There once was this couple who had a bonfire once every month. The bonfires always smelled foul, and they wouldn't let anyone see them light the fire. One day, one of their neighbors asked them, "Why do your bonfires always smell bad? Is it the fuel you use?" "It's our secret." Is all they answered. Every month, before the bonfire, people would disappear. No one was ever found, and the only time no one disappeared was the week before the bonfire. The same neighbor that asked them the question put up cameras to see what they use for fuel, and was met with a horrifying sight. He saw bloody, mutilated bodies being thrown into a pile and lit. The couple noticed the camera, and quickly disabled it. A few days later, that neighbor disappeared without a trace.
Special edition, two stories!
There once was a boy who lived with his parents in a house. He has his own room with a single window. One night, he was woken up in the middle of the night by a scratching sound. He went and told his parents, and they assured him it was probably just a mouse. He went back to bed, but night after night he kept getting woken up by the scratching. One night, he woke up with a small wound on his back. The next morning they inspected his bed and found a small hole carved into his mattress all the way through. They noticed muddy boot prints leading to his bed from the window and back. They picked up the bed and found a muddy body print of a man laying down under the kid's bed.
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