Shida Reviews: Cardfight!! Vanguard G
School should be focused on teaching me what planning ahead is, not in teaching me how to caulcuate the speed of a plane riding on a train in the gravity of Jupiter.
Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the so awaited review on Vanguard G, the one season that I will bless more than Joe blessed Yuri's Ara Ara and will praise stronger than the nut Yza will have when Rukia finally gives him the good succ. I'm going to shove my love and appreciation down G's troat harder than Ryuzaki smashes his wife's Ikuchie on his wedding night. Getr eady for the praise and a possible part two if I somehow go over 4k words just in season 1 of G.
G.O.A.T., an acronym that stands for "Greatest Of All Time", the first time I came across the term G.O.A.T. was in YGOPRO where some people only wanted to fight in G.O.A.T Format. I only came to understand it's real meaning in Discord, in a server I am on.
And that is what the G Era is. It's the best era of the Vanguard anime. It outclasses the original Aichi era and it easily surpasses the V Aichi era. Shinemon, being it's own season, is too small to be compared to the massive giant that is G. You're probably wandering why I haven't started talking about the actual season 1 of G yet, but we'll get there right fucking now.
Cardfight!! Vanguard G
BREAK IT! *Break It starts playing*
This sond alone surpasses all the openings of the Aichi era. I like Infinite Rebirth and Break Your Spell, but they're no Break It. This is just :DFgasm:. When it starts playing, you know something big is about to happen, it's the Haruka Mirai of Vanguard.
Aight, first season of G, let's dive into it. When it first started, I hated the fact it didn't showed full fights the same way the previous seasons did, and now that I'm older, I reached one conclusion. Full fightings fucking suck. Them lasting more than half an episode wasn't good, it was absolute ass. And what G did was genius. It skipped past the irrelevant turns of a fight and only focused on the most relevant ones. Why is this genius? Less time in fights = More time for characters. Something I should start including in Spiral Soul pog. By focusing on the most important turns, it was able to make the most imapctful turns have more character in it, like when Kamui vs Nagisa focused more on the final turn of the game, where Kamui penetrated Nagisa's underaged body with Victplasma's thick metal rob and blasted his burning passion into her- Lmao okay, I need to stop with the innuendos.
Another thing it did great when it comes to the fights was the music. Previous seasons, and V Aichi era fights, only play the same repetetive music on the background during the whole game. G changed that by giving each character their own respective theme, and when their themes came up, you could jam with them. From the glory in Taiyou's them, to the burnig excitment in Chrono's, the edgy edge in Kazuma's or the evil lurking in the shadows in Kazumi's theme. No theme was the same and they added diversity to the fights. Just look at the Zeroth Dragon themes, when they start playing, you know either someone is going to lose the quatrilion yen wasted on them or beat someone is a me me big boy dragon. And it was amazing.
The first season of G wasn't so focused on the fighting, but more focused on a slice of life aspect the season had through quests and each character's personal things, like Tokoha not knowing what she wants to do with her life, Chrono and the story of his father through characters like Mikuru and Shin and his continuous beef with Ibuki, Shion's family things that get more focused in the next season but we'll get there, and even small things like Nagisa's addiction for Kamui's rod.
Sidenote: You know, the more I analyze this season, I see how some characters in the Spiral series resemble characters in G to some extent, like Nagisa and Yuri both wanting Kamui and Ryuuga's love respectivally despite them showing they aren't interested or how Masato and Rin represent the same ideal, but I'll get there eventually.
When it comes to the characters in G, the is rarelly an unlikeable one. I know some people don't like Chrono but let's be honest, they're just bitching and lynching on him because of GC's impact on the game. For now, I'll only talk about characters introduced in the first half of the season, so basically up to the ending of the regional tournament.
-Chrono Shindou
Swirly swirl boy Chrono, the man who's units just keep having his name and who gets lynched by Tsuneto because of it. I love Chrono, I think he's the GOAT of Vanguard when it comes to who the best protagonist and who the best fighter is. Peopl will say "Oh but Shida, he lost to Aichi uwu Aichi is better and Chrono is a cancerous cunt uwuwuwu." and to that I say: Shut the fuck up, will you? Chrono is still better than Aichi, you can make all the arguments you want but Chrono will still remain on top.
Dissing salty fans about their bitching aside, Chrono is a pretty good character. He starts off as someone bored with everything who has no passion for anything. People are usuallys cared of him since he's always alone and has a rather bad attitude. He lives a boring basic life. He lives with his aunt, who busts her ass working to give him a life he deserves. However, it all changes when he goes to his locker and finds a deck. And it's with this that every "MC finds a deck" type of thing in Vanguard fanfics start. I'm genuily happy that I skipped this with my CCEU stories, it's just a trope that got overused very fast. But back to Chrono. He finds a map to a card shop, Card Capital 2, and goes there. He meets the first character from previous seasons to make an appearance in G, everyone's favourite Kamui. Kamui analyzes Chrono's deck, and then another trope is born, the "This deck is unique and only you have it." tope. Again, I'm glad I skipped this since anyone in the Vanguardverse can pick up Narukami, Spikes or Nubatama. Kamui has a teaching fight with Chrono to teach him about the game and during it, something happens. A jolt of excitement runs through Chrono. Finally, he found something that sparked him. He goes on to get a FiCa and go on some questions. In his very first quest, he meets the boys, Trinity Dragon. It's in here that his rivalry with Tsuneto, and Tsuneto lynching Chrono for having units with his name, starts. Chrono proceeds his winning streak and going on quests, but when he comes across a quest to test a dck, he meets his greatest foe until then: Kouji Ibuki. Ibuki wipes the floor with Chrono (using Perdition Dragons out of all things) easy money and then disses him. Chrono's life moves on, he meets Tokoha, Shion and Kumi and becomes friends with them. He keeps going on quests, and we even get an episode focused on his shitty and harsh attitude. He starts being nicer to people, his points continue to grow. Eventually, he, Tokoha and Shion decie to form a team, who remains as "Team Still Unnamed" until much later. They set their eeys on the regional tournament, but Chrono is still a Grade 2 so he has to gain more points.
On the last quest until he reaches Grade 3, which was to enter a tournament, the world bites him in the ass and tosses him to side as a pile of trash. He does what is right, he calls cheaters out, but because of the anger-filled approached he took, he was stripped away from all his points. All the hard work he point into getting to Grade 3, wasted in the seconds it took Ibuki to say "Remove all his points.". And when Chrono loses all he got, you feel for him. You feel sorry for him, and maybe you also feel is pain. Maybe you too may have, at some point, put alot of hardwork into something that just didn't pay off. What he did next may also be something you did before. He gave up. Chrono gave up on Vanguard. He went to Card Capital 2, gave his deck to Kamui was tried to move on, but eventually, he was brought back into the Vanguard world, but his deck was gone, It was in the hands of the person he most disliked: Ibuik. One fight was all it took. Chrono wins, he gets his deck back, he loses, he gets nothing. Needless to say, he loses, but since Ibuik is the legal owner of the deck, he allows Chrono to keep using it. Chrono's focus returns to being turboing his way to Grade 3 and go to nationals.
He, Tokoha and Shion started working their asses off to make Chrono a Grade 3, going on quests like the one in the pretentiously edgy castle, finding the girl a Spike user likes (a.k.a the one time Vanguard gets you a girl) and going on the Dragon Empire quest that alot of teams joined. And once Chrono gets to Grade 3, you feel happy. He managed to get back on his feet and make his ambition a reality. You see him succeed, you feel like you too can succeed if you don't give up.
It's this that leads to the name of the team, Try3, a name that stands for accomplishing what you what and never giving up while doing so.
When he meets Taiyou, he sees in him how he was when he first started, a new player. However, it's when Taiyou goes down the wrong path that we see just how much Chrono cares. He wants to save Taiyou, to protect him from the evils of the United Sanctuary. And he was fine with doing it somehow, no matter how. Be it fighting the guard dogs, fighting Taiyou to save him or even fighting the damn branch manager.
His final fight is against, surprising no one, Ibuki. He finally wins, and you feel joy in his victory. And it's with his victory that a certain someone awakens and becomes the guide for the two following seasons, I'm of course talking about Chrono Dran.
Also he gets lynched again by Tsuneto because Chrono and Chrono Dran hvaing Chrono in the name.
-Shion Kiba
Fencing man, the one guy everyone loves, including your grandman, the richboi of the team but who isn't as rich as Ryuzaki, the soon to be jazz hander: Shion Kiba.
Shion is the "Do what's right in the morally correct ways" type of guy. That is even reflected in his deck, Royal Paladin. This lad just wants to do the right thing for everyone, even if that includes putting others above him. This is reflected during the episode where there was a masked card theif going around and stealing cards (a.k.a the episode I found out Legion was a thing lmao). He put others above him in that episode. Instead of fencing and gaining something good in return, he ignored his duties to go fight this masked lad, who turns out was one of his snobby friends, and get back the stolen cards.
Shion is the righteous "I find a way to come on top, even if the odds are against me." guy. He loses to Shouma in the regional tournament, but he still finds a way to come on top on their fight in the United Sanctuary exhibition match.
Shion in season 1 is basiccally this. He doesn't reaches his peak until GIRS Crisis and Stride Gate. In those two seasons, he shines and he shines alot. He also loes Rock-Paper-Shion, but he keeps shinning!
Also Shion is just a less obnoxious and smarter Arthur Boyle dont @ me.
-Tokoha Anjou
I'll start off by saying here what I said in Shion's review. Tokoha doesn't reaches her peak until later seasons of G. During most of G, she's just someone who doesn't knows what to do and who's happy by just helping out in any way she can.
Her character is basically "Im nice and sweet and helpful" with a little "I'm not my brother". You see, Tokoha's oni-san, Mamoru Anjou, is the Kagero clan leader and someone everyone loves, and she, being her sister, is used to people talking to her about him, something she grew to hate. Her character arc during the first season is to grow out of her brother's shadow and stop being known as "Mamoru's little sister".
Her opponent in this arc is not her brother or herself, it's someone from Mamoru's past, Ren Hashima, who picks on Tokoha for being Mamoru's little sister. She loses at first, but overcomes her brother's shadow and beats Rin in the exhibition match.
And again, that's basically all Tokoha has going for her. She doesn't gets her shinning moment until later seasons.
Moving on to the side charactersof this half, we have alot to talk about. And by alot, I mean not that much. *laughs when he gets to Mamoru*
Kamui is back and he's a famous dude everyone loses, also he's now a teenager. He still plays NG, he still has Nagisa wanting a taste of his schlong and is someone the Trinity Dragons look up to.
The Trinity Dragons are fun dudes. I like them alot for the comidic value they carry. Tsuneto is the funniest out them, Karl plays Enigmans for some unholly reason and Kei's avatar gave Backlion some of his milk.
Kumi is a good waifu, she has two things I like: She sacks yellows and her units have boobs. She's mostly there as Tokoha's best friend, is paired with Chrono by some fans and actually has shinning moments later on.
We get a spanish character named Jaime, who's alot of fun. He plays seamen and wants to leave some of his seamen in Chrono's aunt. I guess that counts as milf hunting, I don't know, Mikuru looks pretty young and was still in high school when Chrono was a kid in the orphanage. Jaime is all about that Mikuru coochie, if you know what I mean. He loses to Mystery-Flare, then returns to give Chrono a card and isn't relevant again until the next season.
Oh yeah, Shin's here. He doesn't do anything besides SWITCHING GLASSES AND ALMOST MURDERING THE MC WITH CARDBROAD. Honestly Shin's reveal as this nearly broken player who's about to whoop Chrono's ass was one of the most unexpected things in Vanguar. And hell, his story even ties into Chrono due to Shin knowing Mikuru and his dad. Also he also wants some of that Mukuru coochie, and let's be honest, who doesn't?
Oh yeah, Mikuru. The first time we see her, she's thirsty -for water- because she spent all night working her ass off in a project. She takes care of Chrono, and despite not being his mom, she's a better milf than Aichi's mom. She wants Chrono to drop the game because it was Vanguard who took away her brother, but she comes to accept that Chrono is a vanguard fighter through Shin.
Ryutarou Oyama is the branch manager for the Dragon Empire, but he prefers to be in his Vansona and do jack shit than to do his job, and lets be real, who doesnt?
The last side character I want to talk about is Mamoru. This fucking guy. This fucking lad. Remember when he was in an event where he had to fight 3 people at the same time while only starting with 3 cards in hand and was undefeated at the end of the event but then V came and he became a jobber? Yeah, I remember. In GIRS Crisis, he says Kai is a better player than him but that's some bullshit. I think Mamoru is easily the best Kagero user in the anime. Also V destroyed the way he and Ibuki met. We know they are good pals but the damn anime fucked that up.
And with that out of the way, what can I say except-
People may give this opening alot of shit since it wasn't brought on to the west, but this opening is good. It's made by JAM Project which is a major win for it, and it's also super catchy.
Second half of season 1 and we're already in 4k words, fuck me this review is about to get halved of be as long as your typical Z World chapter (go check Z World, it's back in the air).
After the lost of Try3 in the regionals, we get a very special beach episode. Why is it special? Because it's raining so see Tokoha's tokaboobs isn't a thing. What we get instead is a beach episode focused on Chrono trying to help Tokoha and Shion after they lose to Rin and Shouma in the regionals. I suggest to not skip this one snce it's really good.
No tokaboobs aside, we meet Taiyou, who learns how to play from Chrono. They develop a good friendship, but then Taiyou goes down the wrong road. He searches for strenght in the wrong place, the United Sanctuary branch. He becomes their experiment and creating strongest fighters. He becomes just another of their mindless fighters. He's so into the ways of the branch that, after a day of being himself and not a mindless fighter, he accepts to return to the branch. His deck evolves to beat Chrono's, but it never does. After the US branch issue is resolved, he stays there to help out, but he gets more relevancy later on.
Team Demise, the US branch's own personal team, trained by none other than Ibuki himself and created by the man who's name shall stay unspoken until he reach his part. They ahd a guy playing Star-Vaders but LJ is trash and so was he so Taiyou went on to join them. Then he lost. The other two members were Shouma Shinonome, a personal favourite, and Rin Hashina, a real tsundere.
Shouma's thing was that his smugness insulted everyone in a ten meter radius. He was an asshole, beat Shion, lost to Shion, then fucked off until Stride Gate. He played Genesis a deck that was really poppin' when I got unbanned from TCO but I never lost to it. He played Fenerir, but Fenrir sucked and will always suck (unless Wiseman returns).
Rin Hashima... She was... A female Masato. She and Masato have the same complex. They can't beat a certain person (Mamoru and Ryuzaki) so they and attack something close to them (Tokoha and Ryuuga). She's flat on the outside, her units have big tits and she lives for a slurp of Mamoru's dragon-loving cock. That's about it for her for no. Oh yeah she's also a tsundere for Mamoru, which basically means she likes it rough.
I talked about Shouma, Rin and Taiyou, so let's move on to Ibuki. Ibuki was the one person Chrono had to beat the most and I guess he was his saikyou rival. Honestly he doesn't do much besides being an asshole to Chrono and beating his ass. When Chrono finally beats him, you feel joy. Also he's in the greatest Vanguard post credit scene ever. We already knew he was the one giving Chrono the cards since he gave Chronodragon Nextage to Jaime in the airport but that scene was just hilarious.
Hm, now who am I missing... Wait, did you hear that? I think it's a-
Of course I had to save Kanzaki for last, your wait has paid off Fox, I'm finally talking about the man.
Yuichirou Kanzaki was the main villain of season 1 and my personal favourite villain of Vanguard as a whole. He's the GOAT of Vanguard villains and Shadow Paladin users. Im known as someone who likes to diss Ren and SP but when it comes to Kanzaki, I bow before the clan. Kanzaki is someone that can't be compared to anyone. Kars may exist but it was Kanzaki who managed to be the apex of masculinity while using purple eye shadow. This is the type of guy that makes women and men bow before him and spreads his seed everyone. He's voiced by Takehito Koyasu, one of my favourite voice actors in history. Koyasu even brought a little of Dio into Kanzaki with all the shouting. He was having fun. Listen, Kanzaki is the greatest flexer in the Vanguard world and I'm about to list off all his flexes in the show. If I miss any, you have my premition to boycott and cancel me.
-He cries on the weakness of a poor Tachikaze user
-He pulls two sentinels off Aurageyser Dragon before Oscar even became a thing
-He bent human rights in his branch to give military training to teenagers who wanted to play card games
-He bent the laws of gravity by riding a horse down a building
-He has horse sin his personal suite in said building
-He terraformed a side of a cliff to look like Aurageyser
-When everyone sent their imagination power to form Gear Groovy, this man was the only one to send a G-Unit
-He was such a foe to Vhrono that he forced him to use all four sentinels throughout the game and even made Chrono so worked up that his imagination created a malfunction on the GIRS system and allowed Chronojet to be on Earth during some seconds
-He got Falcon Punched by Chronojet
-He played against Try3 at the same time but in three different games thanks to technology, and despite being against three different decks and having three different games in his hands, HE STILL MANAGED TO MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA TRY3 INTO THE BIN
Kanzaki is the true meaning of big dick energy, don't let anyone tell you other side.
I'm done blessing Kanzaki, let's rank some shit.
Best Moments: Everything in G was good minus Yuya
Worst Moments: Any time Yuya was on screen because he played Liberators and was an annoying piece of shit
Season rating: 10/10
You know, it's currently 6pm and I haven't even started the remaining four seasons (lmao I know the meme says four), but we haven't corssed 4k words which means we're going all the way until G Z.
Cardfight!! Vanguard G: GIRS Crisis
Yaiba is one of my favourite openings in Vanguard and I love it dearly. Somethings that boost it even more are the quick appearance of Ryuzu and old characters appearing.
I also liked the ending with the chibi characters, I found it very cute.
Aight, so, GIRS Crisis. What is it about? It mainly revolves about Try3 in a thing called G Quest, where the winner is the team that gets 50 points first. More than one team won, but only Try3 got to go into the next stage of the G Quest, where they fight Q4 minus Aichi. This season is also focused on the awakening of the Depend Cards, cards that are completly blank and can only awaken through the power of a person's imagination, like how Chrono Dran did. However, while Chrono Dran was able to fully awaken, the other Depend cards stay black and white until the Stride Gate opens, and when I say other, I mean other minus Chronocunt Tiger. However, Chrono isn't the only one who is awakening the Depend cards. Another entity, named Ryuzu Myoujin, the person who was Kanzaki's master and a friend fo Chrono's dad Rive, is also after them and is using the G Quest, and his life force, to brings his Depend cards into the world through brute force.
This season also introduces the concept of clan keywords. What? Harmoney? Bitch please BT doesn't counts for anything. Also bless Time Leap.
The season starts with the introduction of Luna, a new character and the Pale Moon rep of G. And when she shows up, you notice a thing. She's too precious, so you know she's gonna be in some shit eventually. She's also an idol with a girl named Am in an idol duo named Rummy Labyrinth.
Speaking of Am, she the definition of a two faced snake. On one side, she's this sweet idol, but on the other, she robs Shion os everything he stands for. Under the persona of Ace, a dude who works for Ryuzu Myoujin, Am breaks the Kiba traditions, gives control of the family to some random uncle of Shion and leads Shion's side of the family to becoming poor. She breaks Shion's sool and then, he changes.
During GIRS Crisis, Shion was left to take all the Ls. He lost to Am, lost his fortune, his home, was left to live alone in a budget, and one night, while he was minding his business in a vending machine, Kai appears to him and beats his ass seven ways to sunday with the five Overlords that existed at the time. He also leaves Shion his jacket, which boosts Shion's design and overall drip. Shion be drippin' too hard in GIRS Crisis and Stride Gate.
And what's in for Tokoha in this season? She's still the same, someone who is lost and doesn't knows what she wants to do. Through the season, she becomes friends with Rummy Labyrinth, but still doesn't do much.
As for Chrono, he's coping with having the task to awaken the Depend cards and with the fact that Rive is still alive and out there in the world. Most of his fights are around the "Are you sure you are up for the task at hand?" type of fights.
When it comes to Try3 and this season, the member who got the most development was Shion with his whole family drama.
Now, let's see the G Quest events in order of appearance. Each one of them has their own different gimmicks and I wanted to dive into that, aswell as character moments.
Magallanica: The event here was simple. You win a tournament, then fight a special Aqua Force team. Gouki makes a return as the commentator of the event and the last team Try3 fights is Team Handsome with Nagisa. Overall, a good throwback. The special Aqua Force team was composed of Jaima, Leon and the twins. While one of the twins fought Shion and Jaime fought Tokoha, the most important fight was Chrono vs Leon. I personally liked it and it made me appreciate Leon a bit more. Try3 had a clean streak against the special Aqua Force team.
Dragon Empire: The DE event was next and it was a treasure hunt where you could fight certain people for more points, but you'd go into a prison if you lost or found a treasure box with the wrong thing inside (this happens to Chrono and Tokoha). This event is also where certain old characters return, like Naoki and Miwa. Naoki makes an appearance and fights Chrono. Chrono and Tokoha get retconned to jail and it's up to Shion, now flexing the Kai coat, to rekease them by beating Miwa and his Seal Dragons, which counter Shion's grade 2 calling-focused deck. Despite this, Shion still pulls ahead and Try3 get their second win.
Zoo: Zoo was the home of the next event and it started out as a collect and cook challenge. Teams had to collect certain thigns and cook with them. Of course there was some cardfighting involved. Luna enters the challenge with Naoki and Shingo, who is flexing the long hair and Gucci glasses. They cook some weird shit that is going to boycott you if you eat it. Try3 wins, but surprise surprise, they have one more challenge, which is to fight Chris, the Great Nature guy from Asia Circuit. He busts out some Geograph Giant boosting moves, but Tokoha kicks his ass. However, when Try3 was about to get their prize, the prize is stolen by Megacolony bugs and its up to Try3 to chase after it. After doing so, they meet their last challenge, the man of the hour Daigo. Chrono fights Daigo and pulls ahead with a grade 1-blocking colossus. As for as guest appearances go, Daigo's appearance was one of my favourites.
Star Gate: Most people didnt went to this event since it was rumoured to be hard as all fucks. I mean, afterall, you had to fight Kai and Ibuki. Shion fights Kai and loses to Kaisers (go Ayato) and Chrono fights Ibuki, pulling the "You're an old man" card on Ibuki and beating his ass with Chronoscommand. The branch manager was basically DF in Vanguard. His avatar was a DP unit (not Daikaiser but still) and he was even playing Cardfight Online in the background. Ah, Cardfight Online. Remember when that was a thing?
Before the next event, Chrono goes chill in a tournament in Card Capital 1. Let me just say, the two episodes in CC 1 were so good. I personally love them. Chrono fights Eru and his Bladewing egde (go Callum) and Emi with her Pacifica stuff. The best part of the tournament was the fight with Morikawa. G Assist is finally used in the game and Morikawa starts highrolling after that to the point where Chrono actually believes Morikawa trained Q4. I personally really enjoyed this fight. The next thing that happened was another fight with Shin, where three Chronojets hit the damage zone. So main cards hitting the damage? Go Fox. He wins by Gear Eagle into Chronnoscomand.
Before the event in the United Sanctuary, Shion confronts Ace by using Yuya as a tool. They fight and Shion discovers who Ace really is, but also loses the evidence he needs to get back his fortune.
United Sanctuary: The next event was easily the best one and the one where Try3 became the first G Quets winners. Taiyou made a reappearance as an assistant in the branch and AL4 also returned. Tetsu was doing computer work, Ren was leading the branch with what I think is the best Ren design up to now, Asaka and Kyou were also there. A tournament later, its Try3 vs AL4 in a relay fight. Kyou, despite being right about to make Tokoha job, is forced to job by Asak, who then also jobs. But then Ren comes around with a 10+ card hand (remember when that was an almost impossible thing in G?) and flexes his big dick energy by making Tokoha and Shion both job with Diablo and the boy Spectral Duke. When it's Chrono's time to fight, his turns were hype. I mean dude, he called Altmile and Ahsha, his field was basically Try3. Either way, Try3 wins and become the first G Quest winners.
Dakr Zone: Basically everyone there that wasnt Try3 and Rummy Labyrinth ganged up on Try3 and Rummy Labyrinth. Enishi had a cool design, Chrono fought Luna and Chrono won again.
Yada yada yada, we get to the final clash between Try3 and Q4 and it all types of amazing. Misaki vs Tokoha was hype since it introduced G Guardians (and Misaki was ready to pull all the Shidas once she went full circle in the deck) and bloom doom, Shion vs Kai finally gave Shion the win he needed with the dopest triple crit and Chrono vs Kamui was just an awesome character-filled fight. What was scaried was that, if any Try3 member lost a fight, the competition was over. During the final fight, the assault on Ryuzu's network starts and we get to see Blaster Blade again.
Shouma also appears and get a well deserved punch from Shion.
Now for rating at 5k words...
Best moments: There was no bad thing in this season so I can't make a proper choice
Worst moments: No beach episode (lmao, Im joking, we're getting one next season)
Season rating: 9.5/10 (it was no G season 1)
And with all of that said, the assault of Ryuzu's headquarters begins.
Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Stride Gate
Shout is my favourite Vanguard opening and one of my favourite openings in anime. Enough said.
This season starts with Ryuzu dying in fucking flames out of all things. Jesus christ what a start.
Chrono finds a little boy in the park, fight shim but hey look, its Ryuzu! Im legit surprised the Stride Gate didnt made him have his adult age and only turned him into a baby after he lost. Chrono loses to binding.
What comes next is a little boy destroying a branch filled with kids... Jesus fucking christ.
Basically, this kid shows up talking about justice (you already know what he's maining), beats Taiyou and unleashes Chronocharger Unicorn's power on the United Sanctuary, creating a mass wave of havoc.
Taiyou is sad about his lsos, but Chrono cheers him up and takes him to the one person that cna train them which is HOLY SHIT IS KANZAKI BACK?! HE CARVED A MOUNTAIN?! HE GAVE TAIYOU WHAT HE NEEDED TO BEAT THE JUSTICE WHICH WAS SELF CONFIDENT? HOLY SHIT DID TAIYOU JUST GET A GURGUIT THAT CAN GO OVER 100K?! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Ok look I still have two more seasons to go and they have alot of shit in them, Im almost at 6k words and need hurry thing sup without splitting this review in two.
Next up is the attack of the Dragon Empire, during the branch manager conference (in which Ren wasnt present because Bushi cant handle the power of wet fangirls). Everything was fine and dandy, Mamoru beat Enish with Blademaster, but then... A blank mind Luna busted out Chronobeat Buffalo, who destroys the branch. Only the adults are harmed and Mamoru even takes a big hit for Tokoha, which makes her depressed. In the hospital, she meets Rin, who was secretly there to visit Mamoru. They fight but Tokoha is too depressed to fight back.
Chrono fights Ryuzu again, passes out because of imagination, is kidnapped and loses to Ryuzu again, this time losing his Zodiac Time Beasts and his Chronojet cards.
We get a beach arc well done this time, bless Tokoha's tokaboobs and Kumi's kumitties. Chrono also starts using another GC deck (that sucks) and loses to Ibuki back in the mainland.
Oh yeah it's Stride Gate and final battle time- But not really. Trinity Dragons barge into a Company facility, Wakamizu beats Tsuneto and Karl and then Kei wins. Also Wakamizu loses to Shouma who fucks the system to allow Ibuki to stay awake during the sleep effect of the Stride Gate.
Am has a change of heart 8after losing to Enishi), joins the good guys and save Luna, Taiyou beats the kid again, Tokoha beats Enish and changes his heart, Shion beats Shouma and goes unde a rock, Ibuki loses to deck control and gets Falcon Punched by Chronocunt Tiger and then the final battle starts. Everyone gives Chrono their energy and the Groovy wins. Ryuzu gets retconned to a baby and the end of a part of an era comes to a close.
Best moments: Same as GIRS Crisis
Worst moments: Ryuzu not becoming an adult after the Stride Gate activated having the final fight as a kid
Season rating: 9/10
Shion moves on to Fukuhara, Tokoha goes to Paris and Chrono goes back into leaving a boring life.
However, a new threat rises from the shadows...
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Next
Hello, Mr Wonderland was fine but I prefer the second Next opening.
I personally love Kazumi's design. The long white hair, the yellow eyes, the turtle neck. This man drips. Alot. Oh yeah he also has Shiranui's soul inside him.
Sicne the main cast split sinto groups, I'll try to cover them quickly.
Chrono: Same as before, he wants to enter the U20 since Kazumi is in it.
Taiyou: Same as before, he's there for Chrono.
Kazuma: He's a little bitch for most of the season and the next one but it's forgiven since he has a badass final fight against Kazumi and a badass fight with Spikes.
Shion: Righteous dude
Henri: Best boy
Rin: Still a tsundere
Mamoru: He's coaching Shion's team
Tokoha: She met a french guy who had a unit inside him and wants it inside her now
Kumi: She has boobs, she sacks yellow, she's precious
Enishi: He returns for the Kumi's Kuchie
The main thing is the U20, a tournament for people who are 20 or younger. The current champions are Team Ogre, composed of Kazumi Onimaru (Kazuma's step brother), Verno Fahrentheart (an european model) and Miguel Torres (the duee Tokoha liked). Oh yeah also these three get units inside of them and get back luck. Kazumi cant win rock-paper-Shion, Verno gets hits with flags and papers on her face and Miguel becomes so clumsy that he dies. Im not even joking. Kazumi and Verno get a new guy, Saori, who has a unit inside him and who is always breaking headphones.
We also get Team New Nippon, who pay homage to the old Team Nippon, which was composed of Rive, Shin and Mark. Arata, the team leader, plays Tachis like Rive, Makoto mains Murakumo like Shin and Noa being the trap that he is mains Chaos Breaker.
Only three teams make to top 4, those being Diffrider, Striders and Fukuhara High Vanguard Club. The last team is decided with Jaime's Flowers vs the idol team where Am and Luna are and Jaime's Flowers pass.
Yada yada yada, Taluto's older brothers gives us some plot, Aichi returns, GB8 happens, the godawful cgi in Beyond Order sadly appears and the Top 4 starts.
Verno jobs to Rin, Henri almost beats Saori, Kazumi wipes the floor with Shion, Taiou somehow survies Kumi's thicc sack, Kazuma jobs to Enishi and Tokoha jobs to Chrono. Its final fight time.
Verno jobs to Taiyou and finally freed from Amaruda, the unit inside her, but then Taiyou jobs to Saori, Saori jobs to Kazuma because what are glory skills and Kazuma loses to Kazumi in a wholesome fight. This is one of my favourite fights of Vanguard in general since Kazuma almost saves Kazumi. Everything looked fine, Kazumi was back for a few moments... But then SHirnaui's grasp became stronger and he took control again. Enter Kazumo vs Chrono, the hypest fight in the season. This one was so good and Beyond Order was so well animated, I just HOBQEWDBCBAHBLCF LOVE THIS FIGHT.
We get a wholesome moment where Kazumi and Shiranui say goodbye and we see the real Kazumi. He's just a dude worried about his brother.
And with the end of the U20, we meet the biggest menace sof ar in the Vanguardverse. The total opposite of Harmonics Messiah, the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze. And what is the best opposite for a giant space fetus than a dragon with guns for hands?
Let's rate.
Best moments: Whatever didn't had Saori and Beyond Order's bad cg in it
Worst moments: Saori and Beyond Order's bad cg
Season rating: 8/10
Time for Z fighters.
Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z
The opening in here was an absolute banger.
Unga bunga we have more diffriders and they have some juicy dragons (they have them from the starts because the main cast lacks a Ryuzaki to have them travel the world to go get them).
Chrono lsoes and gets shafted to the Rlics with Tsuneto, Taiyou and Shin lose to Valeos and his seamen, Rin also ends up in the Relics, Kazuma gets beaten by big dog Drachma, yada yada yada.
Tokoha finally gets rid of Dumjib with her dummy thick blue Ahsha, Kamui has one of the best fights with the hottie Gredora (its not weird if she's a unit), unga bunga we have a dragon. Everything was fine and dandy until Gastille appears, makes us wait a month for his skill reveal and fights Chrono and Ibuki in one of my favourite fights in Vanguard.
And because Kazuma cant be normal for two seconds, he challenges Noa and loses, thus becoming the envoy of Gyze. Also Chrono's expensove G Zone goes bye bye.
Shion beats Valeos at least and the good guys get another dragon... But then everything goes to the bin. Whole Chrono is finally meeting his dad, the Apostle are ganging up on an association facily protect by Q4. Wakamizu/Darkface loses to Misaki and her Regalias, Noa/Chaos Breeaker loses to Kai and Aichi together (Kaichi fanfics rejoice) and Kazumi loses to Kazuma, who's now full Gyze. Oh yeah and Chrono gets CHRONOVISOR HERITAGE.
Everyone who calls he card broken can go suck dick and balls.
The final battle for Earth begins and we have Gyze fighting Try3 in different fights Kanzaki style... But he loses both three fights which proves Kanzaki was a better villain.
In an after party for the events of the final battle, we get to see how some of the Apostles really were (although we knew how Wakamizu was due to Stride Gate). Arte Hibino, the one who had Gastille, was fanboying on Verno, Gaily Kurt, who had Gredora, and Rugga Kaizu, who had Valeos, didnt do much (but Rugga is in Shinemon so now we'll see how he really is) and Saori was a shy person. Holy shit.
By the end of G, Chrono makes becoming an astronaunt his dream so that he may one day visit Cray and be meet Chrono Dran once again.
With all of that said, the G era came to an ending.
Best moments: Whatever wasnt Dumjid
Worst moments: Dumjid moments
Season rating: 8/10
Before I ending this review, I wanted to make a rating on the G era as a whole.
Best Moments: Everything
Worst Moments: The occasional bad animations
Era rating: 10/10
I love G and hope, one day, we may get in back. But until then, I'll wait.
So what comes next for Shida Reviews? I'm planning on review Fairy Tail and Magic-Sempai once their animes end. I also plan on doing a Black CLover review when the elf arc ends, so that'll be 2020 probably, its a long arc. But until my next review, or chapter dedicated to hyping GC-
Thanks for reading and I will see you later. Bye bye!
7k+ words, a review last longer than Spiral Soul chapters lmao.
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