Chapter 11.... The Big Steel
Once well rested, I awoke to find Kari making Lunch for both of our Pokémon and ourselves. River had joined me for a nap, so he too had much energy to exert as he waddled out of the tent to join the others. "Here you go Dugtrio dear. You and Daisy fought to your last this morning, and you two deserve some of the finest rest you could ask for." I heard Kari say as she handed a tray of salad to Daisy, and a bowl of earthy smelling broth to Diglett-Yahh. I looked around our camp, and noticed some new faces among us, like Vön, who seemingly had gotten bigger in size, and Sæll, who turned into a floating gumball with ears! "I see you've been busy yourself!" I exclaimed as Lilemoore flew towards me with a big yellow flower, and I noticed her once pink skin had become a healthy green! I took her in my hands to observe her closer, scratching her just so behind one of her ears before sending her afloat again, and Kari giggled cheerfully, "Quite, yes! And your Diglett-Yahh - Suppose you can't call him "Diglett-Yahh" any longer, eh?" "He may have evolved, but Diglett-Yahh was the first. So shall it remain his name!" I replied proudly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well in any case, you must be starving! You slept like a Nacli for the majority of the day." Kari said, putting a meaty mixture on a platter, and tapping the table before me. I may have found it tediously annoying at first, back before the treasure hunt, but I've come to love Kari's creativity when it comes to Culinary, and her endless hospitality brings a sense of homey comfort even if we were smack dab in the center of nowhere! I sat at the table, still in my undershirt from my uniform, and I took a bite out of the pasta and meat mix. "Wow! This is great Kari!" I exclaimed, mouth half full. "Thank you! I've been studying up on how to make other foods from different regions because I thought you may've gotten bored of the single, Norse only menu. Still, I manage to make more than enough to fill us all, especially with how big Vön's become!" "I'd never get tired of your dishes, Kari, but I find it impressive nonetheless. Have you gotten any rest?" "I'm not all that worn out, but it's not easy wrangling eleven Pokémon by yourself." "I'm sorry I couldn't help you with my rambunctious lot." "Nonsense! I find it enlightening. After all, as a wise someone once said, "The key to knowing the trainer is through their Pokémon". And in my father's words, the Pokémon's spirit and nature is the extent of the Trainer's. You have a good natured soul, Spirit, and it really shows by the way your Pokémon are so accepting of others though they are each different in their own special right!" "W-Wow! I had no idea! It's quite the coincidence, really, as during my battle with Iono I couldn't help but feel this emotional tug from within my heart." "That's your bond. I feel it too when Hálogi trips over and cries, or cuddles me at night! The more time you spend, the more you begin to feel this connection that you must always be there for them no matter the cost. Even if it means your life is at risk, you always have to be with them first to ease the idea that they're alright and in good hands." Kari said, petting Vættir on the head. Sæll came to sit in Kari's lap as she seated herself next to me, and she began to sing a lovely sounding song from her homeland. As Sæll listened, she closed her eyes, and began to tune her own voice to Kari's; leaving the two singing the lovely song to their hearts content as I continued to eat, listen, and observe. I looked around, and noticed that in each of Kari's Pokémon, there hid a shred of her personality within- Vön's inviting personality as he played with Buttercup, Sæll's gentleness that lulled my Diglett-Yahh to a deep, peaceful slumber, Lilemoore's curiosity of River as she flew around him, and River chasing underfoot playfully, Skærr's oblivious bliss as she playfully splashed Lolly with a burst of water, Vættir's kindness as she showered a weary Daisy with a sprinkling mist, and Hálogi.... That unmistakable fire in his eyes that shouted determination and bravery as he competed with Ruby in a race to see who the fastest one would be. All of them were, in a sense, an extent of Kari! It was a magical scene, and I finished up my meal before scooping up River into my arms to enjoy the serenity around us when off in the distance, there was a rumbling noise. I looked up, observing the sky for any rain clouds, but oddly enough the skies were clear.... So.... Why thunder? Kari stopped singing long enough to observe with me, and we heard the thundering again as I looked to her worriedly. "We'll go see, but we wait until evening! You've had a long night, and are still weary." Kari declared, making me yawn just to further prove her point. After food I returned to the shade of the tent, where Kari's rotom fan was hard at work to produce cool air. I felt comfortable, even on the hardened, tarp floor with only a single pillow and sleeping bag with me, and a solar charger for our Rotom Phones I felt at ease and at home! I stared out of the partially unzipped window of the tent, wondering what that thundering could be on a day like this, and my eyes grew more weary as I felt River wiggle his way into my sleeping bag beside me. He, too, let out a long, squeaky yawn before nestling himself close to my chest to slip into a peaceful slumber. To clear my head, I began to imagine Zigzagoon hopping a fence as I counted, "One, Two, Three, Four,-" I yawned as I continued, "Seven..... Eight....... Nine........." and before I knew it, I was right back to sleep like I never awoke to begin with. Hours felt like they had passed by in the darkness of my slumber, and I was in the middle of a good dream when I was startled by a loud KER-POW! Jolting awake, I found Kari at the entrance to our tent, still in her pajamas, and it was dark outside with only the pale Paldean moon casting a silvery spell upon the earth before us. Kari looked back at me worriedly, and I noticed that even Hálogi was acting strange in her arms as the explosions and thundering continued. River latched onto my waist in fear as I caught my breath, and I quickly asked, "D-Did that come from Levincia?! I-Is everything okay?!" "Levincia is fine, yes, but that was more outwards from here! Like, Northwestern from where we're camping!" The explosions continued to go off followed by a loud rumbling, and I quickly threw on my shirt and shoes before racing out of the tent with River in my arms. "Come on, Kari! Grab Aksel and let's go!" I cried, bringing out Miraidon from it's ball. "But the camp!" Kari protested, coming out in her pajamas to stop me. "Kari, the camp will be safe! But those explosions-What if people are getting injured? Or WORSE!? We HAVE to help them." I replied, looking into her beige colored eyes that showed great worry. Looking between myself and the camp, Kari finally nodded in agreement as she said, "Tents can be bought, but lives cannot. I'll get my shoes and I'll meet you there! Be careful, Spirit." "I will, Kari. I promise you!" I assured, and sped off on Miraidon like a shot towards the sounds of the explosions. Once I was outside the area where the rumbling and explosions were loudest, I leapt off Miraidon, recalled it to it's ball, and began to climb up the cliffs in front of me to get a better look of the situation. The thundering grew louder, and the explosions shook the earth beneath my feet in an effort to knock me flat as I heard my phone begin to ring. I quickly grabbed it from my bag, and answered in a rushed tone, "H-Hello?! Yes?!" "Yo, Spirit! Whatcha up to now?" The earth rumbled again, and I tried to cling onto something for balance as I replied, "Hanging in there, it would seem. And you?" "OH! I've called to tell you that I've found the location of the next Titan: the Lurking Steel Titan to be specific." "Really? Well, I hate to say, but I think I've already stumbled upon it. In the old mines, yeah?" "Wow! Look at you, a little overachiever. The Titan is rumored to be quite large, obviously, and REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLL long! What kind of Titan would you suppose looked like that?" The ground rumbled again, and the earth popped beneath my feat as I replied quickly, "Can't say, but I've gotta run now. I'm nearly about to fall off the cliff, or worse!" "Certainly! Alright, see you in a bit little buddy." And with that, Arven hung up. I felt bad for not chatting with him longer, but I was a bit stuck in the middle of a Titan's rage, and diving only further into it's depths. I treaded carefully down the cliff side to an open, gaping hole where the rest of the mines were located, and my jaw dropped in awe as I peered over the roped rails. There, in the very center, was a large, red, metallic head of a great beast, and it stuck upward partially from the ground! "Wow!" I breathed, and I ducked under the rope to get a better veiw of the creature in full for myself. I walked cautiously down the path, careful not to knock a rock with my foot and scare the dear as I continued to observe. The eyes were wide open, and the mouth was so large that it looked like it could gulp down ALL the Islands of the Alola Region, and then some! I came closer still until I stepped on a twig, making a loud crack as my blood turned to ice; looking up I found myself looking directly into the Steel Titan's eyes, frozen in fear and fascination both. I gulped as I continued to look at my reflection in it's dopey gaze, and I stammered, "Y-You're JUST like the rumors described.... I don't know WHAT or HOW you got this big, but you seem nice enough to pet, if that's alright with you..." the creature reeled back in confusion for a minute, then, a hefty sigh left it's nostrils-warm as can be. It lowered itself down as if to respond, and I slowly placed my hand upon it's cool, metallic head as I lightly stroked. It may've been a Steel Type, but even THEY adore some love once in a blue moon! I giggled softly as I continued to run my hand across it's cool surface, and the creature groaned with delight at every stroke until I heard a loud, high pitched voice call, "SPIRIIIIIIT! WHERE HAVE YOU GONE?!" The Titan reeled back again in fear, and I grew terrified of the thought of a potential attack happening as the earth quaked and popped, knocking me to the ground! "AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as a tidal wave of dust flew over me, and I heard again, "SPIRIT! HOLD ON, I'M COMING!" The ground continued to shake, and the popping grew unbearably loud as I felt something hover over me, and I looked up through the thick cloud of dust to see Buttercup flapping at the dust as hard as she could. "Buttercup, NO!" I coughed, but she didn't listen. She continued to flap, and flap, and flap some more until she created a burst of air that parted the dusty cloud around us, and she flapped furiously to keep the barrier like structure in place. I leapt off the ground, finally able to breathe, and I looked around to see if I could still get a glimpse of where the Steel Titan went. "Buttercup, that was VERY dangerous! You don't just show up from your ball like that sweetie." I scolded, turning my back from the dust outside. "Vi-llon! Vivi!" Buttercup protested in a squeaky cry, and strangely enough, I could understand what it was she was telling me. "You don't HAVE to protect me. It's ME who should be protecting YOU, and River, and all of your friends! I guess I'm just a crummy trainer after all." I sighed, sitting back on the ground with my head on my arms and knees when Buttercup flapped her way down, and began giving me light Vivillon kisses on my hand. I looked up, feeling nothing but love coming from my darling Pokémon, and I brought her close to me as the dust dissipated around us. "Thank you.... For helping...." I replied, looking up at the now clear sky, and breathing the clean, cool air of night. Happy, Buttercup peeped a bit, and nudged my face with hers before going back to her ball where she belonged. I stood back up from the ground, dusting myself off before looking at the large pile of dirt left by the Titan-now filled with the sugar sand it kicked up to fill it's tunnel as I heard a pair of footsteps race up to me. "SPIRIT! Oh, Spirit, are you alright?!" Kari asked worriedly, throwing her arms around me. "Yes, Kari. Just a bit dusty is all." I replied, returning her hug before looking back at the pile. "My, talk about a mountain out of a Diglett mound! What WAS that anyway?" Kari asked, looking up with me. "The Steel Titan.... It's still here somewhere, but I never imagined it was a friendly soul." "Friendly!? It almost buried you." "It got scared, so it was doing what was natural to it. I can't be upset for that." I replied, looking up at the hill. "I'll be back. I want a photo inside the mound!" I said after a few minutes, and I began my decent as my friend called, "Take care you don't fall or sink!" "Alright!" I called back in assurance, and made my way up the dirt mound before me. I slid inside, careful not to trip, and I pulled my camera out to take a picture of myself waving hi before sending it to my mom. All this, and I never thought to tell her! "Hey mom!", I texted, "Sorry for texting you so late, but I just wanted to tell you that our school event is going well so far. I've acquired two Gym badges, and I'm on my way to get a third! Also, I have a friend with me. Her name is Kari, and her and I found this hole! Here's a picture I took in it just for you." I sent the message along with the photo, and topped it off with, "Anyway, I'll let you get back to sleep. Love you!" And I put my phone away to climb back up from the hole. "That took a bit, don't you think?" Kari asked, raising a brow at me. "I was talking to my mom. I've traveled this far, and I haven't ONCE thought about texting her!" "Ah. I see now!" Kari replied, closing her eyes in thought for a minute. "Is something wrong, Kari?" I asked, growing a little concerned by her silence. She shook her head, and smiled in response as she assured, "Yes. I was just thinking myself how nice it'd be to hear my kin's voices now! Maybe after we settle this great beast down I'll give them a ring and introduce you." My blood turned cold when she said that, and my face grew red of embarrassment at the mere thought of talking to a whole clan of people like Kari, but to not give her the wrong idea, I timidly replied, "Y-Yeah! That'd be nice! I-I told my mom about you, s-so I guess it's only fair." Kari burst into laughter, and she replied, "No need to be so shy! They may be rowdy, but like me, they're good folk to be around. Come! Let's find this Titan so we can call my parents, and tell them ALL about our adventure from Mesagoza to here!" I can tell from the twinkle in her eyes that the thought of telling her heroic tales to her family made her really excited, and next thing I know she had grabbed my hand and pulled me alongside her deeper into one of the tunnels left by the disturbed giant. "Alright," Kari began, looking from left to right excitedly once we left the tunnel, "Where did this giant go?" "Well, as fast as it took for it to kick up a sandstorm and cover its tracks, I feel we'd better think this through for a moment. Otherwise, we'll be lost in a sea of sand!" I replied, scanning around the area myself. "True, true! So, what information do we have so far on the beast?" "We know that it's really big and long, obviously. We also know that it's very red, and VERY swift!" "Yes, but besides the obvious?" "When petting it, it felt cool and had a metallic sheen on it's body. Is that enough?" "Ooooooh, so we're looking for a Steel Type? Hálogi will have such fun, battling this noble beast in a combat of strength; a true knight in fiery armor he shall be by the end of this night!" Kari declared confidently. "And I'll use Ruby!" I replied, holding her ball to my chest. "LOOK! OVER THERE!" Kari shouted excitedly, pulling me closer as she pointed to the top of a ledge. Adjusting my eyes in the darkness I saw the massive Steel Titan, humbly sitting atop the cliff like ridge as calm as can be while looking up at the starry Paldean sky! It looked so content and peaceful that I felt almost bad with having to battle the gentle creature, but Arven states a fair point when he says they must be stopped for the greater good! "So we have it in our sights.... But how to get it is the question." I murmured, making sure not to disturb the creature. "In my home region," Kari began with a whisper, "Hunters have a technique known as "The Clothesline Snare", in which one goes towards the right around the front of the creature, and the other directly behind while circling closer and closer to box their hunt in. Tis' nasty business, but if we're to catch this great beast, it's our only option." "Sounds good enough to me. I'll follow your lead!" I replied with a nod. Kari crept low to the ground, hiding behind rocks to avoid detection as she guided my steps. We broke off each other's trail, and neared closer towards the Titan of Steel in hopes to box it in when my foot knocked a rock, and sent it skittering across the dry, hardened earth. The Titan perked up a bit, and with an alarmed roar sent the ground into a frenzy of popping and quaking! "ABORT! ABORT!" I screamed, and quickly sent out Buttercup to combat the new Sandstorm the Titan was whisking up. "ACK!" Kari squealed, and she sent out Lilemoore to do the same as the cloud around us both grew larger, and thicker to the point that we couldn't see the streetlights ahead! Once the dust died down again, and our Pokémon returned to their balls, Kari and I regrouped next to a freshly made mound as she sulked, "Blast.... I thought it would work!" "It WAS working.... The terrain here is too iffy to try to do a complete sneak attack!" I replied, observing the ground that was covered in loose rocks and twigs. "Then what shall we do NOW?" Kari asked, looking up at the mound. "I say we chase the thing; go for a more direct approach!" "A direct approach? I suppose, but let us hope we're fleeting enough to nab it before it dissappears!" Kari replied with a nod. And with that, the chasing game bagan; sending us to the upper levels of the cliffs, to the center of the very mines, which caught us in a larger sandstorm than usual! "It's too fast, and I can't see!" I heard Kari cough. "I'd rather be breathing clean air than this mass of dirt and debris!" I repli, coughing equally as much in the thick cloud of dust while trying to focus stinging, watery eyes on where the Titan must've gone next. "We shall suffocate first, if we do not step back and let this whirlwind dissipate! Or we shall be buried in a deep sea of sugar sand and rocks!" Kari coughed, and I knew in my gut that she was right. Chasing this creature like we did would only lead us to execution, and a couple missing bodies with twelve Pokémon respectively! "You're right.... Buttercup!" I coughed, and sent my beautiful Vivillon into the air. With the combined power of Lilemoore and Buttercup, the fresh air barrier around us both was a welcomed change as we both sighed. "I think we've riled it up too much... it could be hours before this cloud goes away!" Kari exclaimed. "Y-Yeah...." I replied exhaustedly, and flopped back onto the ground to rest. Kari joined me on the ground-the cool air around us from the Pokémon surrounding our hot, sweaty bodies while we looked up at the murkiness above. Several hours later we were greeted by dawn's light, and we both yawned as we looked around the mine. "Hey guys! What's up?" I heard someone say, and we both turned around to find Arven standing over us with a smile. "Oh..... Hello, Arven." I greeted, stretching as Kari picked herself up from the ground, and dusted off her pajamas. "Woah! Were you guys just sleeping on the ground?" Arven asked, looking over at Kari with wide eyes. "I guess you could say that..." I replied, rubbing my eyes before standing up myself. "We HAD a camp going, but the Titan was causing trouble so Spirit came to check it out.... We've tried sneaking, and outright chasing the creature, but it really wore us out!" Kari explained, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked into the center of the mine. Arven and I followed her gaze, and there the Titan was..... Teasing us with it's serenity..... Tormenting us with it's cunning..! "GRRRRR!" I growled, picking up a rock and throwing it with frustration at the wall as I roared, "This Titan us driving me nuts! The stupid Cliff Titan wasn't THIS bad!" "It may not be as bad as you guys think- just a wrong sense of execution, perhaps." Arven replied, eyes closed in thought. "What other way is there that we're missing?" Kari asked, approaching Arven curiously. Arven stayed in thought for a while or so longer, then he snapped his fingers as he exclaimed, "Try using that brute of yours!" "Pardon?" Kari asked, widening her eyes in shock. "Spirit, you know who I'm talking about, yeah? It should be fast enough to keep up with the Titan!" Arven said, eyes bright. I stood, dumbfounded by his idea..... Why didn't WE think of that?! I nodded, and called out Miraidon from it's ball; making it roar loudly when I gently stroked it's side. "Miraidon, please! We need your speed to catch up with the Steel Titan." I begged, continuing to caress the gentle dear softly. Miraidon reeled back in confusion at first, then, as if it realized what it was I was asking for, it sighed. Miraidon lowered itself for me to leap on, and I warned, "Arven? You and Kari may need to stand back." Arven nodded, and taking my warning, the two ducked for cover behind a Boulder while I zipped away on Miraidon after the Steel Titan! It was a struggle, having it kick up it's storms again like it did last night, but with Miraidon zipping from place to place the dust never reached me like it did before! After a while, I was finally able to catch up with the creature with a leap, and the Steel Titan cried as it engaged me in a battle! "R-Ruby! Quick!" I called, and Ruby quickly came from her ball to block the attack from the Titan. The Steel Titan used a beserker's kind of rage to break a wall, and it reached for something inside of the newly made den before gobbling it up! "G-GUYS! IT ATE SOME HERBA MYSTICA!" I squealed fearfully, and I leapt off Miraidon's back as Kari jumped from cliff to cliff to meet me at the bottom. "I'm here, Spirit! You can count on me!" Kari exclaimed, sliding to a halt next to me. "Thanks!" I replied, readying my battle stance before the creature. The Steel Titan stood about one hundred meters tall, and looked almost familiar to another Pokémon I've seen in class! The berserk Titan lashed and thrashed, and I quickly commanded, "Ruby! Use "Ember"!" And Ruby flew up high above our heads before raining down little bits of fire onto the head of the Titan, causing it to squeal in pain. "Follow up with "Flamethrower", Hálogi! Make it your strongest hit yet!" Kari called, sending forth her beloved Fuecoco. The fire in Hálogi's eyes seemed more intense than it was back at camp, and the way he charged bravely toward the Steel Titan was very heroic to boot! I looked into Kari's eyes-the eyes of a true protector as she commanded her firey friend as a general would their army, and I knew it to be none other than the bond she shared with Hálogi. I looked up at Ruby, gracefully fluttering around from place to place to dodge the weather of the Titan as it's attacks became a flurry of punches, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was we had when we're battling like this. It wasn't long until Arven joined the fray, and he sent out his Toedscool in attempt to help us. "Are you crazy?! Toedscool!?" Kari yelped, covering her mouth in shock. "B-But what about Type Match Ups?!" I squeaked, beginning to sweat nervously. "Don't underestimate what you don't know. Toedscool doesn't look like much on the surface, but it's a little beast in battle!" Arven assured, and as if to prove a point, he sent out the scrawny legged Pokémon towards the Titan. It landed kick after kick, and I commend the guts the little thing held, but it was like a tickle to the semi hurt Titan. With a single flick, the Titan sent Toedscool flying, and all we could do is watch as the painfully akward scene took place. "Well," Kari sighed, "You can't blame it for trying.." "Poor little thing." I said, while Arven remained silent out of embarrassment. The Titan roared again, getting our attention back to the battle at hand, and as it would happen, Hálogi and Ruby had tag teamed while we were focused on Arven's Toedscool. "Th-That's it! You've got this you two!" I cheered, encouraging the two Fire Types in their endeavor to defeat such a foe. "You've got this! Combine your strengths, and show them the true flame of the Fire Type's spirit!" Kari called, also encouraging the two. They both stopped for a minute, allowing the Titan to try and make it's final stand before Ruby and Hálogi, the small little duo before us, made a combo move so powerful that it not only knocked the Titan out, oh no, but also sent a shockwave over the entire area! Kari and I grabbed onto Arven for anchorage, and we shielded ourselves from the dust that was kicked up from the ground. Once cleared, we found Ruby and Hálogi huddled, with Ruby using her wing as a shield to protect Hálogi from the flying dirt and debris, and my heart couldn't help but melt at the beautiful sight. "I can safely say that I've found what part of you Ruby represents. How sweet!" Kari replied, running to try and scoop Hálogi into her arms when he began to glow! "H-Huh?!" I yelped. "Oooooohhhhh!" Kari gasped in awe, and before us stood a new Pokémon! "Crocalor has been added to your Pokédex!" Mine, Kari's, and Arven's phones rung in unison, and Kari jumped joyously in place as she exclaimed, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! My knight in Fiery Armor! Oh, my dear Hálogi's evoved!" She ran up to him, and got on her knees before hugging him tightly, saying, "My sweet little cub has grown. Oh, how big he's gotten!" "I love his little hat. Very festive, if I may say." I said, taking a closer look at Hálogi's new, evolved form curiously. "I have a very good feeling that your Ruby and River will follow in close pursuit. After all, they are steeping in strength overflowing!" Kari replied, making my blood ice cold at the thought of finally seeing my beloved River and Ruby evolve! "How do you guess?" Arven asked, curious by her meaning. "I was simply raised to know these things. A cubs growth is tracked by not only their behavior and maturity, but also by the strength of their presentation. River and Ruby may still be cubs, but their growth suggests a warrior and warrioress in training is about to bud." Kari replied, leaving Arven stunned and, admittedly, a bit confused by her words. Kari laughed, and said, "Come! The Herba Mystica may be inside! And I'm looking forward to another Arven made sandwich." Arven's eyes widened, then he smiled confidently as he exclaimed, "Sure can do! Let's go get that Herba Mystica!" "Yay!" I cheered, and the three of us, along with Ruby and Hálogi, raced into the newly made den. We searched a few minutes until we came upon a large chamber, and at the end was a beautiful, glittery, frost white plant! "Look! Could that be it?" I asked, stopping Arven before he went too far. He peered into the den, and a smile creeped across his face as he complimented, "Good eyes, little buddy!" "Thanks." I said, feeling good about the find. The three of us ran into the den, and surrounded around the beautiful plant like children in a toy store, and Kari breathed, "Oooohhhhh.... What a beautiful glow! Arven, may I have a leaf off this one too?" "But don't you have a leaf off of the last Herba Mystica we found? Why do you want another?" Arven asked, and Kari simply smiled at him as she replied, "That's for me to know, and who knows? If you get on my good side, you may be one of the ones to find out why I'm collecting the leaf. Please, may I get one?" Arven knitted his eyebrows a bit before giving into her, and she quickly nipped the leaf sample she wanted. Thanking Arven, she carefully placed the leaf into a little satchel around her waist before coming over to my side. Observing the Herba Mystica closely, I could smell a sort of..... Oceanic smell? "Do any of you smell the sea?" I asked, looking towards the two of them. Arven pulled our the Violet Book, and sifted through the pages until he found the excerpt he was looking for. "Salty Herba," he read aloud, "Is good for curing achiness in limbs and body. It is also used to cure numbness, and is good for neuropathy. It also says that Salty Herba Mystica can cure muscle weakness!" "Ooooh! Sounds helpful!" Kari said, looking over his shoulder. "Tch, yeah! It's Herba Mystica after all!" Arven said, plucking the stem of the plant. He set up a picnic, and began to prepare the sandwich while Ruby and Hálogi watched hungrily. "You seem to have yourself an audience, Arven." I laughed, and Arven smiled a bit as he fed some bread crumbs to Ruby, and a piece of ham to Hálogi to get them preoccupied. Once the sandwich was done, Arven handed everyone each a piece for themselves when Miraidon popped out of it's ball again, and seemingly begged for my sandwich. "Oh, come on! You again?" Arven groaned frustratedly. "Come now, Arven," Kari began, "Miraidon gets hungry like any other Pokémon would. You cannot hold it against it for feeling such!" "Here you go dear." I said, holding my sandwich up to Miraidon. "Don!" It replied, looking up at Arven greatfully. "Hmph, is it trying to thank me or something? Well, it's a good thing I made extra." He sighed. "Awww, you're very generous Arven. Eat up, Miraidon!" Kari replied, smiling kindly at the gentle beast. Miraidon gave an excited grunt before taking the sandwich from my hand, and scarfing it down noisily. "Hehe, Miraidon REALLY likes your cooking, Arven." I giggled as he handed me another sandwich. "Well I didn't make extra so that Miraidon could get one, okay?" "Sure thing, Arven." Kari replied, and the two of us giggled amongst ourselves as he sighed in defeat. After Miraidon finished this sandwich, the same glowing aura from before surrounded the creature, making my eyes widen in awe and Kari gasp lightly. "Did it just grow stronger again?" Arven asked, observing the odd Pokémon, who turned to him in response and shouted, "Mirai!" "Man, these Herba Mystica sure do pack a punch, huh?" Arven declared, smiling wide. He walked away from the rock for a minute as he continued, "Or.... They'd better, otherwise I'm REALLY up the creek on this!" "How you mean?" Kari asked, and I noticed out the corner of my eye Miraidon eyeing a lone sandwich on a plate; licking it's chops hungrily as I called, "Uh.... Miraidon?" Getting his Attention, and Kari's, Arven's face grew terrified before switching to angry as he yelled harshly, "Don't you DARE touch that! That isn't for you!" Petrified, Miraidon ran back to my side, and Kari furrowed her brow as she scolded, "Yelling at it WASN'T necessary, Arven." "Don-rai..." Miraidon sulked, rubbing it's snout against my leg apologetically as I tried to calm the beautiful creature. Arven, growing red in the face in embarrassment, realized what he had done, and he placed a single hand behind his head as he said nervously, "Oh, ummmmm.... S-Sorry, I shouldn't have shouted like that..." "I-It's fine, but to get worked up like that over food?" I began, confused. "And Leftovers, no less?" Kari asked, raising a brow to him. "No, no, you guys got it wrong! It's just.... Well.... I guess the two of you have come this far, so I may as well come clean..." Arven said, his eyes harboring a saddened look about them. "Huh?" I asked, shocked that he'd hide something from us to begin with when Arven brought out a single Pokéball. "Alright," he began in a soft tone, "come on out bud..." and the room brightened for a second, causing Kari and I to shield our eyes when we heard a heaving breath! Uncovering our eyes, we were greeted to a greatly weakened, and large Pokémon on the den floor, and Kari asked in concern, "Is it.... Okay...?" "No.... He's not...." Arven replied sadly, kneeling down to pat the sickly looking Pokémon. "Wh-What is it?" I asked, looking up at him for an explanation. "More like what did you do to it! This poor, gentle soul has been through a battle fiercer than any other Pokémon has seen." Kari countered, getting on her knees beside the Pokémon to pet it. It whimpered and whined as she gently stroked the Pokémon's gray fur, and she began again, "This one has been through much, for one that is so young... It is not time for him to pass over yet..." "You're right.... This is Mabosstiff, and he's my partner Pokémon." Arven admitted, and when he said that, a sharp pain stung my heart. "H-He's not sick.... Is he?" I asked, my face melting into one of pity, and sorrow for both Trainer and Pokémon. Arven forced a smile as he took the sandwich from the table, broke off a small piece, and offered it to Mabosstiff kindly as he said, "Here you go, bud. Eat up! This should help you lots..." Mabosstiff heaved heavily, and weakly lifted his head towards his Trainer's hand before taking the sandwich from him. "Slowly now... Take your time.." he cooed while Kari rubbed behind his ears. "He's stone cold, Arven...." Kari said, her face showing nothing but worry for the poor dear before us. "Y-Yeah.... I know..." Arven replied, turning his face from Mabosstiff as he sighed. "Why is he so sick?" I asked as Arven stood back up. "He's not sick, he was..... Hurt..... REALLY hurt, in fact... The issue with that was that he never recovered fully." He admitted shamefully, causing Kari's face to flash in disgust and anger as she hissed, "And you did NOTHING for his injuries?!" "I-I did, honest! But.... Nothing worked.... Potions...... Pokémon Centers...... Absolutely nothing..." Arven replied. "It's THAT bad?" I asked, alarmed by the extent of the poor thing's injuries, and Arven simply nodded in response. "Mabosstiff is the only thing I care about in the world, really. So I promised that I'd do everything in my power to make him feel like himself again, no matter what the cost!" "That's.... Some devotion! I admire that in a Trainer.." Kari complimented, setting her forehead onto the back of his Mabosstiff. Something from the way her eyes and face looked was bothering her greatly, and I wondered what it was that was eating at her when Arven continued, "I searched online, and read books-trying every cure and remedy I could find until I found out about the Violet Book, and the Herba Mystica.... I'd almost lost hope before then!" "Where did you acquire your copy?" I asked curiously. Arven took the book into his hands, and rifled through the pages again as he replied, "I took it from my Dad's lab. This book is so full of whacky, impossible stories that nobody in their right mind would believe it." He closed the book, and set it to the side as his face grew determined, and he added confidently, "But not me! I believe every word! And according to the book, if you ingest all five Herba Mystica, anything that once ailed you can be cured." "That's a pretty dicey game to play, Arven. Are you sure that you can just gamble away at a theory we can't prove thus far?" I asked, raising my brow to him. "I must! Case and point, Mabosstiff's paws were ice cold, but after the last Herb we found they've warmed up! At least.. I'm sure they did." We heard the heavy heave of Mabosstiff again, and the three of us placed our attention back onto him as Arven asked, "Oh, you done already, bud?" As if to respond, the weakened creature fluttered opened it's big, orange eyes; still weak and tired as Arven exclaimed, "M-Mabosstiff? A-Are your eyes open- can you see?!" Arven kneeled down for a closer look, half believing it to be true before immediately standing back up again, and cheering, "Yes! YES! I did it!" I saw Kari smile as she said, "This one has a stubborn air, but a warm heart all the same. His recovery is paved by many obstacles, but I feel certain that it will be alright for both parties in the end." "It's.... It's been so long since he was able to open up his big orange eyes-I was worried..." Arven sobbed a little, and Kari wrapped her arms around him to comfort him as he added, "I... Oh, man I'm so-" he kneeled down as he laughed in gladness, and he caressed Mabosstiff's face as he said, "Look at em'-those firey orange eyes! It's hard to tell if they're open or not, but I know the difference." "I'm so happy for you, Arven!" I laughed, my eyes welling up at the idea of Arven achieving his promise to his beloved Pokémon. Arven laughed, and said again, "The power of these Herbs are simply.... WOW! I knew the book was true!" He looked more happy, and confident as he declared, "I WILL make Mabosstiff better again, I swear it! So... uh... Yeah, that's my story..." "You have the heart of a true Nord, Arven. The way you treat Mabosstiff- the bond you two share is a great deal larger than the entirety of Paldea." Kari said, smiling her usual, kind smile. "Forget the entirety of Paldea, his bond with Mabosstiff is larger that the WORLD itself!" I declared, making all of us laugh. Arven gave us our Titan badges, and sent us on our way, with Miraidon in step behind us. The whole walk back, Kari looked as if something were bothering her, so once we got out of the den, and stepped into the warm air of day I asked, "Kari? Are you alright?" "Hm? Oh, yes. Just in thought about something.." "Your family back home?" I asked, and her eyes flashed a bit in remembrance before quickly, and awkwardly saying, "R-Right! Let's go back to camp, and I'll call them up." Just then, my phone rang, and I quickly pulled it from my bag to see that it was once again from Professor Turo. Answering the phone, his voice rang out, "Hello Spirit, and you too Kari." "H-Hey professor. What's up?" I asked, as Kari scooted in closer for a better listen. "I detect that the Miraidon you have with you has regained some more of it's original power. While riding, it seems that it can now jump to higher places one couldn't normally reach!" "Wow! That's amazing, Professor!" Kari breathed, coming over to Miraidon, and giving it a couple pats on the head, which it very much appreciated. "I'm relying on you, Spirit, to maintain your good work in caring for Miraidon." "You can count on me, Professor Turo!" I replied, and he wished us both farewell before hanging up. "Wow, to be able to jump as high as the cliffs! Now I'm REALLY excited to tell my family! It'll be in the songs of our people for AGES!" Kari said, hyped, and we both boarded Miraidon to ride our way back to our camp.
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