Chapter Eight: King
Shianne opened her eyes and saw blurry figures moving and muttering quietly to themselves. She forced herself to get up, but pain ebbed everywhere in her body.
A dark chestnut figure moved over to her, his scent very familiar. "Shianne! Shianne wake up!" He yelled and another stallion pinned his ears.
"No! Don't take me away from her!" Was all Shianne could hear next. She was confused. Shianne knew that was Kyper and he was urging her to wake up.
Shianne closed her eyes again, a voice whispering to her. "You need to get up. Get up." Suddenly, a pair of sharp teeth bit down on her ear and Shianne leapt up like lightning. She observed around and she was in the medicine mare's den.
The horse that bit her ear wasn't around, actually, no horse was around. Shianne climbed out of the bed she was laying in and walked towards the exit of the den.
Her eyes widened in horror. Blood and dead bodies of the soldiers were scattered around the grass and muscular, lethal, stallions were herding the helpless foals into a den. What happened? She thought, itching her leg with her head.
When her head touched her leg a burning pain rippled through her body, and she remembered.
Jaguar knocked her out when she tried to hurt him, but what happened to Rogue and Apollo? And Picasso? Shianne slowly walked out of the den, the gray sky threatening storms. Shianne noticed the large chestnut stallion standing on Picasso's rock and unknown stallions stood under him.
She looked around for Kyper and couldn't clear her brain, his voice was so urgent and worried.
"Shianne." A voice dragged out her name and she looked up. Jaguar had a smile plastered on his face and his eyes glimmered with ambition. "I'm glad you've finally awoken." Shianne could tell he was acting strangely. He was acting like a fake, a spy, or even a king.
"Where's Picasso and who are they?" Shianne backed up nervously when some of the soldiers stepped towards her.
Jaguar let out a deathly chuckle and shook his head. "You have no idea." He then whipped around to a tough looking black pinto stallion. "Why is she still here?" He ordered his nicker stern.
The pinto backed up and bowed his head. "I can't kill her, sir." His response made Shianne flinch. "She's Taka's grandfilly." His fierce brown gaze then turned up to Jaguar. "Light always outshines the darkness." He reared up but Jaguar was quicker. His hoof cut through the stallion's neck and his body fell to the ground with a thump.
"Crown! Venus!" Jaguar yowled and the two young stallions came walking out of the crowd. Shianne's mouth dropped, they were on the villain's side.
"Yes, sir." They said at the same time, bowing. Jaguar nodded and the two stood back up.
Jaguar's gaze then fell back on Shianne. "Kill her." The two words sent a chill through Shianne. She was frozen in shock. The two brothers came cantering at her but she was scared still.
Suddenly, two blinding wings blocked the foals from Shianne. "Run!" The pegasus yelled and glanced over her shoulder. It was Whisper. Shianne sped off, dirt flying out from her hooves. She didn't even look back once, she kept her gaze dead ahead and wouldn't stop until she was far, far away.
Shianne's breathing turned ragged, she had run for at least an hour and was somewhere unknown to her. She collapsed under a tree, her head bleeding like there was no end. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. She kept thinking, trying to process the fact that Jaguar had taken over StreamHerd.
Tears started to fall down Shianne's face, she didn't know what to do.
"Shianne?" A voice made her jump. A palomino mare came out from behind a tree and Shianne jumped up instantly.
"Mother." She hugged Rogue tightly.
Rogue sighed and rested her head on Shianne's back. "You scared me, again." She also started crying. "I thought he killed you, my most beautiful foal." Tears kept leaking from Rogue like they wouldn't stop.
Shianne nuzzled her and didn't realize what a scare that would be. To lose a foal that was everything to you. "I'm sorry for scaring you. Taka--" Shianne's voice trailed off and she looked around.
"Taka told me Jaguar was going to kill you. I had to kill him first." Shianne and Rogue had another long hug. When Rogue and Shianne finished, Rogue started to walk away. Shianne followed her.
"Where the others?" Shianne dared to ask. She was afraid to know, but she had to.
"A few us. Me, Apollo, Picasso, Foam, Vixen, and a few others." Rogue paused, a saddened expression on her face. "Kyper didn't escape. He's being held as a hostage." She nickered and Shianne felt like the world was breaking under her.
"Ski? His mother?" She questioned, her silver eyes flickering with uneasiness. Ski and Shianne meant everything to Kyper, they were the only ones he loved.
"I'm sorry." Was all Rogue said and Shianne's eyes widened in horror. She wanted to run, get rid of her problems. She suddenly went insane.
"Wake me up!" Shianne screamed. "This is just a nightmare. I'll wake up in my nice cozy nest next to Kyper. Kick me! Wake me up!" She ordered Rogue, her ears pinned. Rogue nipped her daughter's ear and Shianne stopped.
"Shianne, this is going to be really hard for us all but first things first, stay calm." Rogue's nicker was soft and full of forgiveness. Shianne nodded and followed her mother down a small path where all the others were sheltering.
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