So I had this idea the other night, and with a little help from my Boyfriend Cfan23 I decided to write this one shot!!
I hope you like it!!
Also there's a little bit of smut!!
"Shannon, are you sure this is the right place??" Says a Irish accent
"I'm sure, Brian.." says the only Female
"So, I guess we make our way inside because it looks like a storm is coming.." says the driver
Three friends who were Paranormal investigators were called out to investigate a haunted house rumored to have deadly spirits inside the home. These three were Shannon Brian and Jaren. They grabbed their gear and made their way up the steps when it started to storm bad and they opened the door and it was pitch black inside. The three sighed as they put their stuff down.
"Where should we start first??" Brian asked stuttering
"I guess we can have a look around before we start so can figure what to do." Jaren says
"I agree but you know what that means, Brian~" Shannon says with a giggle
"No!! I don't want to be alone in this creepy place!!" Brian stutters
"Don't worry you get to have a flashlight and a walkie talkie and you get to explore the basement." Jaren says handing Brian flashlight and walkie talkie
"I hate you guys sometimes!!" Brian says with a heavy sigh
"I will be in the Attic and I guess Jaren will explore the first floor and up." Shannon says
They split up and headed in different directions.
Brian was shaking as he looks around in the basement. He hated being alone and whatnot. As Brian was walking he heard laughter from behind him and he looks behind him and there's nothing there.
"This Basement is creepy as fuck!!" Brian stutters
Brian gets done with looking around when he sees a creepy looking doll and picks it up. He walks upstairs not seeing the figure at the bottom of the stairs.
Shannon was looking through stuff in the Attic. She was a little scared but tries to hide that from her friends.
"I guess the last owners left their stuff behind because of the hauntings." Shannon says
Shannon holds the doll and then hears giggling and she looks around but doesn't see anyone around. She heads back downstairs to met back up with her friends also not seeing the figure floating there with a smirk.
Shannon and Brian were waiting on Jaren, after a few minutes he appears walks up to them. They each held a doll but Jaren grabs the one Brian was holding and gives the one he had to Brian.
"These Dolls are so creepy!!" Brian stutters
"Yeah but they must mean something but what??" Shannon asked
"I don't know but this doll Brian had looks evil while the other two are normal.." Jaren says
Then the three friends heard giggling all around them. They looked all around the room but nothing was there, or at least not they could see with their eyes because the spirits don't want to show themselves yet. Then Shannon realized something about the evil looking Doll Jaren had.
"Wait a minute, I think I know what we have to do with the evil looking doll.. burn it.." Shannon says
"I saw some wood downstairs in the basement and there was a stove down there that heats up the whole house!!" Brian says
"And I found some matches!!" Jaren says
As they were about to head down to the dark creepy they heard voices around them and then three figures appeared with smirks on their faces.
"Run!!" Jaren yells
The three humans ran downstairs to the basement with Jaren holding the evil doll, but he screams as he was lifted up by one of the spirits and Shannon threw her normal doll at the spirit and it calm down and disappeared.
"Come on!!" Brian stutters
Shannon helps Jaren up from the ground and they ran into the room and started the fire and threw the evil doll inside. Then a few seconds later they all heard ear piercing screams as the house shook.
"We have to keep looking for evil dolls and the normal ones seem to calm the spirits!!" Shannon says
So the three friends kept looking for evil dolls, pushing the Spirits off even more to the point where they were super fast.
The three friends had split up again to keep the each of the spirits on each one of them. But this was a very bad idea...
Jaren was looking around in the Kitchen when he lifted up and pinned to the wall and before he could scream for help he passed out and everything went black for the small male.
"One down two to go~" the blonde spirit holding the Tiny Jaren
Shannon was panicking as she ran from the Spirit chasing her. She kept throwing the normal dolls at the Spirit but it didn't do anything to it. She finally gets away from a few minutes and she hid in the closet and stayed very quiet and still as the Spirit looks for her.
"Come out pretty, I won't hurt you... much~" The spirit with Blue eyes says
Shannon bites her lip gentle to keep from whimpering. She was scared shirtless but also a little turned on by the voice of the blue eyed spirit but kept still and quiet, which makes the Spirit pissed.
"When I find pretty girl, you are gonna wish that you surrounded to me instead of running and hiding like a little bitch~" the spirit growls
Shannon accidentally let's a whimper escape her lips and this catches the attention of the Blue eyed spirit in the bedroom that she was hiding in.
"Hiding in the closet, are we pretty girl~" the spirit says
The blue eyed spirit ripens open the closet door and Shannon screams as she was pulled out of the closet and her world went black as she became very tiny.
"Now, its Brocky's turn hehehehe~"
Brian was back down in the basement trying to find a evil doll while being chased by the last spirit then he hears Shannon screams and then silence. He gulps as he hears breathing behind him and he turns and sees pale green eyes.
"You're not going anywhere, short Male~" the Green eyed Male growls
Before Brian could move, he was pulled backwards and into the Last spirits Arms and passed out.
Shannon Brian and Jaren wakes a little bit later and noticed something off. They noticed that they were in a dollhouse and then realized that they were very tiny and let's out whimpers as they heard laughter.
"What's going on!!" Shannon and Brian stutters holding each other
"Why the fuck are we so damn small!!" Jaren growls
"So, we could have some playmates!!" Says the green eyed Male
"We ain't toys!!" Brian shout in a tiny like voice
"She is so cute and damn she is has a big chest~" says the Male that turned Shannon small
"You pervert!!" Brian says holding Shannon close to him
"Who are you three!!" Jaren demands
"I'm Kyle and these are my friends Brock and John. We are demonic Spirits and you three ain't going nowhere~" Kyle says grabbing Shannon away from her friends
"Hey, let me go!!" Shannon stutters
Brian and Jaren were grabbed by Brock and John. The three tiny ones were whimpering wanting to be let go but the three Demonic Spirits growls and their eyes were glowing.
"If you three don't shut up, we will drop you and trust me the pain will be terrible but we can bring back from the dead over and over again until you stop~" Brock threaten the three
"But why we weren't doing nothing wrong!!" Brian stutters
"Bullshit, you were trying to get rid of us by throwing our Demon dolls away!!" John shouts
Then the three Demonic spirits started teasing and messing with the three especially with Shannon who was the only girl of the three.
"For being a tiny lady, you sure do have a big chest~" Brock teases
"And a bubbly ass to boot~" Kyle growls
This makes Shannon whimper and tried to hide her chest, which makes Brian and Jaren pissed that their friend was being teased by the three Demons.
"Leave her alone!!" Jaren says
"You three are perverts!!" Brian stutters
The three Demonic spirits turns their attention to Brian and Jaren, started touching them.
"Stop it!!" Brian and Jaren whimpers
Then the three Males get a idea, they push the three friends together, making Brian being in the middle while Shannon and Jarenhad the smaller Male trapped.
"What are you doing??" The three tiny ones whimpered
"Entertainment~" Brock says with a smirk
The tiny ones were sweating as they laid there on the table.
"You three enjoy that didn't you~" the three Males asked
The three tiny ones blushed and nods up at them as Shannon and Jaren cuddles close to each other and slowly goes to sleep. The three Demonic spirits smirks and leaves the three in the small dollhouse as they heard voices below. The three humans had been there for a week even though it seems like one night. The demonic spirits smirks as they attack the people and killed them hiding the dead people in evil dolls. They were finally glad that they had Shannon Brian and Jaren with them to keep them entertained~
I hope you enjoyed this!!
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