The drawing belongs to Blaze_blogger and my friend over on Animo helped me come up with a idea Based on this drawing.
Thank you fo the help!!
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!!
Terroriser x Insane Killer! Moo Snuckel
Flashback to Brock's past and Brock's POV
I was heading home from work in my car when my car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. I get out to check on what was wrong with my car, not seeing the Male with a hockey mask on his face come out of the woods. And before I could reacted , I was dragged screaming into the dark woods beside where my car broke down at. After a few minutes, I was tied to a chair as the Male circles me. I whimpered as I seen a blade in his hand.
"Please don't hurt me, I will do anything you say!!" I said
The Male giggles insanely as he begins to torture me..
~Still a Flashback and Brock's POV~
I stopped screaming because there was no use nobody could hear me as Delirious, The Male torturing me told me his name and he figured out my name after looking through my wallet. He leaves cuts and bruises all over my body and I was beaten up pretty to the point where I couldn't Remember how long I had been there.
"Now today, Brock I'm going to teach you how stalk your prey torture and then kill them. You understand Brock?" Delirious asked
"Yes sir..." I said
After the next few weeks that turned to months and then 4 years later. I was ready to be on my own since my Master had disappeared from a long time. I put on my colorful Hockey mask on and made my way to local town where I stalked people.
~present time and Brian's POV~
I was getting ready to go out with a few of my friends because every other month we all get together and go out to eat and then maybe do something afterwards. I combed my dye red hair and shaved my bread a little to make it look nice, brushed my teeth and looked at myself one more time in the mirror. I smiled and walked out of my house and got into my uber and went to the place where me and my friends were gonna met and I waved at them.
"You ready for the night??" I asked
"Hell yeah, let's get this party started bitches!!" Tyler says
I smiled as all of us entered the restaurant as a figure in a blue jacket watched me and my friends.
I walked home since I wasn't that far from my Apartment when I noticed someone limping around. He looked at me and had a pained face. I rushed over to him.
"Sir, are you okay??" I asked
"I could use some help. Me and my ex got into it and it ended up, Me getting kicked out and she smashed my foot hard with a hanmer.. what a crazy woman my ex..." the stranger says
"Here let me help you to my house and I can patch you up. I'm Brian!!" I stuttered
"I'm Brock and thank you for helping me!" Brock says
What I didn't know was that, I was walking into a deadly trap that Brock had set up for me.
~Nobody's POV~
Brian helps Brock inside his home and helps the taller Male. They were talking about different to which Brock was such a great actor as he faked his injury in order to learn about Brian and whatnot. But Brian didn't know what Brock was up to this at all, just thought he was a kind soul. So overtime, Brian got closer to Brock still not realizing Brock's plan but something was about to happen..
Brian was at home watching TV when the local news came on and was telling everyone watching that someone in the town was murdered in the most gruesome way that couldn't even show the scene of the crime. But there was a note.
"He Is MiNe..."
Brian had called up some of his friends but one of them didn't answer which was Tyler, who always answered Brian's calls but when Evan, Tyler's Boyfriend tells him what happened, Brian started crying because Tyler was a good friend of his and this was Terrible to hear this. But this wasn't the last kill that would take place in this town.
Brian makes his way back to his house when he bumped into Brock.
"Oh hello there, Brock!" Brian stutters
"Hey Brian how are you doing?" Brock asked with a charming smile on his face
"I'm good just nervous about all those murders going in town. I'm scared to get out of the house but I have to get food for my house!" Brian stutters
"Yeah, whoever is behind these murders is a nutjob." Brock says
'Good, he is scared I wonder if I should step it up a bit with some more charm' Brock thinks
"Well, Brian I could help with anything you need done. I dont have nothing better to do!" Brock says with a kind smile
"I don't want to bother you with that, Brock!!" Brian stutters
"No I insist on helping you, I really don't mind Brian!" Brock says with a smile
Brian finally agrees with Brock and let's Brock help not realizing that was what Brock wants.
Brian had invited Brock over to dinner. The smaller Male had everything cooked and he hears the doorbell ring and he opens the front door and there was Brock.
"Hello, Brock!!" Brian stutters
Brian let's Brock inside and walks him into the Kitchen.
"I hope wine is okay??" Brian says
"Its fine, Brian!" Brock says
"I'm going to wash up I will be right back." Brian says
Brian walks out of the room, as Brock smirks and puts something in Brian's drink. And sits down.
Brian and Brock were eating talking about stuff when the smaller Male starts to gets dizzy when he got up.
"Something is wrong..." Brian slurrs
"Brian, you know you shouldn't trust who you let into your life. You might just run into a killer~" Brock says with a sinister smile
Brian falls to the ground as the drug took it's hold on him. Brock's smirk gets bigger as he grabs His car keys and grabs Brian and carries the smaller male to the car and drove to the middle of nowhere and drags Brian into the same cabin that Brock was tortured in. The taller Male tied Brian to a chair and then waits for the Male to wake up.
Brian moans as he starts to wake up and tried to move when he couldn't move anything.
"Wha.." Brian says weakly
"Hehehe, good you are up~" Brock says with a smirk
Brian feels Brock grab his hair and makes up him look up.
"Brock, what's going on? Untie me please!" Brian stutters
"Nope, That's not gonna happen pretty boy~" Brock says laughing insanely
Brock let's go of Brian's hair and walks over to a table with several torturing devices.
"Brock, why am I here??" Brian asked struggling with his bindings
"I thought you would know by now, Brian~" Brock says with a smirk
Brock turns around with a weapon in his hand.
"Wha..." then Brian realized why he was here
"You got it Pretty Boy~" Brock says smirking
"Brock, please don't do this.." Brian says crying
Then Brock grabs his head and screams in pain and then he looks up with a fake shocked look on his face but Brian doesn't know that it is fake.
"Oh my gosh what have i done!!" Brock says
Brock walks over to Brian and untied him. This was step one of false hope for Brian. Brock helps Brian up and helps him to the door but then Laughs insanely as he pull Brian back into his arms.
"You really think I would let you go so easily, Pretty boy~" Brock says laughing insanely
Brian whimpers and squirms in Brock's grip.
"Now for the real fun, Pretty Boy~" Brock says
Brian was thrown up against the wall hitting his head and it bleeds a little bit and making him somewhat dizzy as Brock drags him back over to the chair where Brian was tied up again.
"Brock, please don't do this!! I won't tell anyone about this if you let me go!!" Brian stutters
"You ain't gonna be leaving because you are mine and I'm gonna make sure of that~" Brock says into Brian's ear
Brian was whimpering as Brock puts his name into Brian's upper arm with a knife. The Irish Male was sweating and in pain as he was covered in blood and bruises. But Brian had stopped fighting back and he looks up at Brock.
"Brock, I promise I won't ever leave you." Brian says
"Good and now I will untie you and you had better not run or you will get punished for it." Brock growls
Brock untie Brian, who falls to his knees weakly. Brock picks up the fallen Male and carried him up to a bedroom where he cleans Brian's wounds while the smaller Male sleeps. Brock admires the body in front of him and kisses Brian forehead as he continues to clean up the male.
Pretty much after all of this, Brock taught Brian how to hunt down prey and Brian became a expert at hunting and even help Brock with kills..
The end~
I hope you enjoy this one shot!!
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