Creepypasta Route 1 - Slenderman x Male!Reader
Trigger warning dudes. Btw all your friends are now guys. Also, I'm taking requests so message me or comment here what you need!! I can cater for any fetish/kink, but if you want it in this book then you'll have to accept yaoi/boyxboy. I can do insert!character or Male!Reader, whatever you need you horny ass animals!!
Your POV
*beep* *beep* *beep*
"Gaaahhhhhh!!!! Fuckin' fuckity fuck!!!!" I grumbled, reluctantly reaching for the alarm clock beside my bed.
I lay in bed for a while, a scowl plastered across my face. I hated getting up I the mornings. It sucked balls. Huge balls. I would much rather get up a the ass crack of dusk, not dawn. The night was a beautiful time... It was dark, but not too dark, illuminated slightly by the thousands of stars scattered in the sky and the big moon.
Not only that, but my favourite reason was that it was Creepypasta time. When all of the Proxy and the Slender Brothers and all the other glorious pastas come out of the darkness to kill. My favourite was Slenderman. He was so cool and his killing techniques were amazing. My favourite was when he would skewer you on a tree and you would bleed out, still alive.
I glanced at my phone. One new message.
From: (insert best friend name)
Sup dude!! Me and the guys thought u might like 2 join us for a midnite stroll 2morow in the woods XP I kno u love dat Creepypasta shit!! See u there bruh!!
He just basically ordered me to go.
I climbed out of bed reluctantly and went to go shower. I swear I felt eyes on me the whole time. Especially when I bent down to clean my legs.
The suspected attention made me slightly exited. Ah shit. I turned around to face the controls and turned the heat down until it was cold enough for me to not turn into a masturbating icicle. I gripped my member and started jacking off. My first thought was to imagine someone hot or sexy to make this faster.
Instead of imagining a sexy lady, I thought of Slenderman. Oh dear. This made me even more exited, imagining how Slender would finger my ass with his thick, black tendrils and fuck me senseless with his big white dick that oozed sticky black precum. These thoughts made my whole body crave for attention from the tall faceless man. My knees buckled under me as I imagined my weak, defenceless form shivering with need in his lap.
The cold shower didn't do shit for my burning up body. I felt the eyes watch me intently, more than before. It made me even more horny thinking that Slenderman might be watching me fap to thoughts of him taking part in my sexual fantasy.
Eventually, I came on my hand. The eyes backed off a little but I still felt them watching me. I rinsed off quickly before stepping out and drying myself.
I got dressed and spent the day reading Slenderman fanfiction and Nightmare Fuel. Finally, it was time to get ready for the forest trip. Maybe I might meet Slenderman.... I doubt he'll want me in the Proxy... he'll just kill me off with the others. He wouldn't even take a second glance of thought before impaling me on a tree or just stabbing me with one of his tendrils. He wouldn't care if I had this strange affection.....
Do the job for him. Save Slenderman the effort and time of killing such an eyesore. Do it. He doesn't even know you exist. He wouldn't care. Do it.
My triggering thoughts invaded my head quickly. My eyes clouded over as the painful words appeared. Without thinking, I reached into my drawer and pulled out my blade.
Where do you want to start on your pathetic canvas today? The wrist? The ankle? The stomach?
There was a long pause before my thoughts continued.
The throat...?
My eyes widened, realisation setting in. Should I just save the effort altogether...? Cut a main artery...? ............ The jugular........?
Pain first, you terrible eyesore... feel the pain.... you deserve it..... pain and suffering comes before death, idiot....
I pressed the blade to my wrist, sliding it gently across my soft flesh.
Harder. Do it.
I did as I was told. I cut deeper into the flesh. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Once the voice was satisfied with my whole arm covered with deep cuts, I pressed it against my neck. I said my farewells before doing anything.
"Goodbye. I'm sorry Slenderman. I'm an eyesore. I need to die. I'll save you the effort." I said before darkness consumed me. I felt cold arms wrap around me and a body against mine as I drifted into slumber.
I woke up about an hour later. I realised I was going to be late if I didn't hurry. I bandaged my arm and quickly changed into some (fave colour) jeans, a (fave band) shirt and a hoodie the same colour as my jeans. I grabbed my phone and rushed out of the door.
As I neared the forest entrance, I remembered what happened earlier. I almost committed suicide..... who stopped me..? I lived alone so it couldn't have been my parents.
You don't deserve a second chance. Whoever stopped you pitied your pathetic state. You should finish it.
Later. I have to go see my friends now.
They don't care.
Well I don't care that they don't care. I'm meeting up with them whether you like it or not.
I argued with the voice until I reached the boys. All my friends were here.
"Hey!! (Y/N)'s here!!! Dude, what took you so long? We were beginning to think Slenderman came to give you a home visit!!" Said the boy who sent me the text, telling me to turn up.
"Sorry, I fell asleep!!" I smiled. It was the truth.
"Okay. Let's go, before Slender falls asleep too!!" He chuckled after giving me a strange look.
I followed the boys into the dark forest, each holding a flashlight. I forgot mine so I used the one on my phone. It was actually better than all of their £50 fancy ass LED flashlights. Hehe.
We walked in almost silence, the only noises were our heavy breathing and our shoes crunching on dead leaves and twigs. Every so often an owl would let out a loud hoot and fly over our heads.
Once or twice I would see something move in the shadows, following us. I knew exactly who it was. Although I didn't expect him to be real, I believed what I saw. I smirked to myself, knowing what would happen. It's not that I wanted them to die, it's just that they all went into this knowingly if Slender didn't kill them, something else would. These woods were known for wolves. If Slender was real, the wolf ever one saw, might just be Smile Dog.
"Oh boys!" I cooed.
They turned to me just as long black tendrils emerged from the shadows.
"Say hi to Slenderman for me. Gotta split!" I shouted before running off while they tried to escape in other directions.
Slenderman didn't follow them. I glanced back once more and saw him floating about an inch off the ground towards me.
I sprinted faster before getting an idea.
I smirked before stopping suddenly, turning to on my heel and sliding across is a the dirt a little before sprinting towards him. He stopped too. He looked dumbfounded at me. Although it was hard determining what his expression was, I somehow figured it out.
I dived towards him in his shocked state, making him fall to the floor. I straddled his waist with my hands around his neck.
"Hehe." I smirked down at him. I expected him to drive one of his tendrils into my flesh but.... nothing.
His face contorted before a grin appeared on his face. Sharp fangs lined his black gums.
He lay beneath me for a moment before a voice spoke up.
"What the hell..? Boss?" I turned to see Masky, Hoodie and Ticci Toby standing beside us in shock.
"Boys." Slender's deep husky voice was so hot... shit. I'm getting turned on...
"Oh?" He said with a smirk, eyeing me. His throat vibrated against my hands as he spoke.
"How the fuck did this shit pin you down?!" Masky shouted.
"Hey! Watch your mouth, Masky!! I am no shit!" I growled, letting go of Slender's throat to threaten the masked teen.
I stood up and walked towards the three, shoving Masky off his feet. He lay on the floor in disbelief.
I glared down at him, thinking of a good threat. Tendrils wrapped around my waist and pulled me back towards Slender.
I wiggled and squirmed, managing to break free of his strong hold.
"Hey!! You have no manners, do you, Slendy!?!?!" I shouted as he attempted to grab me again.
All he did was smirk down at me. Damn, this guy was tall.
"Aren't we gonna kill him?" Toby asked.
"Boy. What is it you want?" He said, holding out a contract. Wait what?
"I wonder what he chooses" the boys whisper between themselves.
"All you have to do, is write what you want from us, and you, work for us." Slendy smirked.
"What's the catch?" I said, raising my eyebrow.
"All these boys chose something identical, which is why they aren't dead. Choose it, you join us."
"Safety? Protection?" I questioned.
The boys eyes grew. What? Was that it?
"Actually, that might work. Not what they chose, survival, but same outcome. Anything else, boy?" Slender's voice made me shiver.
I took the quill pen he offered me and wrote my answers.
I, (Y/N), agree to the terms of Slenderman and become part of the Proxy under the conditions I chose below:
I hesitantly finish writing. Slender raised a bald eyebrow at me when he read my list.
"I-is that okay?" I stuttered. A blush rose on my cheeks.
He was silent for a moment.
"What did he pick, boss?" The boys were fighting to see the contract which Slender hid from them.
"Deal" his long thin hand outstretched for me to shake.
I took it with no hesitation. His tendrils wrapped around our locked hands quickly.
"So, boy. What is your name?" He asked, letting go.
"(Y/N)" I said, observing the Operator Symbol carved into my palm that appeared once the deal was made. Blood dripped off it slowly onto the soft grass beneath my feet.
"Any changes?" He smiled. I looked at him quizzically.
"Masky and Hoodie changed their names completely, Ticci Toby added the Ticci part" he explained.
".....(new name - for future ref it shall still be Y/N but read your new one)" I smiled warmly.
"Your friends are still in the forest. Do you want to help us kill them?" Toby asked, putting his arm around me.
"I don't have a weapon" I said sadly.
"Oh, but you do." Slender smiled, gripping my wrist and pointing to the bandaged wound. "You still have the switch blade that made these."
My hand reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out my blade.
Cut. Cut. Kill. Kill. Die. Die.
I collapsed to my knees and held my aching head as I tried to block out the voice.
I unconsciously ripped the bandage off and pressed the blade to my skin. I pushed down harshly and ripped it across the already torn flesh.
Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to silence the voice with pain.
I stopped cutting at my wrist and pressed the sharp object to the side of my neck.
"STOP. NOW. THAT IS AN ORDER, (Y/N)." Slender's deep voice sounded sad with a hint of fear.
I looked up. He looked down at me with mixed emotions.
He doesn't care. You're thinking too much. Do it. Before he regrets holding sympathy for a pathetic little shit like you.
I press the blade into my soft flesh. It felt nice.
See? All the problems are leaving. Finish it, before they come back.
"(Y/N)..... Please...... stop....." I opened my eyes and Slender was on his knees in front of me, crying out of the dark shadows where his eyes should be.
I was shocked. Did he... care?
He took this chance to pull the blade away from me.
"I'm sorry... I...." I cried before hugging him. He tensed in shock before hesitantly wrapping his arms around me.
"Kill them. Once you start, you can't hurt yourself and can those who are prey. The first is the hardest." He said calmly.
"Is it just me, or is he acting weird around the new guy?" Masky whispered to the other boys.
Slenderman let go and stood up, his usual stern look on his face.
"Even if that was true, is it any of your business?" He frowned.
I stood beside him hesitantly, missing his cool touch.
"N-no sir!" They said in unison.
"Get on with your work then!!" He growled.
They all rushed off to find something to kill.
"I'm so sorry for being a bother, Slenderman. I shouldn't have accepted your offer, I will only be an eyesore." I mumbled.
"Silence. Never say that. You are no longer who you once were. You are part of my Proxy now. You have nothing to fear. Your new brothers will help in any way they can to help you get your first kill. And I shall too. The first is always the hardest." He said sternly, but his tone became softer half way through.
"Thank you...."
"For what?"
"It's nothing."
"What did you want acceptance for, anyway?" He questioned.
I blushed. Oh my god. I'm so cringey.
I leaned over and kissed him gently.
"...This...." I whispered.
His face was blank and unreadable.
"I-I'm sorry!!" I blushed and turned away. Shit!! What have I done!?!?!
"No need" he said before pulling me by my chin for another kiss. This time it was heated and passionate. His long black tongue slid into my mouth and wrapped around my tongue.
His other hand gripped mine and his tendrils wrapped around my waist, pulling me up against his body.
I moaned into the kiss, making him smirk against my lips.
He pulled away with a smirk.
"I saw you this morning. Who was it that got you all hot and bothered? Hmm?" He purred. He knew damn well who it was.
"N-no one in particular" I mumbled, my face a dark crimson.
"No one, eh?" He purred. "No one has thick black tendrils and a big white dick that oozed sticky, black precum. Nor is there any tall faceless man that fits that description, eh?"
My eyes grew wide as he recited what I thought this morning in the shower.
"You know damn well who it was" I growled.
"Refresh my memory, if you would be so kind." He smirked.
"...... Y-you..." I mumbled.
"And who am I?" He purred, nuzzling my ear and occasionally nipping at it with his sharp teeth.
"Slenderman" I moaned.
"And what did I do?" He chuckled. His tendrils crept into my jeans and rubbed my junk through my briefs.
"Finger my ass with your tendrils and fuck me" I said as quietly as I could.
"How much did I fuck you?" His grin widened. His tendril snuck into my briefs.
"Senseless!!" I moaned as his tendril jerked me off roughly.
"That's my good boy. Tell me everything you want." He purred into my ear.
"Ahh... Slendy!! I... I need you.... inside me!!" I panted as another tendril groped my butt.
"Need?" He smiled.
"Demand!!" I moaned as a third tendril teased my hole.
"Hehe. Not here. The boys may return any minute." He sighed.
"P-please... ahhh... haah!!" I panted. Jeez. I'm such a slut.
"But you're my slut. Mine." He growled into my ear.
"Y-you can teleport, r-right?" I moaned as his tendrils moved faster and grip harder.
"Yeah, how did you know?" He asked.
"Take us to my house. You obviously know where it is, stalker." I gasped.
"I'm your stalker though." He chuckled before a tingling sensation passed through my body.
When I opened my eyes, I was in my bedroom.
Slender was gone. I didn't even feel his presence, watching me.
My dick was still hard. Great. If he's gone I have to fix this myself.
"Slendy!? Get your ass back here!!!" I tried calling him. Silence followed.
"Dammit!" I sighed.
I climbed onto my bed and pulled off my jeans and boxers. Fuck you Slenderman.
I started rubbing my shaft gently, images of Slendy filling my mind. His firm ass, toned arms, ripped chest.... big, throbbing dick, oozing cum.....
I felt eyes on me once I started thinking of him fucking my ass till I can't walk.
"Slender.... get your ass out here..... ngghh..... ah! Please....." I gasped between moans.
I felt his smooth tendrils wrap around me, lifting me into his naked lap.
"Miss me?" He purred into my ear.
"Fuck you..... ahh!! Fuck me!! Please!!" I moaned as his tendrils wrapped around my dick, pumping it roughly. Another rubbed at my entrance harshly.
"Eager. I like it" He growled, biting my ear roughly.
The tendril on my hole roughly penetrated it's way into my ass, making me scream out in pleasure.
His cold hands pulled off my hoodie and band shirt before running his fingers across my bare skin. Pink lines were scattered across my stomach, my cuts.
He frowned when he saw the marks. They're ugly. I'm ugly.
"No. These are but mere battle wounds. You are winning against your thoughts, your enemies." He growled, pulling me closer and rubbing his face against my shoulder and neck area.
His gaze landed on the deep, bleeding cuts on my wrists. The flesh was and angry red colour.
"It was you, wasn't it? Who stopped me, that is. Before I slit my throat?" I asked.
"Smart one, you are. Yes. It was me. No matter what they say, you don't listen to them. Okay? They speak lies. Lies that hurt more than a blade." He sighed.
"Okay. I promise, as long as you promise to never leave me alone with them.... please?" I asked, leaning towards his cooling touch.
"Of course. I don't think I can, little one. I want you too much to leave you." He smirked, moving his tendril around inside me.
"Ahh!! More!!" I moaned, grinding against him. He chuckled against my neck before grazing his teeth along my soft flesh.
My stomach tightened as I neared my release.
I felt a jolt of pleasure as he rubbed my prostate, making me cum onto his other tendril that was pumping my cock.
He let go of my dick and licked my semen off his tendril sexily.
"Mmmnn.... tasty.... more please" he purred before flipping us over and leaning down to suck my cock that was hardening by his actions.
"Ahh... Slendy... fuck... more..." I gasped. His tendril continued it's motion inside me, rubbing my prostate roughly.
"Mmmm....." he moaned, lavishing my taste, sending vibrations through my dick. I bucked my hips into his mouth, causing his teeth to rip the flesh near the bottom of my shaft.
"Shit!! I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He said after pulling off me. Blood oozed out from my dick.
"Haahh..... more" I gasped. Wait what? I'm into masochism and shit like that?
He smirked down at me, probably hearing my thoughts.
He leaned back down, lapping my blood up.
"You taste so fucking good... shit!" He growled, teasing the wound so more blood came out. That. Felt. Amazing. Fuck.
I felt a familiar tension before I came on his face. He happily lapped all the mixed bodily fluids leaking from my cock.
"Sorry, I got some on your face" I apologised.
"It tastes good though." He growled, licking it off with his long tongue.
I was about to reply when he pulled out his tendril, causing me to whimper.
"Sshhh. You won't be empty for much longer. Ready?" He said, kissing my face. He lifted my legs over his shoulders before positioning his dick at my entrance.
I nodded before he slid inside with his huge shaft.
"Ahh!" I winced at the pain.
"Relax. You're so fucking tight.... shit... It feels great but I know it'll hurt you" he moaned.
"Okay. Move." I said once I adjusted to his size.
I gasped as he pushed all the way in. It felt amazing. I tightened around him so he felt more pleasure.
"Shit!!" He moaned, slamming into me repeatedly.
I clenched tighter with each thrust, causing us both to moan loudly.
He continued to slam into me until I felt the tension in my stomach again. He turned me over so I was on my side without pulling out. He ground his hips into me roughly, making me scream with pleasure as I came.
He licked my leg and ankle before ripping into the flesh with his sharp teeth, lapping up the blood.
"Are you tired? I'm sorry. I'm no where near done yet." He chuckled, grinding his hips. My dick started getting hard again.
"Fuck you" I panted.
"I'm sorry darling, you already are" he smirked, leaning down to lick my bare neck.
"SHUT UP AND FUCK ME" I screamed with pleasure as he slammed into me even harder than before.
He laughed and pulled me closer, dropping my other leg so I was lying on my face with my ass in the air.
He ploughed into me with astonishing power repeatedly. I was a complete moaning, hot mess in his tight grip.
"You look so cute when your completely helpless.... It turns me on" he growled into my ear.
"Were you even listening you prick?" I breathed quickly.
"Yes, but I'm ignoring you" he smirked.
"Fuck off" I retorted.
Our conversation continued like this untill his movement grew sloppy before releasing into me. I came onto the sheets shortly after.
He pulled out and lay beside me.
"I let you get some rest before round two."
"Fuck, man! If you have the energy for another round, you can go get me some fucking food. Go, or there won't be a round two" I ordered.
He laughed at me and vanished, leaving a puff of black smoke. I heard clattering in the kitchen before he reappeared with a plate of cake.
"Thank you." I giggled before indulging myself in the delicious dessert. I kinda earned it after all that exercise haha!
"Be prepared for regular sex, (y/n)."
I laughed as I finished the last bite of cake.
The end mudafookahs
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