Monologue Time - Cheshire's Letter to Alice
Authors note
I was asked recently to create a monologue for my local drama group, Manic Productions Bonymaen, so I figured I'd do one about yaoi. I won't be sexual sorry, gotta keep it child friendly, nor can I swear. (I'll be forced to put money in my genie house, the lamp) So.... imma write it here! This is based upon a story I read recently, The Wrong Alice by XxnekocoxX Enjoy!
Cheshire -
I don't know why I said those things, sold you out, or hurt you....
But living in this luxury, this evil Red Queen has brain-washed my sanity....
I keep living this facade....
Hurting you, Rab, Hatter, the Twins.... even Mouse and March..... You all got hurt... everyone who ever cared.
I keep hurting you!
I don't know why I said those things, sold you out, or hurt you...
Sitting in the lap of luxury, even the good White queen can't save Wonderland now...
All for what? To belong? I belong with you.
All for what? For attention? I got it all from you.
I don't know why I said those things, sold you out or hurt you...
This facade is pulling me apart from the outside in. It hurts you with every word uttered from my lips!
I can't take much more of your pain, I feel it, I do... but all I really want is to be with you....
I don't know why I said those things, sold you out, or hurt you...
This pain is killing me, tears rushing down your face. Knowing that you can't save Wonderland either, pains the others too, I saw it in their faces.
Your pain is ceaseless!!! I can't control myself much longer!!! I realise now, I need you in my arms, needing me too.
I don't know anymore.
At dawn, all your heads are gonna roll, would it be selfish to want mine to roll with you?
I think about our death every time I'm not with you....
Would it be selfish to die with you? You wouldn't know, she wouldn't care!!
I don't care anymore!!
The pain is ceaseless!! She'll scream off with his head!! The moment I try... The moment I fall... Our heads are gonna roll....
Hatter can't Futterwack. The axe is gonna drop a hack.
Am I going insane?! I need some sanity!!!
Wonderland will fall before I stop, so let me finish with -
I don't know why... but I hurt you.... I sold you out... said words I regret.... I keep living this facade.... but I end up hurting you still.... I go mad at the thought of loosing you..... I hate to think she'll say off with his head... and you head will roll at my feet..... I don't know why I care, don't know why I think, don't know why I dream...don't know why I cry... its all about you,
Cause I love you!!!
With love, Cheshire x
I'm sorry. I'll be with you soon, when the sunlight hits the axe.
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