Spirit Guide Contact Spell
This ritual is semi-long and could be considered difficult to any begginers. It requires a lot of energy and focus.
I am not in any way saying a begginer can't do it, just becareful of also attracting unwanted entities...
Anyways, on with the ritual!!
Blessed Be.
1 Alter Candle
1 Day Candle (Whichever color for the day you'll be casting the spell)
(Monday~ White, Tuesday~ Red, Wednesday~ Purple, Thursday~ Blue,
Friday~ Green, Saturday~ Black, Sunday~ Yellow)
Offertory Candles: 3 Violet Candles, 3 White Candles
Athame (to incribe candles)
Crystal Ball/Clear Glass of Water
Incense: Anise, Cardamom, Coriander
Essential Oils: Jasmine, Lemon, Rose, and Sandlewood
Bathing Herbs: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrhh, and Sandlewood
Timing: Best done at the Mercury time of the day, but any time will do. Any moonphase is okay.
Breathe deeply and build a ball of proctective light around you.
While soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the whole ritual:
the steps you will take and what you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.
Enter the circle at the hour of Mercury, light the incense.
With the oils, dress the Alter Candle and the Day Candle while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual.
Light your Alter Candle and Day candle, the state your intent:
"Hic sum ad contactum cum spiritus meus, dux, et agnoscere eum, vel eam."
With your athame, take Violet Candle number one and inscribe the word "spiritus" onto it.
Dress it with oil.
Light Violet Candle one, direct your energies into it and say:
"Hic ego lux primum lucerna spiritus.
Ut illud lumen pervenire trans claustra de hoc mundo ad proximum.
Ut non attinget, quod Mundum Spiritus, in quo puteus ' tandem intrant."
Take your censer or incense wand and swing around censing the whole area around the altar,
while rhythmically repeating the word "Merge" and building up energy.
Replace the censer and pick up Violet Candle number two, inscribe it with the word "Spiritus" and dress it with oil.
Put it back on your altar, light it, then say:
"Hic ego lux in secundo lucerna spiritus. Ut
suus ' quoque lumen pervenire trans claustra ex hoc mundo ad proximum.
Ut non attinget, quod Mundum Spiritus et auxilium expandit luminis, illuminans itinera inter mundos."
Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire of area around the altar while chanting the word "Merge".
Build up your energy to focus.
Take Violet Candle number three, inscribe with the word "spiritus", dress with oils, place on the altar, light it and then say:
"Hic ego lux tertia lucerna spiritus.
Ut sua luce etiam pervenire trans claustra ex hoc mundo ad proximum.
Ut lux ex his tres lampades mixtio et crescere, dispelling omnes tenebrae et lux lucis via Spiritus meus, Dux, ut veniat ad me, et locutus cum me hodie hic."
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