Ending Of Taka's Journey
"Your father is Prince, your mother was dishonest." Whisper exclaimed. Whisper dipped her wing into the water and it played a video clip of Taka and Prince nuzzling. "My mother has been keeping secrets behind my back. My father is...Prince." Rouge said in realization. Whisper nodded.
And that's where Rogue's quest began...
Rogue ran from the river horrified, the hanging trees snagged her ears. Rouge didn't care, she knew her mother's secret and couldn't get it from her head. Rouge somehow made it the the heart of the camp and her mother was still talking to Midnight.
Rogue didn't know if she should tell Taka about what she had just learned or keep the secret from becoming a too big of a thing. Rouge was thinking and her mother came up to her. "Ready to head back?" Taka asked, walking past Rogue. "Yeah, I'll catch up." Rogue said and Taka kept walking to StreamHerd.
"Hello." Midnight greeted. "Umm. Hi." Rogue stuttered. "I was wondering. Who is Prince?" Rogue asked, trying to find the truth. "I'm sorry. You better get home." Midnight hated to talk about Prince.
"Uh. Ok." Rogue nickered and walked away.
Rogue reached camp and totally forgot about training. She had to start tomorrow. Rogue sighed and looked around for Taka. She was talking with Picasso and laughing, but Rouge felt a little betrayed.
He's not your mate, mother. You don't belong to him. Prince is your mate, my father. Rogue thought to herself. Rogue had come up with a plan, she was going to get Picasso to tell her the story of Prince. Rogue wanted to talk with her friend,Jag, and looked around for him. She saw Jaguar talking with some mares, he was always a mare-magnet. Rogue went up to Jaguar to talk and he turned around, he would never ignore Rogue, they were best friends.
"Wanna talk?" Rogue asked. "Sure. I'd love to." Jaguar agreed and they walked side by side to StreamHerd's grazing grounds. StreamHerd's grazing grounds were connected to the Golden Meadow of ShadowHerd.
"So, you seemed a bit angry when Picasso and Taka were laughing. What's up?" Jaguar asked, his beautiful hazel eyes staring deep into Rogue's. "No everything's fine." Rogue reassured Jag.
"Don't lie." Jaguar laughed, taking a big bite of grass. "I'm not. I just.." Rogue paused. She wasn't sure if she should tell Jaguar about what Whisper had told her. "I just was thinking about the story of Prince." Rogue said, also taking a bite of grass. "Prince?! He's a horrible stallion. I heard he killed all of ShadowHerd's foals and soldiers." Jaguar nickered, shocked to find Rogue thinking about Prince. "Jag, he wasn't bad in the beginning, it was his temptations for power that made him bad." Rogue nickered. Jaguar's head shot up, "why are you supporting Prince?!" Jaguar screamed. "I'm not, I'm just." Rogue paused again. "Whatever, I'm outta here." Jaguar nickered and trotted away.
"Was he that bad?" Rogue asked, for some reason she desperately wanted to know more about Prince. Rogue also want back to camp it was getting dark and the herd would be leaving soon to the assembly.
When Rogue got back Picasso and everyone were ready to leave. Rouge cantered by her mother.
When they reached the assembly, Taka went off to this broad shouldered stallion in DustHerd. He had a glance at Rouge and smiled. Rogue rolled her eyes at him and stood next to Jaguar who was talking with a bunch of ShadowHerd members. This was Rouge's first time at the assembly and knew nobody.
Soon after a little while this black mare started. "Welcome, it's been a long time since I have attended an assembly. I have once again took back BloodHerd after Prince was kicked out." The mare said loudly, she seemed old and had many scars. Jaguar whispered to Rogue, "That's Mal, leader of BloodHerd."
"And over there is the leader of DustHerd his name is Kion." Jaguar whispered pointing with his muzzle. "Does he-" Rogue was interrupted by a soldier behind them, telling them to shut up.
Rogue listened, because one day she would be leader of StreamHerd. "Our soldiers are training a new generation, so BloodHerd can become stronger." Mal concluded her speech and Kion started his. "Our herd is doing fine, we are upset Taka cannot join us but I deeply understand that she has found love and I will not get in the way." Kion nickered kindly and the horses awed.
"We had some intruders in our herd, but it was taken care of, my I announce a fearless mare, Thistle. She defeated a pack of dogs that came into our territory from the No-Tailed." Kion whinnied and Thistle showed herself off.
Rogue didn't like the look of this mare, something about her made Rogue aware.
Picasso talked too, "Our herd is doing great, our grass is growing finely and we also have two new apprentices. My I announce my daughter Rogue and her friend Jaguar have started training and will grow up to be strong soldiers." Picasso said proudly as Jaguar and Rogue stood up. Rogue felt a pang of heart break we Picasso said "my daughter." Rogue felt like she was going to cry because Picasso had loved her like a father since the day she was born, but he wasn't, and the universe couldn't change that.
Jaguar and Rogue shrunk back down and Midnight made her speech. "ShadowHerd is growing again after the deadly attack of Prince." Midnight continued her speech but Rogue focused on the whispering behind her.
"I heard rumors that Rogue is the daughter of Prince." One whisper said. "Yeah, I think it might be true. She has her father's eyes." The other voice said. Rogue wanted to fight back but she stayed quiet. "We should stay away from her, she could be evil like her father." Another high pitched voice said. Rogue just rolled her eyes.
When Midnight finished, every horse went to eat from the pile of grass every horse had gathered for the assembly. Horses chattered and groomed with their loved ones, Rogue glanced over at Taka and Picasso and sure enough they were grooming and talking to each other as everyone else did.
It was strange, no one was with their friends only their mates or beloved. Jaguar was grooming and eating with some mare. Rogue felt like a rouge. She had never fallen for a stallion, never will never have. Rogue liked to be single.
Since Rogue didn't have a loved one she hung out by herself in the back of the "room." The spot she chose was covered by a shadow and no one could see her. The two mares came up to her, the mares that were talking about her in the assembly. "So, you're Rogue right?" One of them asked.
"Yeah." Rogue answered, stepping further into the shadows. "Is it true that your father is Prince?" The other mare asked.
"Umm. I don't know. My father is Picasso." Rogue lied. She needed to keep her secret safe. "You seem too dark to have Picasso as a father." The first mare said, laughing. "Yeah, you are probably evil, like your father." The other mare taunted. "I guess I am." Rogue said, pretending to threaten them. The mares cantered away, Rogue chuckled to herself.
A few minutes passed by and Thistle came up to Rouge unexpectedly. "You've threatened some mares." Thistle said, her voice was stern. "Yeah." Rouge said, laying out her voice.
"Come out, I need to see you." Thistle demanded, by then every horse was looking at her. Rogue stepped out. "Prince." Thistle muttered, but everyone could here. "My name is Rogue not Prince." Rogue started to fill with anger.
"You look just like him." Thistle taunted. "I do not!" Rogue yelled back. "You act like him too." Thistle sneered. Rogue became so angry, she reared up and fought with Thistle. Thistle fought back.
Rogue somehow got Thistle down on the ground. "Take it back!" Rogue ordered. "No, Prince." Thistle sneered again, every horse laughed. Taka and Picasso were watching their eyes full of worry.
Rogue reared up, her hoof sharp as a knife, dug it straight into Thistle's neck. Thistle choked on blood and took her last breath. Thistle's body went limp and Kion pushed his way forward. Kion liked Thistle, she had protected his herd from the crazy dogs. "You!" Kion snapped. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Rogue stuttered. Kion swiped Rogue across the face and a huge scar appeared over her right eye. Rogue looked fierce and everyone gasped.
Rogue took off galloping back home. "Seize her!" Kion yelled at his soldiers. "Father, no!" Taka yelled back. "It was an accident. We will take care of it. I conclude the assembly." Taka called and StreamHerd went back home.
Taka and Picasso were talking on the way back. "What if she does find out about Prince and follow in his hoof-steps?" Taka said, her voice full of worry. "She might." Picasso simply said. Taka looked a Picasso in horror. "She gets to chose her path, right or wrong." Picasso said and Taka didn't answer, she just nodded her head, trying to swallow the pain.
Picture 1: horse in the shadow
picture 2: Thistle
Author's Note:
Wow, this chapter was exciting. Rogue hasn't even started her training and has already killed a talented soldier. What word do yo think describes Rogue? I think of misunderstood, poor Rogue just wants to fit in but then every horse judges her because of her father. I know I just introduced Thistle, but while Taka was away at StreamHerd, DustHerd had a dog pack attack them and Thistle fought them off. Thistle has always likes to show off and get attention from the leaders.
What's going to happen next? Post your answer in the comments!
~~Fett Fan
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