Again, super sorry for my procrastining skills. At least it's still November.
I was tagged by BananaBam03 and Ithildaeforever
I didn't get to participate in the NaNoWriMo but there is always next year :)
1) when did you start writing?
I was alway writing in elementary school, but I really started writing about middle school. I had a windows 95 computer in my room and I had a couple of stories that I would type. One of them I actually kept writing till high school and I was really seeing an improvement. The title was/is "The day I brought my pet pig to school " Before you laugh, it was actully starting to get good. Unfortunately when we moved the computer got sold. I did saveeverything on a floppy disk. I really want to get those copied over to my flash drive. I did see this thing online at Walmart where you can transfer floppy disks to a flash drive. I need to get one of those.
2) What is the first book you read ( or wrote ) that made you cry?
Ok I honestly don't cry over books. I do get emotional and am left in a hazy fog after I finish one. The only book I have teared up during is book 9 of the Rangers Apprentice, Halt's Peril. You guys who have read it know what I'm talking about.
3) Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Both. If I'm in the zone and the words are just flowing it definitely energizes me. On the other hand, if writer's block rears it's ugly head and it's a battle to even write ' chapter 1' then I'm definitely left drained and exhausted.
4) What is your writing kryptonite?
Nice question! My phone. More specifically, the games on my phone.
5) Do you try to be more original or deliver to readers what they want.
It's not worth it to only write to please others. I like my writing style and doing my own thing. But I will say that I love when readers enjoy reading my works and they say so.
6) What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better author?
Yikes! There are so many! I'm not going to even attempt a list of names but everyone who has ever supported and encouraged me and my stories. You know who you are :) I don't think I would have come this far without your feedback. It truly motivates me to keep updating
7) If you could tell your younger writing self something what would it be?
Build a time machine. Go to the future. Buy a flash drive. Put your stories on flash drive. It will save your future self both the hassle and the ' ugh-i-want-to-read-that-story-so-bad ' moments.
8) What is the best money you have ever spent as a writer?
I don't think I have ever personally bought anything writing wise.
9) What is your favorite under appreciated novel?
10) How many unpublished and half finished books do you have?
Let me ask you, how much time do you have? I'm always thinking up plots! As of now, I have 6 books in my drafts on wattpad and 7 others thatI do plan to write. Plus the ones currently being posted : The Beast, When Fandoms Collide and thankful. And the one I'm currently updating, the Narnian fanfic.
11) What kind of research do you do and how long do you spend researching before starting a book?
ActuallyI do lots of research for my fanfictions. I prefer to have them fit the original books. My glader story was the first one I did research for. I pretty much winged it on What if. :) I did tons of research for the Diary / Adventure one. I pretty much mapped out her trip. Hotels, transportation, restaurants, sightseeing, etc, etc, etc. I have lots of research coming up for the new evil. The length of research depends on how much I need to know. I prefer having all research done before I begin writing. It's really awkward when your story doesn't make sense....
*note- middle earth research - never ends *
12) What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite gender?
I would say that it is using the right dialog. Guys word things differently. I have a prequel to Log Off in the works and it is in Mark's perspective. I absolutely love Mark so I don't think I'll have too much trouble. I hope not anyway.
13) How do you select names for your characters?
Normal everyday names just sorta work, ( Mark, Nicole, Jessica ) but any lotrish names, I usually pick a letter to start with then try out different combinations.
14) Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
I don't think I so. I do put in fandom references and puns. :)
15) What was your hardest scene to write ( from any of your stories)
Hmmm let me think. I did have trouble with the *spoiler alert* funeral scene in Not Your Average Glader. I'm currently having so many issues with Susan's part of my Narnia story that it isn't even funny. I think the problem is that I've been on it for sooo long and I want to finish it asap!
16) What is the hardest part of your artistic process?
I'd have to say that it is coming back after serious writers block. As I said before, it completely drains me and I feel my writing is forced.
17) How long on average does it take you to finish a book?
On average, about two to three months.
18) Do you believe in writers block?
Do you believe in oxygen? Sorry I had to. It is all too real and all too horrible.
19) Which one of your characters do you feel closest to?
Mark!! I love his character and personality! He is by far my favorite. Secondly would be Nicole.
20) What is one piece of advice you would give to other aspiring writers?
Keep writing! Don't throw anything away! And try to post your story on Wattpad. You never know unless you try :)
Whew! That was alot, but it was fun! I don't know who already did this so if I tag you and you've already done it, ignore this.
I tag :
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