
Ardyn, gone...
I finally ended the war...
Was I content? Not really...
Something is missing...
"Prince Noctis. Well, king Noctis I should say." I heard Lunafreya's voice giggle.
"Noctis, I know we made a promise, to get married. But I also know, since I've... been dead, that you made a promise to someone else. I understand. But you can't stay here. You must go back. Back to your kingdom. Back to your friends..." She sighed. "I've spoken to a friend, who has granted you more time to be with them."
"Go. Be happy. Live your life!" She urged.
My vision went blurry and the light surrounding her faded.
I woke up, back in the throne surrounded by the rubble of where I once called home.
"Holy chocobo shit..." I patted my chest where all the swords struck me. I started laughing and jumped up. "I'm alive!"
Then I remembered the boys.
I warped out through the hole in the wall, onto the street where I fought Ardyn, and sprinted out of the city.
~gay flashbacks~
Noctis's POV
"You guys are the best..." I sobbed, admitting I cared so much about all of them. I knew, that once we defeated Ardyn, I would have to sacrifice myself to save the kingdom and bring back the light.
"Noct..." Prompto whispered.
"I'm sorry, I'm getting emotional..." I sighed, wiping my tears. "I should get to sleep, big day ahead. Thanks for the food, Ignis." I continued, getting up.
"No problem, Noctis." He replied.
I crawled into the tent and into a sleeping bag.
"Noct... you don't mind if I sit with you untill you're asleep?" Prompto smiled, sitting beside me.
"Sure" I nodded.
"There's something I've... been meaning to ask... I would have ten years ago, but you were a little busy being inside a rock haha! If this ruins our friendship, forget I said anything. I... I love you, Noctis... not like, you're my best friend..."
"You know what? Just forget I said anything! It's fine." He gave me a fake smile.
"Prompto..." I stared at him for a moment before pulling his face down to meet mine in a sweet kiss.
"What was that...?" He asked, extremely confused.
"I love you too, idiot." I smirked.
"Aww! I think I'm gonna cry!" He beamed.
"..." I remembered the sacrifice.
"What's wrong?" He panicked.
"There's something I haven't told you... Iggy! Gladdy! There's something I should tell you all..." I admitted. The other boys came in when I called.
"What's up?" Gladiolus asked.
"When we defeat Ardyn... The only way to save the kingdom and bring back the light... is for me to sacrifice my own life..." I sighed, looking into my lap. "I need to die..." I looked up at them.
"There's no other way?" Prompto asked, looking like he was about to cry.
"Then I'll have to ask you now. Noctis Lucis Caelum, will you marry me?" Prompto said clearly.
"...really? Yes!" I beamed.
"Wait what" Gladiolus commented.
"I ship it" Ignis whispered with a smile.
Prompto was stunned. A smile crept on his cute face.
"Ignis, will you marry us? Tonight?" He replied, not taking his eyes off me.
"Of course" he beamed.
"Gladdy is my best man. I've claimed him" I shout, rushing out of the tent and doing a little dance.
"Haha! No fair!" Prompto laughed.
~gay time skip~
Do you, Prompto Argemtum, take Noctis as your lawfully wedded husband?" Ignis smiled.
My adorable Prompto stood before me in his kingsglaive suit, looking sexy as hell. I wore my own suit, also looking fine as hell.
"You think I'd still be here if I didn't? Hah! I sure as hell wanna marry him!" Prompto beamed.
"...okay. Noctis Lucis Caelum, do you take Prompto as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"Same answer. Hell yes." I smirked.
"Well... um... you may know kiss the... er... groom" Ignis replied.
~it's the future now btw~
I headed to the nearest camp site. If I was going to find them, this would be the first place to look.
Bingo. The fire was alight.
I crept closer until I identified one of the people there.
"Who's there?" Ignis said, standing up.
"He's blind, Noct" I sighed to myself. "It's me! Noctis!" I said, now standing in front of him.
"... but... I thought you...?"
"Surprise!" I smiled.
"Oh gosh! He's going to be so happy when he sees you!" Ignis said, pointing in the direction of the tent. For a blind guy, he sure has a good sense of spacial awareness.
"Sshhh! It's a surprise!" I giggled.
He smiled and sat back down in his chair beside Gladiolus, who was fast asleep in his own chair.
I crept towards the tent where my sleeping husband lay.
I sat beside him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him onto my chest.
"Noct..." he mumbled in his sleep.
"I'm here... shhhhhh... its okay..." I soothed, cradling his light body in my arms.
"Noct..." he mumbled again, his brow scrunched up.
"Sshhh... I'm here Prompto." I continued.
"Noctis!" He shouted, waking up, tears spilling from his eyes.
"Prompto. Calm down. It's okay." I comforted.
"I... had a nightmare... you died..." he whimpered.
"Prompto. That really happened. But Luna was there, she knows about us and worked something out to give me more time with you all."
"..." he looked confused.
"Well, it seems someone up there wants me alive. Living my life." I chuckled.
"Noctis?" Gladiolus interrupted.
"Yes, I'm alive. Hello. Could I just have a minute with my husband? He's actually crying right now." I replied.
Prompto shot me a glare and pouted. "I'm not crying, I've... got something in my eye" he mumbled.
"Hah! If you're not crying I'm a god" Gladiolus laughed before leaving.
"Hey! If you keep picking on my man imma slay your ass and ask for your power like all the other gods!" I laughed.
"You wish you could beat me!" He shouted back.
"Thanks Noct. I love you!" He beamed.
"I love you too, Prompto" I smiled before kissing him.
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