Den Determination (Soul Skeleton)
Name: Den Determination
7/20 hp
Atk: 12 (without knives) 72 (with knives)
Def: 6
Species: Soul Skeleton
Soul trait: Determination
Soul trait power: DT knives
Magic in general: Bone magic
Born eons after Frisks fall. Due to his close appearance to the vividly hated skeleton in the underground (Sans) he was thrown out his household at the age of 5, well more 4 3/4, ever since then, he realized that he was alone, and alone for himself meaning be could only depend on himself for survival.
His current outfit consists off a simple brown coat, found in some trashcan outside a monsters home. Shoes that where way too small for him, pants that covered his injuries that he got after his beating when he was 13, never had the ability to get healed so he walks everyday with extreme limping and pain, tho due to the long time in this state he got used to it. a simple black and grey cap and a dull greyish scarf hanged loosely around his neck.
His personality:
Determined (duh), caring towards somewhat close people (aka not many), has trust issues, can get aggressive, never violet due to fear off death, coward, stubborn, tired, angst, hot headed, dumb (has never been taught anything like maths and stuff like that, definitely does not know how to read), very imaginative
Likes: Music, fiction stories (can't read but sometimes sneaks behind ones bedroom to hear them telling stories to their young one), carving (carves figures into wood when bored), talking with his two friends.
Dislikes: people, despises Sans, his appearance, his soul trait, most humans, busy places, getting caught.
Illnesses,injuries, phobias: pistanthrophobia (fear of trusting people), broken ribs (missing two), wrists cut (not self inflicted) infections in some wounds (no need for amputation), broken left femur and fractured right, limps, migraines (not often).
Close people, friends:
Joseph: A soul skeleton of the trait bravery, very optimistic and funny, daredevil and can be rediculously stupid at times. Doesn't judge Den for appearance or trait, cares for him like a younger brother. Doesn't hang out much due to protecting den from anymore harm.
Steph: A female German Shepard, really mature and calm. Makes her the other two don't end up Kling themselves when the all meet up. Chill, really fluffy (gives 10000/10 hugs) can be kinda clingy at times. Acts like a mother to Den, she is oldest in the group and as well as Joseph, doesn't judge Den for appearance or trait
No Eyes, N.e: human that fell into the underground. Has amnesia, has paralyzed eyelids (they are also extremely sensitive, especially to light if you try to open them, cries blood due to her eyes being scared from the inside. Mute. Like a daughter to Den, he protects her with his life, making sure both don't die. Extremely vulnerable. Likes dancing, piggybacks, sound of wood being carved, stories that Den makes up, cuddling Den. She loves den like a father and trusts him with her life.
Has scar on the left side of his cheekbone (gacha shows it wrong soz) due to him getting attacked and thrown hard against a tree, making him knocked out for like 3 hours.
Filled with Determination to protect N.e and get out off these chains of hate and abuse.
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