difficult battle
???:you seriously think you can defeat someone at my strength boy?
Aikon:*pants heavily.*I can't beat him..even at tri-super saiyan blue,its still not enough..
Luke black:hmp..you still need to learn mortal,at level of power goes even further than what those other saiyans know about it.
Aikon:Luke black?how did you get here?
Luke black: I sensed this monsters energy all the way into the future,I'm just here to help,that tri-super saiyan power is an ancient power that dates back to the super saiyan god it has incredible power that still hasn't been mastered to this day.
Aikon:are you serious?its that powerful?
Luke black: indeed,I've met my limit at super saiyan rosé ascended, but I still get stronger.*powers up.*now,let's quit talking and start fighting.
???:another saiyan has joined us,how wonderful,now I get to crush you both at once.*smirks and charges.*
It would be almost a half an hour later after the fight as Luke black and Aikon would make it out of the fight as winners,but Aikon took a heavy hit to the chest and was about to leave.
Aikon:*coughs up blood.*just great..that did some damage..I doubt I'm going to make it..
Luke black: you fought well,if I had done something about that blast,then this wouldn't have had happened.
Aikon:don't worry,I'll be in otherworld where I belong,there was nothing here on Earth for me anyway..the only thing that meant to me was my sister,she died a few years ago on a mission..she said that I needed a wife,someone to love..but,that moment never came for me,I guess this is it after all..
With his final words,the saiyan known as Aikon had died,but knowing that they had kept the universe safe,Luke black made a decision.
Luke black: if there are people that dangerous wanting to threaten e universe,then I better turn a new leaf and help keep the universe safe.*fires a blast in the ground and buries Aikon.*there that should do for now.
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