OC# 1: Zach Hendrix
Real Name: Zax-Rota
New Name: Zachary Tyler Hendrix
Age: 20
Race: Kryptonian/Saiyan Hybrid
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Zach is usually training for future threats, though when not training he is a chill guy who enjoys many moments in life. When needed he can be very serious, yet will doubt himself if he could handle the situation better.
Likes: His friends, The Justice League, The Avengers, His family, Training, Eating, Fishing, Swimming, and Learning more about his potential
Dislikes: Villains, People touching his tail, Failing to save someone's life, and crisis events.
Family: Drek-Vusk (Father, Deceased), Cauri (Mother, Deceased), Zex-Vusk (Half-Brother), Snippar (Half-Brother), Erkin (Half-Brother), Jack Hendrix (Foster Father), Carly Hendrix (Foster Mother), Bentley Hendrix (Foster Brother), Amanda Hendrix (Foster Sister)
Alignment: Good
Identity: Secret
Zax-Rota was born in a world being explored by a Kryptonian science team, Zax's father Drek-Vusk was gathering data for the Kryptonian council until all hell broke loose. Drek's team was murdered by one of the creatures of the planet, his ship was destroyed Drek was forced to survive on a planet for so long. One day a Saiyan Pod crashed onto the planet, that's when Drek met a Saiyan woman named Cauri. Drek soon learned that Krypton was destroyed and Planet Vegeta was also gone. Year's past and the two have a child, Zax-Rota. They sent Zax off the planet in a safer ship unlike their ship, both ships escaped the planet below; the planet had exploded knocking both ships off course.
Zax's ship had traveled to the planet Earth, crashing in a cornfield and he was picked up by a couple having a picnic in the countryside. These people were Jack and Carly Hendrix, they adopted the young Zax and named him Zach. Years pass on as Zach was forced to hide his tail if he wanted to go to public school, he was bullied due to keeping to himself most of the time but his older foster brother, Bentley protected his younger brother. When Zach was old enough, he left the house in seek of knowledge after learning the truth from his parents. He trained under various martial arts masters to improve his skills, he soon sought to return home after the journey he had.
Saiytonian Physiology: Being part Saiyan and part Kryptonian, Zach possesses attributes of both species. He absorbs solar radiation like a Kryptonian, he also loves to fight strong opponents as a Saiyan does. He has extra organs due to him not being a human which functions have a part to play for his bio-matrix force field and reclamation aura. Thanks to his Saiyan genes, Zach was born with a tail which under a full moon he changes into a Great Ape.
Solar Radiation Absorption: Zach's cells function like a super battery, hyper metabolizing specific wavelengths of radiation as fuel to enable living functions and/or superhuman abilities. Different wavelengths of radiation have different effects on Zach's physiology and well-being, but his cells cannot absorb or utilize all types of radiation.
Ki Manipulation: Zach can create, shape, and manipulate his Ki. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, Zach can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat.
Ki Sense: Zach can sense the energy of other beings.
Ki Transfer: Zach can grant some of his energy to a wounded person to restore some of their energy.
Spirit Control: Zach learned spirit control, this allows him to sense ki at great distances.
Godly Ki Mastery: Zach can change the nature of his ki to that of the gods, increasing his power drastically. With the Godly Ki, Zach gains access to god-level transformations such as the Super Saiytonian God and the Super Saiytonian Blue.
Mimicry: Zach is capable of instantly learning techniques performed by other fighters after seeing them only once.
Telepathy: A way to communicate with others using one's mind. Zach can also read the minds of the ones they communicate with, similar to telepathic eavesdropping.
Superhuman Strength: Zach possesses near limitless strength, though the exact limits of Zach's strength are unknown.
Superhuman Speed: He is capable of moving, reacting, running, and flying at superhuman speeds. Zach can move faster than the speed of light.
Molecular Acceleration: Zach can vibrate his molecular structure at various levels to achieve various effects. If he chooses, Zach can excite the molecules of whatever substance he vibrates through to critical mass causing it to explode.
Vortex Creation: Zach can use his speed to manipulate airflow for various purposes.
Intangibility: Zach can vibrate his molecules to achieve an intangible state. While in an intangible state, Zach is immune to all attacks. He can also vibrate so fast that light does not reflect off him, rendering him invisible.
Phasing: Zach possesses the ability to control his speed and angular momentum at the molecular level, and control his molecular interactions to allow his body to pass through any substance.
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Stamina: He has the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined period. Zach has unlimited stamina if he is consistently exposed to Earth sunlight.
Heat Vision: Zach can fire beams of intense heat from his eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing him to work undetected, and can be adjusted to affect matter on a microscopic level.
Invulnerability: His body is nigh-invulnerable due to his superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his radiating bio-electrical aura. Zach is under some circumstances resistant or immune to different forms and levels of lacerations, blunt force trauma, energy-based assaults, falls from great heights, explosions, the cold void of space, toxins, and all known diseases on Earth. His supercharged bio-electric "aura" acts as an invisible "force field" radiating within a few millimeters from his skin. He can willfully utilize his aura strengthening its power to a greater degree to provide an additional defense against certain levels of physical and energy attacks for a considerably short period of time, but doing so can endanger him should the attempted feat prove inefficient for any reason.
Self Sustenance: He does not need to eat or sleep so long he has enough yellow solar energy (but is still capable of doing so), and doesn't require oxygen to breathe enabling him to travel in space and underwater unprotected.
Super Breath: Zach can generate hurricane-force winds by blowing, and also chill his breath to freeze a target. He can also breathe in large amounts of air to dispel clouds of gas by exhaling it.
Superhuman Senses: All of Zach's senses are heightened to superhuman levels.
Superhuman Hearing: Zach has the ability to expand his hearing range, giving him the ability to hear sounds before the sound waves actually reach him. This also gives him an incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing him to pick up noises from across the globe.
Superhuman Durability: Zach's body is far more durable than that of normal human beings, being essentially invulnerable to all Earthling-made weapons. His durability is so great that he can survive a universal force of energy.
Super Smell: His sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odors across the entire planet.
Super Vision: Zach possesses a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: He can see into all of the EM Spectrum.
Telescopic Vision: Zach has the ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.
Microscopic Vision: Zach has the ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the subatomic level.
X-Ray Vision: Zach has the ability to see through anything except lead. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.
Thermal Vision: Zach has the ability to see through the heat tracks left by a living being or object.
Mental Resistance: Zach built up his mental defenses, to make his mind more resistant against such threats.
Indomitable Will: Zach has shown to have a powerful spirit, free of corruption and temptation. Nick has learned how to place mental inhibitors on his own power so that he doesn't accidentally destroy galaxies.
Multilingualism: Zach can speak multiple languages by learning more about said language.
Interstellar Travel: Zach is immune to the nature of space and is not inhibited by its lack of gravity. He can travel the reaches of space where no human body could probably be without the aid of technology or protection.
Vocal Replication: Zach is able to mimic the voices of others or imitate sounds such as animal noises and explosions. Any sound Nick hears he can replicate with perfect clarity along with any manner the sound was made.
Saiyan Power: A Saiyan genetic trait that allows their performance to continually increase against adversity, enabling them to heal faster and simultaneously improve compared to before.
Inhuman Eidetic Memory: Zach can remember great volumes of information, in greater detail, and for much longer than the average human, he can read books, listen to song lyrics, encounter people, or experience events and recall a vast deal of the details of his experience.
Genius Level Intellect: He is incredibly smart despite being viewed as a person who is addicted to combat. He has incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to Earth humans.
Sundipped: By going through the sun or staying inside of a sun for a while, this increases Zach's power extraordinary, depending on how many suns Nick goes through he receives an increase in power, speed, durability, and reflexes. However, this is only a temporary power-up.
Zenkai Boost: This is an ability that is genetically exclusive to Saiyans. The ability is a genetic trait that allows a Saiyan's power to increase substantially after recovering from near-fatal injuries. But thanks to his Kryptonian half having a healing factor, he can heal from wounds relatively quick, this, in turn, will still increase his power to great heights.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Is the ability to heal and or regenerate lost and damaged tissues at superhuman speeds. Zach possesses the regenerative capabilities to regrow lost limbs and organs that are damaged or destroyed virtually making him somewhat immortal.
Reality Anchoring: Zach is somewhat immune to Reality Altering powers, this is thanks to his Kryptonian genes.
Super Saiyan God-to-Blue switching: Zach rapidly switches between the Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue forms in order to utilize Super Saiyan Blue's power to its full potential.
Oozaru: Like all Saiyans, Zach can transform into a Great Ape when absorbing enough Blutz Waves, usually from looking at a full moon, while still having his tail, though not of his choosing. As a Great Ape, Zach's dormant Saiyan traits re-emerge and he becomes feral and violent.
Super Saiytonian: Any Saiyan can become a Super Saiyan, however, they require a large amount of S-Cells in order to take on the form, Saiyans who have a gentle spirit gain more S-Cells, but when a Saiyan increases their battle power they steadily gain more S-Cells. Once the Saiyan has enough S-Cells, a feeling such as strong anger or sadness can transform a Saiyan into a Super Saiyan. This enhances both his Saiyan abilities and his Kryptonian abilities.
Super Saiytonian 2: The direct successor to the first Super Saiytonian transformation. It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment; however, the power output is far greater, as speed, strength, and energy output all drastically increase. According to some sources it is 2x the strength of a Super Saiytonian.
Super Saiytonian 3: The third form of Super Saiytonian and the successor to the second transformation. According to some sources it is 4x the strength of a Super Saiytonian 2.
Super Saiytonian 4: A Saiytonian transformation that is a different branch of transformation from the earlier Super Saiytonian forms, such as Super Saiytonian 2 and 3. According to one source, it is 10x the strength of a Super Saiytonian 3.
Super Saiytonian God: A Saiyan transformation that surpasses Super Saiytonian 3 and its predecessors. It is initially obtained through a ritual involving six righteous Saiyans or special divine training. The Super Saiytonian God state possesses the Aura of a God.
Super Saiytonian Blue: A form that uses the power of Super Saiytonian God with the first Super Saiytonian form.
Offensive Energy Techniques
Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy wave.
Finger Beam: The user holds out their index finger and releases an energy beam from their fingertip.
Energy Wave: A ki blast wave.
Kamehameha: A powerful Ki blast fired with two hands after concentrating a large amount of Ki.
Continuous Kamehameha: Zach fires multiple one-handed Kamehamehas from both hands, inflicting a great deal of damage.
Bending Kamehameha: A version of the Kamehameha for which the user can change the course, allowing the user to surprise his or her opponent.
Flying Kamehameha: An aerial version of the Kamehameha.
Twin Dragon Shot: A double energy sphere controlled version of the Kamehameha.
MAX Power Kamehameha: A utilization of the Kamehameha in which the user uses their max power
Super Kamehameha: An advanced and more powerful version of the Kamehameha.
Angry Kamehameha: A one-handed version of the Kamehameha.
Kaio-ken Kamehameha: A combination of the Kaio-ken and Super Kamehameha that inflicts extreme damage depending on what Kaio-ken level he is using for the attack.
Instant Kamehameha: A combination of the Instant Transmission and Super Kamehameha.
True Kamehameha: A more powerful version of the Super Kamehameha.
Limitbreaker Kamehameha: A powerful variation of the Super Kamehameha.
God Kamehameha: A powerful variation of the Kamehameha.
10x God Kamehameha: A more powerful version of the God Kamehameha.
Transcendent God Kamehameha: A more powerful version of the God Kamehameha.
Divine Kamehameha: A Kamehameha wave performed with much more energy output and force than even a God Kamehameha. Much like its original version, it can be manipulated to the user's advantage.
Supreme Kamehameha: A Kamehameha fired with far more force and intensity than the Instinctive Reprisal.
Kamehameha Blaster: A Kamehameha followed by several energy spheres.
10x Kamehameha: Goku fires a power Kamehameha 10 times stronger than usual in Super Saiyan 4. Used in Dragon Ball GT.
Blast Fist: A powerful uppercut, causing explosions in its path, inflicting a large amount of damage.
Double Kamehameha: A two-handed version of the Kamehameha.
Dragon Fist: Zach begins the attack by making a straight fist faced at his enemy, and charges him. Then once his fist, along with his own body, exits the stomach or chest of the target, the energy will be amplified massively compared to Zach's normal power and his ki will explode out in the form of an enormous golden dragon and then finally collides into the target, possibly destroying the opponent in its path or leaving a gaping hole.
Super Dragon Fist: A combination of the Dragon Fist and another technique (usually Spirit Bomb) used by Zach in his various Super Saiyan forms.
Final Strike: A weaker variant of the Super Dragon Fist. It is the energy of the Spirit Bomb used in a normal punch instead of a Dragon Fist.
Super Dragon Twin Fists: A two-handed version of the Dragon Fist.
Heat Vision-Kamehameha: Combining his heat vision and Kamehameha, this results in the beam's color changing to a reddish-blue. The power output from this can be draining to Zach, as this requires both his Ki and solar energy to do this. The power this ability packs is a mystery, but it can vaporize a weaker opponent in mere seconds due to the intense heat.
Rapid Fire Heat Vision: This allows Zach to create energy blasts with his heat vision that is more condensed in energy.
Super Flare: Zach's last resort power that he'd discovered through his heat vision, was the ability to immediately expel all of his stored solar energy in one gigantic burst of explosive force. This Solar Flare utilizes all the stored energy within his cells at once, allowing for an all-out AoE attack. He cannot use it more than once or twice, however, as it drains him of all his powers until he can recharge his cells with solar energy.
Kiai: A technique where the user affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent at mid-range.
Spirit Shot: A two-handed energy technique in which the user stretches their arms out and blows the opponent(s) away with dual Kiai blasts.
Invisible Eye Blast: A Kiai technique shot from the eyes.
Explosive Wave: A technique where the user bursts out ki from all over their body in order to repel the opponents around them.
Super Explosive Wave: A powerful energy explosion attack and is a more powerful version of the Explosive Wave.
Spirit Bomb: Users of the Spirit Bomb gather huge amounts of energy from all chosen surrounding life forms and inanimate objects to conduct that energy into a massive sphere of astounding destructive power.
Fusion Spirit Bomb: A normal Spirit Bomb formed with the energy gathered and then granted to someone else to use it.
Large Spirit Bomb: A larger and more powerful version of the Spirit Bomb, in which Goku stores the energy in the form of a giant light blue energy sphere in the sky.
Instant Spirit Bomb: A combination of the Instant Transmission and Spirit Bomb.
Super Spirit Bomb: A larger and more powerful version of the Large Spirit Bomb, which is directly powered by the energy of the living beings and Goku needs them to raise their hands to accumulate their energy
Transcendence: Zach moves around the opponent, surrounds his opponent with four energy spheres then blasting them away.
Supportive Techniques
Kaio-ken: A technique that multiplies the user's ki for a "heartbeat" - thus increasing his/her power and speed and enabling him/her to inflict serious damage to opponents who are considerably stronger than him/her. However, the downside of the Kaio-ken is that it takes a heavy toll on the user's body, making them more vulnerable to enemy attacks. While in the state, the user's aura color becomes crimson. The technique requires the use of ki control to handle it properly.
Give Me Energy!: Lifting up his hands towards the sky, Zach concentrates on drawing a massive amount of energy above his head. However, it takes time to draw it in, leading Zach to be wide open and stuck in place for several seconds. It is used in combination with the Spirit Bomb, drastically increasing its already great power.
Energy Shield: A technique used to generate an energy shield around the user to protect them from attacks.
Energy Landmine: Zach drops from his hands small energy spheres that explode at contact.
God Bind: By channeling the Saiyan God power through the user's hands, the user can use the energy generated to stop an opponent in their tracks.
Single Strike Martial Art Techniques
Super God Fist: The user charges up ki in his hand, then launches forth with a punch to the opponent's face, dealing a large amount of damage.
Double Axe Handle: The user cups their hands together and reels back, then slams their fists on the opponent.
Pressure Point Attack: A technique which, by touching or hitting weakly certain pressure points on an opponent's body, can incite effects such as paralysis or knock the opponent out. Enough prolonged pressure on the pressure points can also kill the opponent.
Super God Shock Flash: Zach places his hand with his index and middle fingers out near his opponent's chest then makes a fist to deliver a hard punch to the opponent's gut that blasts them away with a powerful shock wave.
Grudgeless Strike: The user moves around rapidly before powering up and charging the opponent at full speed to punch them in the face.
Rush Combinations
Kaio-ken Finish: First, Zach charges at the opponent and kicks them up into the air. Then, he flies up after the opponent and double axe-handle punches them down to the ground. Next, he powers up to his Kaio-ken technique as he charges down at the opponent and double-punches them in their back. Finally, Zach quickly lands on the ground and catches the opponent on their back before throwing them onto the ground, inflicting a great deal of damage.
Kaio-ken Attack: Zach powers up to Kaio-ken x3 as he charges at the opponent and roundhouse kicks them up into the air. Then, he flies up in the air and punches the opponent away. Next, he flies up over the opponent and down behind to double kick them further up into the air. Finally, Zach flies up into the air around the opponent, and hook kicks them down into the ground, inflicting a huge amount of damage.
Meteor Combination: First, Zach charges at the opponent and elbows them away. Then, he attacks the opponent with a powerful barrage of kicks and punches, ending with a heavy punch to their stomach. When the opponent lays on the ground paralyzed, Zach jumps up in the air and fires a Super Kamehameha down at the opponent, inflicting a massive amount of damage.
Meteor Smash: Zach punches the opponent in the stomach. Then, he punches the opponent away and flies after them to right hook kick them in their face. Finally, Zach axe kicks the side of the opponent's head, knocking them away and inflicting a great deal of damage.
Now I'm Really Mad!: Zach punches the opponent away with a left hook and hits them in the back with a Double Axe Handle, knocking them to the ground.
Can You Follow Me?: First, Zach teleports in front of the opponent and attacks with a strong left punch. He then attacks the opponent with several high-speed punches and kicks. Zach finishes the attack by knocking the enemy away with a left-hook kick, inflicting a huge amount of damage.
Movement/Speed Techniques
Afterimage Technique: An ability to move so swiftly that an image of the user is left behind.
Instant Transmission: A technique for traveling long distances instantly. This action is usually accompanied by the user placing his index and middle fingers on his forehead to help him concentrate, though if extra time is taken the technique can be performed without this aid.
Mid-Air Stop: While falling to the ground, Zach exhales his breath like an explosive blast to stop his descent.
Rapid Movement: Zach moves with great speed, which creates the illusion of teleportation.
Vulnerability to Kryptonite: Since the destruction of Krypton, its remains (rendered radioactive by the explosion) have been spreading throughout the universe as Kryptonite, a crystalline substance whose specific radioactive wavelength is lethal to Kryptonians native to this reality. The most common form of Kryptonite is Green Kryptonite, and its effect is directly poisonous to him. Kryptonite from other realities does not necessarily have the same effects on all Kryptonians. But thanks to his Saiyan genes he is more resistant to kryptonite than a full Kryptonian.
Vulnerability to Magic: Zach's biomatrix is his most powerful asset, but the strength of this field is also its greatest weakness. Its permeability to certain wavelengths makes him vulnerable to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extra-dimensional signatures disrupt this force field.
Solar Energy Dependency: His abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing his energy reserves with normal (yellow) sun radiation, especially if he doesn't have any direct contact with yellow sunlight.
High-Pitched Noises: Because of his super hearing, Zach's ears are extra-sensitive to extreme noises.
That's the character I'll use mainly for Rps, let me know if you want me to use this character in an Rp.
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