future battle
???:you time patrollers put up a better fight than I thought,but,its time to end this battle.*jams his fist through Jacks chest,killing him.*
Leo:*winces while leaning against a rock completely out of energy.*damn it..we stans no chance against this guy,I just hope Aikon and Axe are having a chance against this guy's partner..
(Imagine one of his arms torn apart)
Dragon King Zaruma:I will defeat you,no matter what!*charges up a mass blast of destruction energy.*
Aikon:I doubt you'll win,I've been training for this,your going to die,take this,HAA!!*launches a final explosion destroying the destruction energy delivering a huge amount of damage to him,sending him into a pile of rubble causing an explosion.*
Dragon King Zaruma:*winces and pants heavily while holding his right arm.*damn it..how are they this strong?
Axe:we knew what you would do,so we countered it,you don't stand a chance against us.
Dragon King Zaruma:I will not lose to some Earthlings!*roars and powers up as destruction energy surrounds him.*
Aikon:this freaks energy is terrifying, don't let your guard down Axe.
Axe:right,where's Drayon when you need him,he's late as usual.
Dragon King Zurama:Drayon?! That insolent buffoon must pay for exiling me from his planet,I vowed revenge on the home of the dragons ever since then,that's why my son and I have trained since day one,we'll never lose to the likes of you!*charges and slams Axe into a pile of rubble, knocking him out.*
Aikon:Axe! Now you've done it,you freak! HAA!!!*turns Tri-Force Silver.*feel the power of super saiyan Silver!
Dragon King Zurama:Super Saiyan Silver,seriously? Your just embarrassing the Super saiyan legend with these ridiculous names.
Drayon:Dragon King Zurama,your still as clumsy as ever I see,I felt your power from miles away,plus,your still up to no good either,you've never changed since exile day for you and your son.
Dragon King Zurama:Drayon,you bastard,I'll make you pay ten fold for what you've done,I'll have your blood on my hands soon enough.
Drayon:I highly doubt that,I've been training with some of the strongest warriors ever since I found out my potential to become stronger,and with the training from Raider,I have achieved the Ultimate Class dragon form,and it amplified my saiyan powers to where I have achieved a brand new form in my dragon state,and saiyan state,I believe its time for you and your son to meet your creator in hell.
Dragon King Zurama:*speaks telepathically.* son,our time of vengeance has arrived,Drayon has appeared before me,its time for our revenge.
???:*of course,father,I'll be there right away.*teleports to the group with blood on his hands.*
Dragon King Zurama:I take it that those two time patrollers are no more?
???:I killed that saiyan called Jack,the one known as Leo is knocked out,with an arm missing of course.
Dragon King Zurama:that's excellent new,why don't you handle Aikon and Axe,I'll handle the Dragon Prince.
???:sounds like a deal.
Drayon:jeez,I can't believe those two were beaten,by his son.
???:Drayon,your death will be here soon,do not worry,once I finish two more pests,you will be joining them in hell.*charges at Aikon.*
Drayon:I don't think so.*powers up and charges at Zurama.*
Dragon King Zurama:*powers up and charges.*
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