chapter one
That was the only thing going through my head. This demigod was able to kill thousands with just a flick of a finger.
And it was All. My. Fault.
I saved this demigod after he was literally shot out of a cannon. I healed him and helped him get better.
It was a huge mistake.
And now I have to clean up my mess.
I looked in the small window on the roof of an old building. I could see some of his men, but no leader? This wasn't like him, to just leave all of the workers while he's out doing gods know what. But it didn't matter I could give him a warning this time, maybe he'll stop.
I silently crept through the window on the roof, but left it open incase I needed to make a quick get away. I took out my favorite daggers and aimed at one of the guards. Time to start a game of cat and mouse.
I picked a larger man, he had a muscular build and a really large head. I threw the dagger and it hit him right in the back. When his lifeless body thumped to the ground all the others looked over and saw the damage, and they all panicked and ran around like headless chickens. I laughed at my comparison.
No, I'm not crazy it was just really funny.
Next I grabbed my disposable daggers and threw them as I jumped from the crates I was standing on, on my way down I laughed like a mad woman.
Once they were all gone I ran to the back of the building where he might be.
I killed the guards in front of a door where I'm guessing he was. I opened the door to find a boy tied up with tight ropes and duck tape on his mouth. He had black hair and chocolate brown eyes like mine but his were slightly darker, he was very pale and looked about my age maybe a year older. All in all, he was hot.
"Who are you." I asked, as I ripped the duck tape off his face. Just because he was hot doesn't mean I have to be nice to him, he's probably a real big jerk and really annoying.
"FUCK that hurt asshole!" He yelled. Oh yea he doesn't know I'm a girl...or a boy....haha, ok so he doesn't know what I am.
"Do you want them to come back?" I asked.
"Obviously not!" He shouted.
"Then shut. The. Fuck. Up." I growled. Suprisingly that worked. I finished untying him and grabbed his hand with my gloved one.
"For a dude you have really small hands." He pointed out almost laughing. I rolled my eyes and almost said,
'Obviously stupid.'
But I didn't (sadly). We started running to where he was and I slammed open the door and tugged nico in with me.
He looked up when the door opened, his blonde locks were messily laying on his head. When he got over his initial shock he smirked at me. Guards that I didn't see grabbed me and nico, as we struggled to get loose he walked up to us and was only a few feet from me.
"Well well well, if it isn't the 'monster' everyone's been talking about. You don't look so scary to me." He came closer to where he was right next to me.
"Let's see who the masked villain really is." He yanked my hood down and my blonde hair cascaded down my shoulders, next he pulled off the bandanna covering my nose and mouth, he jumped back in shock once he saw who I was and everyone gasped. I glared daggers at him.
Once he got over his shock he smirked again.
"So hannah how have you been, I mean I haven't seen you in almost three years what do you even think your doing!" Octavian laughed. I stayed silent
Yes, ladies and gentlemen that's right, I knew Octavian, the one who tried to destroy camp halfblood and kill all demigods.
"Oh I get it! Oh that's just too cute! Little baby hannah is trying to be like daddy!"
"Your a lunatic!" I screamed at Octavian.
"Well that's a small price to pay when I have the whole demigod world at my finger tips." He said examining his nails.
Really Octavian I mean couldn't we be a little more formal and not so, oh I don't know, CLICHE FOR GOD'S SAKES?!?!
"Usually I would kill you, but I think you'll come in handy later." He said.
"Escort them out!" He yelled at the guards holding us.
"Oh and hannah, remember to tell your boyfriend over there who I am too you or I will, little sis!"
"You aren't my brother! You never were and you never will be!" I screamed while the guards dragged us out.
After we were thrown out I put my mask and hat back on, successfully pulling up all my hair and hiding it into the small hat. I started walking away going back home, to camp halfblood.
"Hey wait a minute I know you!" Was Nico's amazing way of starting a conversation I was dreading.
"Yes yes I know me too, better be going now bye!" I said quickly not missing a beat.
"Your that camper that just showed up, no one even knows your name!" He called.
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