I'm lazy
I'm such a lazy person it isn't even funny! I have like thirty stories I'm trying to write but I've given up on easily 3/4 of them and the others need major editing before I would even consider posting them.
I was also just working on a French assignment which we had to draw a comic and I'm pretty good at drawing if I say so myself but I pretty much gave up on the last three slides... The beginning looked pretty good but I made a lot of mistakes but at the end is when all my creativity just died.
The last three slides are horribly drawn and when my character was supposed to get hit by a bus it looks like he disappeared before it hit him and then slipped! It seriously looks like he slipped! He body is all weird looking as well so I guess that will make him look broken...
We were also supposed to colour it but guess what I didn't do! Colour it! I know I know I should listen to my teacher but seriously I tried to colour it and it just looked stupid so I erased it and stopped colouring.
The colours really ruined the drawing as certain parts of the drawing were the only parts that kept the drawing from looking like something a two year old drew...
My French teacher will probably hit me or something. I think our comics were supposed to be happy and stuff but mine is about a guy who does by getting hit by a bus and his friend blames his self for it... Wow so school appropriate!
But anyway! We were also supposed to colour it as well and write it in French but mine is really badly translated and not even coloured. I probably failed his assignment but who cares!
I do but I can't make myself colour this comic and it's not my fault I write/draw depressing things! It's probably my sisters fault as she corrupted me as a child... I also suck at French so I couldn't even translate it so the only thing going for me is that I tried...
I'm so going to pass this assignment! Like I'm going to definitely get straight A's on this project because mine is obviously the best! Not... I'll probably fail and he'll give me a really weird look as if I'm stupid or something... I'm not! I promise! I just suck at French and anything to do with motivation and colouring...
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