Sacred Geometry
Magic has been infused with symbols since its inception. From ancient hieroglyphs and runes to the Christian cross or Star of David, symbols have taken their rightful place among the divine. The most sacred of symbols are derived from the universal language of mathematics.
Geometry is a visual guide to divine laws of the universe. Many faiths use mathematics to depict their sacred heaven among the stars. Others use the rhythm of creating geometrical shapes in meditation as a visualization to attain enlightenment. The philosophy of Numerology and how numbers relate to the heavens can all be traced back to Sacred Geometry.
In the picture below, The Heavenly City is depicted in a traditional drawing. It is believed that this one picture holds the numerical code that underlies all the elements of nature, including the magic within you.
It represents the order of the universe. Astronomers use the mathematics of divine law to chart the stars, just as astrologers use it to create horoscopes from birth charts. The Tree of Life is often drawn geometrically, always bearing the twelve fruits of nature.
The small dot in the centre of the centre circle above, is the divine mystery. It is the one constant that joins all the twelve elements of the universe together. It represents the creator, for without it, nothing else would exist.
To explain in terms of the numbers themselves, lets start where it all begins; the number one. The first figure in Sacred Geometry, the symbol of One, sits in the centre of the Heavenly City above. Also, depicted below, the circle with its microcosm. The dot made by its creator's compass. Just as all life is created and returned from one source, so are the symbols of the divine.
All other structural numbers (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12) are formed from this circle, to represent all the aspects of nature. The mystical numbers 7, 9 and 11 are outsiders, for they can only be created once the initial structured numbers are completed with a ruler and a compass.
Next in line, the geometry of Two is a straight line that connects two focal points. It represents the duality of nature, it gives us two sides to every question in the universe and its philosophy runs deep in many faiths. Even the energy fields created by magnets follow this dual pattern. In Chinese philosophy, the yin and yang (depicted below) represents how opposite forces also complement each other and become interconnected, fuelling one another as they grow.
The geometry of Three is the formation of two triangles inside two overlapping circles which gives rise to the Vesica Piscis and the creation of the physical world. Its symbol is the rhombus or diamond shape. In mathematics, it is sometimes considered the first true number, with one and two simply being the abstract principles needed to create three. It represents the "root 3" proportion that prevails throughout the universe. Even the bible used stories to teach sacred geometry of Three. Consider John 21, and the miraculous catch of 153 fishes. A rhombus can be divided precisely into 153 equilateral triangles.
Four stands for reason, stability and order. The geometry of Four is the square, made by furthering the vesica. With the number four, the world acquired it's four quarters and directions, the four seasons, the four primary colours, and for mathematicians, the root-2 proportion. Rarely found naturally, the square dominates the man-made world, in architecture and engineering.
Skipping to the Geometry of Six, the creation of the world in six days, the hexagon; Six is the world's first perfect number because it is a number that is the sum of its factors. It is also called the marriage number because it creates the hexagon, which is the merging of two equal triangles. The geometry of Six occurs naturally in inorganic nature, like the growth of crystals, and the cells of a honeycomb.
All triangles, squares and hexagons can pack together in endless patterns because they relate to the creation of life, rather than those numbers that deal in the spiritual or mystical energies of the universe. However, the creation of this physical plain is rarely seen as anything but divine. Its perfection is cherished and represented in many faiths through the geometry of Six.
The geometry of Eight extends from four, the merging of two equal squares. The first cubed number, the Octagon represents peace and justice. It brides the gap between the square and the circle and is used as another building block for the universe.
In contrast to the creation of the physical, the creation of life itself is represented through the geometry of Five and Ten. In order to create such life, the creator needs to step away from the Vesica Piscis use a different form of geometry; the pentagonal. The geometry of Five is the Pentad, or pentagram, which represents life and the living spirit. Five has left its mark throughout nature in abundance. All trees and shrubs that grow edible fruit have five sided flowers, along with the cores of fruit being sliced open to revel their pentagonal cores. Wildflowers have five petals and pentagonal stamens. The sea is full of pentagonal life, including starfish and other marine creatures, all the way down to the microscopic level.
Humans are represented through the number five. Our appendages, 1 head, 2 arms and 2 legs, equal five. Our five senses, our five digits on both hands and feet. Pentagons are known to dance with each other, like humans, they will meet, mate and breed. When two pentagrams mate, they create their ten pointed offspring and the geometry of Ten. If they mate again they can form decagons, or even pentagonal hexagons and pentagonal rhombus'. They can mate with any other shape, for variety is the spice of life.
The geometry of Seven, Nine, and Eleven are seen as mystical, for not one visualization can be constructed perfectly by hand.
Seven is represented by the heptagon and symbolizes the world soul. It is not seen as a created number, because the soul existed before creation, it is seen as eternal. Seven is also feminine in nature and relates to the cycles of the moon, dreams, prophecies and mantic arts. It is also an emblem of wisdom and will influence the tides wherever virtue and philosophy reside.
Four weeks of seven days are the phases of the moon, the seventh day is the holy Sabbath, every seventh year is a Sabbatical, seven times seven years is the Jubilee according to Jewish faith.
The seven sided heptagram is known as the Elven or Fairy Star and is a symbol of great magical power.
Nine is symbolized by the ennegram and is associated with the nine gifts or fruits of the Holy Spirit. It is the first odd squared number, seen as the last and limit of all that is. It is the beginning and the end, yet remains a mystery.
Eleven is the ultimate black sheep. A bridge between two realms, with no distinct characteristics of it's own. Eleven is alien. It has no place in man's architecture or music, though it's active in ratios and relationships with other numbers.
But Twelve takes the cake. The King, the ruler of them all, Twelve is the top of the number order and the cosmological diagram that depicts the entire universe. Though there remain many myteries intertwined within the paradigm of numbers, Twelve clearly reigns supreme. The twelve sided dodecahedron is the all-embracing shape, it's twelve spheres compress together and create all other solid figures.
The twelve desciples of Jesus, King Arthur's twelve knights of the roundtable, Solomon and the twelve tribes of Isreal, Odin who led the twelve gods to Scandinavia, and St. Finian with the twelve scholar-saints of Ireland are all examples of the duodecimal nature of numbers and faith colliding.
The Zodiac is divided into twelve sections, music is adapted into the chromatic scale of twelve notes, and nations were divided according to twelve tribes with twelve gods, each ruling one section of the Zodiac.
But what is the leader of 12? What lies in the centre to create and lead the universe? Are we close to finding the answer?
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