I got tagged by an evil person😔😔😔😧😧😧😢😢😢😢!!!!! The name is Scarlet_Knightwaker!!!!! So evil!!!!
But here I go....
1. What is your favorite color?
White and purple
2. Favorite Anime?
I have way to much. Haven't really thought about it either.
3. Favorite Anime Character
None really.
4. Favorite Food?
Haven't tried much food. Mostly have rice everyday.
5. If you were to save one anime character who would it be, and why?
None. We can't change when we die or when we dont. We can only delay it. I would rather wait until I die, then I can be in my anime world.
6. Anime character you would marry? (Can't be from #3)
None. I don't ever plan to marry.
7. Anime Character you would kill?
Hmmm probably I think it was tiger, saber, or wolf. From The Daughter Of 20 Faces.
8. If you can be in an anime world what would it bw? (Can't be from question 2)
Haven't really though about it. I don't know.
9. Eye Color
10. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
All purple with white stripes and tips.
11. If you had three wished what would it be and why?
Every single type of magic, for protection.
Wings so I can explore
Last one I'll save until I can think of something.
12. Manga or Comic
Manga for certain.
13. Favorite video game?
Don't really have one.
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