Texting shortcuts
I'm just doing random stuff..... Again ;P
2moro- tomorrow
2nite- tonight
2day- today
Brb- be right back
Btw- by the way -or- (for some strange reason) bring the wheelchair
B4n- bye for now
Bcnu- be seeing you
BFF- Best friends forever -or- (what is wrong with these people?) Best friend's funeral
CYA- See ya -or- some very rude translation that I dare not but here
ILY/ ILU- I love you
Irl- in real life
L8r- later
Lol- lots of love -or- laughing out loud
J/K- Just kidding
ISO- in search of
OIC- Oh, I see
Gr8- Great
OT- Off topic
POV- Point of View
TNX or TX or THNX- thanks
SOL- Sooner or later -or- (another very rude translation that's not worth mentioning)
STBY- Sucks to be you
SWAK- sealed (or sent) with a kiss
RTM- Read the manual
XOXO- hugs and kisses
WEG- (my personal favourite) Wicked evil grin
VBG- Very big grin
WYWH- Wish you were here
TYVM- Thank you very much
Ttyl- Talk to you later
TMI- Too much Info
TLC- Tender loving care
ADN- Any day now
4EAE- for ever and ever
AFK- Away from Keyboard
B/C- because
AFAIK- As far as I know
ATM- at the moment
BF/ GF- Boyfriend/ Girlfriend
B4- before
BFN- bye for now
BRB- Be Right back
BOL- Be on later
FWB- Friends with benefits
HTH- hope this helps -or- happy to help
JIC- Just in case
J4f- just for fun
K or KK- Okay
IKR- I know right?
IDk- I don't know
IIRC- If I remember correctly
IMHO- In my honest opinion -or- in my humble opinion
IMO- In my opinion
HAND- have a nice day
HAK- hugs and kisses
FYI- For your information
FYEO- for your eyes only
JSYK- Just so you know
IU2U- it's up to you
IANAL- I am not a lawyer
LMBO- laughing my butt off
LMK- Let me know
NAGI- Not a good idea
NM/ NVM- Never Mind
NMU- Not much, you?
NP- No problem
NTS- note to self
PAW- parents are watching (another one of my faves)
OH- overheard
OMG- oh my god (or gosh)
ORLY- Oh, really?
PLS or PLZ- please
PPL- People
PTB- please text back
RAK- Random act of kindness
ROFL- rolling on the floor laughing
RL- real life
RUOK- are you okay?
SMH- shaking my head
SRSLY- Seriously?
SWYP- So What stour problem
WTH- what the heck?
TY or TU- thank you
TIA- thanks in advances
TIME- Tears In my eyes
VSF- Very sad face
WB- Welcome back
GB- Goodbye
GN- Good night
GM- Good morning
GA- Good afternoon
WTPA- Where the party at?
WYCM- Will you call me
YW- your welcome
ZOMG- oh my god/ gosh (sarcastic)
Aaaaaaannnnnndddd...... The ones I made up
TMS- Three Moons
TMD- Thrice-mooned
SBR- Smoke breather
SIB- Squid Brain
FFBOCS- Frog faced blob of camel spit
CT- Camel turds
HP- Holy Pyrrhia
And for no apparent reason- the one everyone has been waiting for..............
DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid XD
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