Chapter Five - Harry Is Dead
"Harry!" Louis screams, rushing to Harry. "Oh God, he's dead! He's gone and killed himself, he's dead!"
Everyone walks slowly into the kitchen and stares at the horrible sight. Louis holds his friend's head in both hands and starts to cry, demanding him to wake up.
"You're not dead, Harry, do you hear me?" he screams. "You're only asleep, okay? Wake up! You've got to! You've just got to wake up..." Louis wraps his arms around Harry's torso and buries his head in his chest.
"Zayn, get (Y/N) out of here!" Liam says.
Before you know it, Zayn is dragging you out of the kitchen. He tells you to sit on the couch until you're told to move because it's not good for you to see Harry like this. Then he rushes back to the boys in confusion. You hear Louis sobbing and Liam's wavering but powerful voice calling 911.
In the kitchen, after Liam hangs up the phone, he kneels next to Louis and rests a hand on his back.
"It's alright Louis..." he says, not knowing what else to say.
"No, it's not," Louis says, carefully taking the knife from Harry's hand. Then he grips it tightly and glares at it.
"Louis..." Liam says, lowering the knife. "Don't even think about it."
The police and paramedics arrive not ten minutes later, which you find impossibly fast considering the police station is all of the way across town. Zayn leads them to the kitchen but they don't seen to need directions. You choose to disobey Zayn and join everyone in the kitchen. Paramedics surround Harry's body.
"Your friend is dead," one says.
"Oh God!" Louis wails, embracing Liam.
"We should get his body out of here," another paramedic says, just as someone comes in with a cot.
"Wait!" Louis says. "Can we...say good bye to him?"
"Sorry," the first paramedic answers. "But it's best just to get his body out of the house."
Everyone watches as Harry is carefully lifted onto the cot and then the cot being carried toward the front door.
As he passes you, you look carefully at Harry's chest. You could swear it's if he's still breathing. But you must obviously just imagining what you want to see.
"Wait!" Louis screams. He tries to run after them, but Liam holds him back.
"Louis, stop!" Liam says. "They know what they're doing!"
The front door opens.
"No!" Louis screams, breaking free from Liam. He rushes at the door, but only runs right into it after it slams shut. He collapses onto the floor and sobs violently.
A policeman who is still in the house comes up to the boys and asks them if they know anything about what happened. The boys only say they left him alone for a few hours and came back to the place to find it trashed and then Harry being dead. The policeman nods at this and says "good" before leaving without another word.
Liam and Zayn look at Louis still on the for and then at each other in sadness. They let him cry there for a bit, but when five whole minutes pass and he's practically swimming in tears, they each take an arm and bring him to the couch.
"Louis, calm down!" Zayn says.
"I'm not going to calm down!" Louis yells. "Harry is dead!"
"Louis!" Liam says, resting his hands on Louis' shoulders. "Listen to me, okay? Just listen!"
Louis stares up into Liam's soft brown eyes, his jaw clenched.
"Louis, you need to calm down. I know Harry is gone. The rest of us are just as upset about it as you are, but acting like this isn't going to help anything. We can get through this together."
Louis slowly calms down and starts breathing heavier.
"That's it," Liam says. He sits on another couch across from his next to you. "Now is there anything you want to say?"
"Why...would he do it?" Louis asks.
"The guilt must have gotten to the poor boy," Liam answers. "He must have torn the suite apart, too. His mind just wasn't right tonight..."
"But Niall's wasn't his fault!" Louis screams.
"I know," Liam says. "But Harry felt that way."
There is silence for the first time in the room for a whole ten seconds. You can tell Zayn is trying so hard to keep the tears back. Louis looks as if his body won't let him cry anymore.
"I feel that way, too," Louis says.
"What?" Liam asks.
"I feel like I'm responsible for Harry's death..."
"Louis, how is it your responsibility?" Zayn asks.
"If I wouldn't have invited everyone out, Harry wouldn't have been left alone to kill himself."
"Louis, don't even say that," Liam says. "It is not your fault, don't forget that. If you do, you may be tempted to kill yourself like Harry was. Don't kill yourself, Louis."
"Don't worry," Louis says. "I won't, Liam."
"Good," Liam says.
"Boys..." you say. "What's that sound?"
The boys perk up little to listen.
"I can't hear anything," Zayn says.
"What is it, Love?" Louis asks.
"I don't know..." you say, getting up. You walk toward the kitchen.
"Don't go in there," Liam tells you.
You ignore him and enter the kitchen, looking for where the sound is coming from. Now you clearly recognize it as a sizzling sound. Looking at the stove, you see a pot smoking only a little. You peer into it and see some sort of soup at the bottom. You glance to the left and see some toast sitting in the toaster. By this time all of the boys have followed you.
"Boys," you say. "Look at this."
"What in the world...?" Liam says, drawing his eyebrows together.
"Harry told me he would have supper waiting for us when we got back," you explain. "Thus just be it."
"But why would he start making supper if he was just going to...kill himself?" Zayn asks.
"Exactly," you say.
"I don't know," Louis says.
"He probably started supper and know..." Liam says, "just kinda lost his mind."
"Yeah..." you sigh. "That's probably it."
"I don't know about you boys," Louis says, "but I'm starving. We should eat now."
"What?" Zayn asks. "Are you saying we should eat this food?"
Louis nods. "Harry wouldn't want it to go to waste."
"Alright," Liam says with a sigh. "I'll get some bowls."
Louis steps toward the stove and carefully takes the pot from it and brings it to the table. You and Zayn find a seat there and Liam passes out the bowls.
For the next half an hour everyone takes as long as they possibly can eating the bit of soup they think of as the last bit of their friend.
Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! Vote, add, share and follow me if you enjoyed! Don't forget to COMMENT with your honest opinion and thoughts on thus chapter! Your comments put a huge smile on my face, so thank you!
Remember you can still vote on the baby's gender and who is responsible for it! Thank you!
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